Heartbreaking For Charlie Gard: Parents End Legal Battle Over Their Child’s Medical Care [VIDEO]

Heartbreaking For Charlie Gard: Parents End Legal Battle Over Their Child’s Medical Care [VIDEO]

I wrote about Charlie Gard the other day and struggled with every word. I’m a parent who would and has gone to the mat for my child…

Charlie Gard Given Permanent Resident Status By Congress, Will It Save Him? [VIDEO]

Charlie Gard Given Permanent Resident Status By Congress, Will It Save Him? [VIDEO]

Next month, little Charlie Gard will be a year old. Will he be alive by then? No one knows. You see, this little boy was born with…

Greatest Hits: Liberal Reactions To Senate GOP Healthcare Bill [VIDEO]

Greatest Hits: Liberal Reactions To Senate GOP Healthcare Bill [VIDEO]

The Senate unveiled their Healthcare bill yesterday, called the Better Care Reconciliation Act. The reactions were something to behold. One would think the sky had fallen, the…

#AHCA: Dems in Full Meltdown After House Repubs Pass First Step in Euthanizing ObamaCare

#AHCA: Dems in Full Meltdown After House Repubs Pass First Step in Euthanizing ObamaCare

In case you missed it, here’s how the oh-so-professional House Democrats behaved following the passing of the American Healthcare Act (AHCA) through the House of Representatives yesterday…

Healthcare Vote Today will be a Craptacular Mess

Healthcare Vote Today will be a Craptacular Mess

The United States House of Representatives will, today, vote on a repeal, replace, make a lot worse, really muck up healthcare bill. Both the vote and the…

Vile: Cecile Richards Uses Jimmy Kimmel’s Infant Son To Promote Planned Parenthood [VIDEO]

Vile: Cecile Richards Uses Jimmy Kimmel’s Infant Son To Promote Planned Parenthood [VIDEO]

As yet another version of a revised Obamacare plan moves toward a vote this week, a defense of ACHA and specifically pre-existing conditions was made by none…

Healthcare Vote. Will It Pass Or Fail? Either Way, What’s Next? [VIDEO]

Healthcare Vote. Will It Pass Or Fail? Either Way, What’s Next? [VIDEO]

We’ve all been pretty blunt here about how bad Obamacare is, and that it has done nothing but cause problems. That’s why we and so many other…

Refusal To Acknowledge White Socialism Is Blocking Universal Healthcare, Yes Really [VIDEO]

Refusal To Acknowledge White Socialism Is Blocking Universal Healthcare, Yes Really [VIDEO]

An interesting article crossed our paths recently. At first glance the title speaks to what we’ve all been dealing with concerning Obamacare. Unspeakable Realities Block Universal Health…

Obamacare: A Behemoth That Won’t Be Easy To Repeal, Replace, Or Repair [VIDEO]

Obamacare: A Behemoth That Won’t Be Easy To Repeal, Replace, Or Repair [VIDEO]

Obamacare is a behemoth wrapped in a Medusa of regulations covered with incomprehensible gobbledygook that no one can decipher, not even the people it’s supposed to help!…

Democrat Slogan ‘Make America Sick Again’ Is Desperate Attempt To Save Obamacare [VIDEOS]

Democrat Slogan ‘Make America Sick Again’ Is Desperate Attempt To Save Obamacare [VIDEOS]

Stop the presses!! Obama is on Capital Hill in a last ditch effort to save at least ONE portion of his legacy. That’s right, Obama and the Democrats…

Fidel Castro’s Regime: Myth VS Reality [VIDEOS]

Fidel Castro’s Regime: Myth VS Reality [VIDEOS]

The news of Fidel Castro’s death has created waves around the world. As Deanna said, it is indeed the Best November EVER! Cheers and tears of joy abound…

Obama’s Legacy: ‘Not My Fault Obamacare Is So Darned Expensive!’ [VIDEOS]

Obama’s Legacy: ‘Not My Fault Obamacare Is So Darned Expensive!’ [VIDEOS]

Its the gift that keeps on giving. Its one of those gifts that you’d love to give back. Scratch that, its one of those gifts you’d like…

Down Ticket Races: Your Vote, Your Voice, The Future Of Our Republic Does Matter [VIDEOS]

Down Ticket Races: Your Vote, Your Voice, The Future Of Our Republic Does Matter [VIDEOS]

This election cycle is, quite frankly, vomit inducing. Never has it been more obvious that the media is in the tank for the Democrats, and that the…

Hillary Clinton On Obamacare: SILENCE!! [VIDEOS]

Hillary Clinton On Obamacare: SILENCE!! [VIDEOS]

In an interview with New York Magazine, Obama stated the following about his wonderfully horrendous “Affordable Care Act” President Barack Obama said his signature health-care law has “real…

Obama Says High Costs Of Obamacare Are “Growing Pains” [VIDEO]

Obama Says High Costs Of Obamacare Are “Growing Pains” [VIDEO]

Perhaps this biting commentary regarding the failures of Obamacare served as a stinging wakeup call for the President. As the article points out, no matter how many…

EpiPen’s Price Gouging CEO Is Democrat Senator Joe Manchin’s Daughter [VIDEOS]

EpiPen’s Price Gouging CEO Is Democrat Senator Joe Manchin’s Daughter [VIDEOS]

Heather Bresch, the daughter of Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), has a big problem. Her company Mylan NV, her ‘baby’ as she’s called it, is in the midst…

Obamacare: Massive Premium Hikes Will Happen In 2017

Obamacare: Massive Premium Hikes Will Happen In 2017

Get ready. Its coming. Just when you and your budget least expect it. Just when you and anyone in your family ends up facing some serious medical…

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Ava Gardner