Chris Cuomo’s Quarantine Hypocrisy

Chris Cuomo’s Quarantine Hypocrisy

Chris Cuomo is a tone-deaf hypocrite. You see, it’s ok for him break coronavirus quarantine whenever he feels like it.

Grocery Stores May Need to Ban Customers Says CNN

Grocery Stores May Need to Ban Customers Says CNN

Wait, what? Haven’t our local governments told us schlubs that grocery stores are “essential” in the pandemic? And that they could remain open? Well, about that. Now…

Media Burned By Own Words, CNN Goes Full TDS

Media Burned By Own Words, CNN Goes Full TDS

Yesterday, at the Covid-19 Task Force presser, the media got checked. It was glorious. It was stupendous. For those of us who believe that President Donald Trump…

Hard Days Ahead Warns Trump While Media Sneer

Hard Days Ahead Warns Trump While Media Sneer

On Saturday, President Trump warned of hard days coming for the US during the COVID pandemic. “This will probably be the toughest week,” he told reporters at…

CNN Anchor Claims Coronavirus Part Of Trump’s War On Truth

CNN Anchor Claims Coronavirus Part Of Trump’s War On Truth

CNN anchor Brian Stelter claims that President Donald Trump has been conducting a “war on truth” and the latest battle in this war is the Coronavirus (Covid-19)…

The Deepening Madness of Maddow and Company

The Deepening Madness of Maddow and Company

In case you had any suspicions, rest them now: MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has lost her mind. So have CNN’s Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo. What drove them…

CNN: Trying to Take the Fun Out of Super Bowl Sunday

CNN: Trying to Take the Fun Out of Super Bowl Sunday

On Super Bowl Sunday, Americans want to set aside politics and enjoy the biggest game of year. But leave it to CNN to be the killjoy, the…

Taskforce For Coronavirus Too White, Says CNN Analyst

Taskforce For Coronavirus Too White, Says CNN Analyst

To some, it seems Trump cannot even get a taskforce right. As we see an uptick in the Coronavirus outbreak with reported death tolls up to 250…

CNN Panel Says Trump Supporters Are Illiterate Rednecks

CNN Panel Says Trump Supporters Are Illiterate Rednecks

Illiterate rednecks. That’s how CNN’s Don Lemon, supposed conservative Rick Wilson, and NY Times reporter Wajahat Ali view anyone who is a Trump supporter. Think I’m wrong?…

Fake News Doesn’t Pay: CNN Caves, Settles With Nick Sandmann

Fake News Doesn’t Pay: CNN Caves, Settles With Nick Sandmann

Peddling fake news can be very problematic. CNN has now learned that the hard way …TWICE. Yesterday it was announced that CNN caved and has settled with…

WaPo – Where Journalism Dies in Neon Yellow

WaPo – Where Journalism Dies in Neon Yellow

Journalism is a noblest of callings and its practitioners are intrepid scribes willing to put their own beliefs and biases aside in pursuit of bringing Truth™ to…

FBI Official Under Criminal Investigation Regarding Carter Page Surveillance

FBI Official Under Criminal Investigation Regarding Carter Page Surveillance

Fresh off yesterday’s impeachment hearing, CNN reluctantly reported that an unnamed FBI official is now under criminal investigation. Why? Carter Page.Updated below

CNN’s April Ryan Called Liar At Politicon 2019

CNN’s April Ryan Called Liar At Politicon 2019

CNN’s April Ryan appeared at Politicon 2019 in Nashville this weekend. Politicon bills itself as an “unconventional political convention”. There are a oodles of marquee names who…

CNN Producer Hopes That Trump Will Die Soon

CNN Producer Hopes That Trump Will Die Soon

The media gets its collective knickers in a knot every time Donald Trump criticizes them. They claim that Donald Trump’s calling out “fake news” is dangerous for…

Tuesday’s Dem Debate: Questions the CNN Mods Should Raise

Tuesday’s Dem Debate: Questions the CNN Mods Should Raise

Tonight’s Dem debate will air on CNN. Yes, that CNN, the CNN that Project Veritas just exposed for intentionally pushing the impeachment narrative:

Democrats Demand Fealty To LGBT Agenda

Democrats Demand Fealty To LGBT Agenda

Proving yet again that overexposure is exactly what will be the downfall of the Democrats, nine candidates stood up on CNN last night to proclaim their loyalty…

Beto Insists On Saying Quiet Part Very Loudly

Beto Insists On Saying Quiet Part Very Loudly

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is determined to crash his presidential campaign like a car after a night of drinking. *cough*

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Ava Gardner