Dear Hollywood walk the walk or don’t talk the talk

Dear Hollywood walk the walk or don’t talk the talk

Hollywood has always had a problem with sexual abuse. The phrase “the Casting Couch” is a proven, horrible fact.

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Pelosi! [VIDEO]

Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Pelosi! [VIDEO]

It appears as long as a sexual harasser, rapist, or groper is a Democrat, Nancy Pelosi Skeletor believes they deserve “due process.” In an interview on “Meet the…

Senator Kristen Gillibrand says Bill Clinton should have resigned, gets called a hypocrite – by fellow Democrats!

Senator Kristen Gillibrand says Bill Clinton should have resigned, gets called a hypocrite – by fellow Democrats!

As Victory Girl Deanna noted here, this week has been a whirlwind of sexual abuse/harrassment/assault allegations. It started with Roy Moore, then Al Franken entered the scene…

Not News: Leftists are Hypocritical Swine; News: It’s More Obvious Than Ever [Video]

Not News: Leftists are Hypocritical Swine; News: It’s More Obvious Than Ever [Video]

I recently read an article I honestly thought was a joke. I hoped it was a joke. I really prayed it was a joke. I hoped it…

Barron Trump Traumatized By Kathy Griffin’s “Art,” Leftist Adults Mock Him [Video]

Barron Trump Traumatized By Kathy Griffin’s “Art,” Leftist Adults Mock Him [Video]

CNN may have finally done the right thing by firing Kathy Griffin for her vile heinous photo shoot that depicted a beheaded President Trump, but the damage…

Hypocrisy Is Standing Rock #DAPL Protestors Creating Environmental Disaster [VIDEO]

Hypocrisy Is Standing Rock #DAPL Protestors Creating Environmental Disaster [VIDEO]

We don’t like big oil they said! We’re here to preserve history they said! Save the rivers they said! Protect the earth! It’s Sacred they said! Thus…

Obama’s Hypocrisy: Terrorists And Traitors Are Great But America Is Bad! [VIDEO]

Obama’s Hypocrisy: Terrorists And Traitors Are Great But America Is Bad! [VIDEO]

Is it January 20, 2017 yet? No? Well hurry up! You see, we really, and I mean REALLY need President Pen and Phone to put his damn…

The Hypocrisy Of The Left’s Tantrums Regarding Trump’s Choice For EPA [VIDEO]

The Hypocrisy Of The Left’s Tantrums Regarding Trump’s Choice For EPA [VIDEO]

Not a day nor hour…heck not even a MINUTE goes by since election night without someone on the left throwing themselves on the floor in epic tantrums…

The Trump Tax Issue [VIDEO]

The Trump Tax Issue [VIDEO]

The New York Times decided to spring its supposed “October Surprise” over the weekend, and released three pages that allegedly came from Donald Trump’s tax returns from…

#MayDaySea: Treating Anarchists Nicely Never Stops Anything

It was yet another May Day, and around the country and the world, different cities held different demonstrations – most of them either left-wing, pro-communist, pro-immigration, or…

Democrat Hypocrisy on Supreme Court Appointments

It’s always interesting to hear Democrats complain about how the mean Republicans are going to be all partisan, when Democrats have done the exact same thing in…

Hillary Clinton Brushes Off NH State Representative Katherine Prudhomme O’Brien During Rally

Hillary Clinton Brushes Off NH State Representative Katherine Prudhomme O’Brien During Rally

We already know that Hillary Clinton is not going to handle questions about her husband’s extramarital escapades very well during this campaign. She’s already given a completely…

Chelsea Manning calls Caitlyn Jenner the Grinch Who Stole the Trans-Movement

Chelsea Manning calls Caitlyn Jenner the Grinch Who Stole the Trans-Movement

In the season of giving, Chelsea Manning has no love, or acceptance, for Caitlyn Jenner. Shortly after her 6th birthday spent in prison, and on Christmas Eve…

Halloween in a Perpetually Offended World, Oh the Joy!

Halloween in a Perpetually Offended World, Oh the Joy!

The PC police are out in full-force this Halloween on college campuses nationwide. And, of course, MTV’s weekly series, Decoded has decided to provide their own take…

The reaction to Rachel Dolezal illustrates America’s dysfunctional relationship with race

The reaction to Rachel Dolezal illustrates America’s dysfunctional relationship with race

Two peas in a pod. Both of their stories are mixed up in race, while one pretends to be mixed-race. Marilyn Mosby, on the left, is the…

Bristol Palin Audio Released, CNN Anchor Cackles In Glee

Bristol Palin Audio Released, CNN Anchor Cackles In Glee

The double standard is staggering and sickening. (See below for UPDATE) As was well covered last month, the Palin family was involved in what has been popularly…

Plymouth High School Bleachers: Whatever Happened to Civil Disobedience?

Plymouth High School Bleachers: Whatever Happened to Civil Disobedience?

Every time I open up the Interwebs, I am greeted by headlines like these: Department of Education Order Plymouth High School to Tear Down Bleachers, And then…

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Ava Gardner