Elizabeth Warren Says: Fund the Terrorists, Trump!

Elizabeth Warren Says: Fund the Terrorists, Trump!

During a critical time when our economy is beginning to suffer, trillions are being spent on bailouts, and millions are unable to support their families, Elizabeth Warren…

Guest Opinion:  We Need The Electoral College

Guest Opinion: We Need The Electoral College

We have all heard the renewed cries to abolish the Electoral College, and most recently this issue has been taken up by former presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren….

Warren Staffers Get Very Unwoke Tattoos

Warren Staffers Get Very Unwoke Tattoos

Elizabeth Warren staffers wanted to have something permanent to remember those heady days in her ill-fated campaign. So, as millennials do, they decided to get tattoos. However,…

Democrat Feminist Scolds Demand Woman Be Chosen For Vice President

Democrat Feminist Scolds Demand Woman Be Chosen For Vice President

Democrat Feminist scolds are now insisting that whichever old white guy (Biden or Sanders) wins the Democrat nomination MUST nominate a woman as Vice President.

Mamas, Don’t Teach Your Girls to Hate Men

Mamas, Don’t Teach Your Girls to Hate Men

It’s bad enough to hear the wails and lamentations from Leftwing women about Elizabeth Warren folding up her Peoples Teepee and retreating to her humble abode for…

Warren Is A Heap Big Fail, Drops Out Of Primary

Warren Is A Heap Big Fail, Drops Out Of Primary

For one brief moment in time, Elizabeth Warren was the front-runner in the Democrat primary. It didn’t last very long, and her campaign has been limping along…

Mike Bloomberg Finds Out He Can’t Buy The Presidency

Mike Bloomberg Finds Out He Can’t Buy The Presidency

Mike Bloomberg did not have a Super Tuesday. It was so unSuper, American Samoa was only win, that he has suspended his campaign and endorsed Joe Biden.

Chris Matthews Abruptly Announces Retirement, Walks Off Set

Chris Matthews Abruptly Announces Retirement, Walks Off Set

In a move that NO ONE saw coming, veteran broadcaster Chris Matthews announced he was retiring from MSNBC effective immediately.

Comedian in Chief Takes CPAC

Comedian in Chief Takes CPAC

In a Saturday early afternoon presser on the coronavirus, President Trump assured the nation that “there was no need to panic,” even though the illness claimed a…

Warren Wants To Be Bernie’s Vice President

Warren Wants To Be Bernie’s Vice President

At this point, the American public should be getting combat pay for watching any of these Democratic debates. While there weren’t any massive unanswered attacks at this…

Warren Is Proof Feminism Is A Subsidiary of Left, Inc.

Warren Is Proof Feminism Is A Subsidiary of Left, Inc.

Left-Feminist scribbler, Mandy Marcotte for Salon, pretends it is something new that Elizabeth Warren doesn’t silo “women’s issues” — feminism is a seamless aspect of her progressive…

Knives Out At #DemDebate Yelling Match

Knives Out At #DemDebate Yelling Match

If you thought the earlier debates were demure little debate club parties where no one really wanted to harm the other person, well, tonight is your night….

Nevada Culinary Union Doesn’t Like Bernie’s Medicare For All Plan

Nevada Culinary Union Doesn’t Like Bernie’s Medicare For All Plan

The Nevada Culinary Union is not a fan of Bernie Sanders. In fact, the union seems to be actively campaigning against Bernie in advance of the Nevada…

Mickey Mouse and Dogs: New Dem Talking Points

Mickey Mouse and Dogs: New Dem Talking Points

Remember when Donald Trump was mean, rude, and socially unacceptable to all decent Americans? Well, that was then. Now two Democrat candidates are evoking comparisons of dogs…

Democrats Go Into Free Fall Over Weekend

Democrats Go Into Free Fall Over Weekend

After last week, the remaining Democrats in the presidential primary tried to shake everything off and refocus on New Hampshire. This was hampered because until Sunday evening,…

Iowa Is Ground Zero For Democrat Battle

Iowa Is Ground Zero For Democrat Battle

Hang on to your hats, everyone, because Iowa is shaping up to be an unscripted chaos storm of epic proportions for the Democrats.

Elizabeth Warren Questions Legitimacy Of Supreme Court

Elizabeth Warren Questions Legitimacy Of Supreme Court

Elizabeth Warren decided that questioning the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, our Constitution, and Chief Justice Roberts was THE WAY TO GO during Thursday afternooon’s impeachment circus.

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Ava Gardner