Rod Rosenstein Takes Senate Judiciary Committee Hot Seat Wednesday

Rod Rosenstein Takes Senate Judiciary Committee Hot Seat Wednesday

First it was 24-hour-a-day coronavirus fear-mongering. And now it’s continual protest domestic terrorism coverage. And if I were a conspiracy theorist, I might think the current distraction—which…

Mike Flynn’s Dropped Case Problematic For Barack Obama

Mike Flynn’s Dropped Case Problematic For Barack Obama

When you think of someone in the modern era with overweening arrogance and a condescending attitude towards others, the man in the caricature above, Barack Obama is…

Flynn Case Officially Dropped By DOJ

Flynn Case Officially Dropped By DOJ

In a move that surprised no rational person as more gory details came to light, the Department of Justice officially filed paperwork to drop the case against…

Federal Judge Orders Hillary Clinton Deposition

Federal Judge Orders Hillary Clinton Deposition

Hillary Clinton now has to sit for an in-person sworn deposition regarding her use of private servers and her email traffic.

Chicago Schadenfreude: Smollett Charged Again

Chicago Schadenfreude: Smollett Charged Again

Remember last year, when “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett falsely claimed that two men attacked him in Chicago? According to his story, they yelled racial and homophobic slurs,…

Trump’s Victory Lap Through Hell

Trump’s Victory Lap Through Hell

President Trump’s White House speech was a victory lap through hell. The tone was celebratory, and “shout-outs” contrasted against  “call-outs” dominated the hour. Three things are clear:…

Lisa Page Wants Sympathy For No Apology

Lisa Page Wants Sympathy For No Apology

In a new interview, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page wants everyone to feel sorry for her. Look, she made a mistake, but that’s no reason for President…

From the VG Bookshelf: Witch Hunt

From the VG Bookshelf: Witch Hunt

Witch Hunt, by Gregg Jarrett, is the epic follow-up to his earlier bestseller, The Russian Hoax. Expertly sourced, persuasively argued, Jarrett peels back the layers of secrecy…

Baker Flips, Pass The Stoli and Popcorn

Baker Flips, Pass The Stoli and Popcorn

Pass the Stoli and the Popcorn…Former FBI counsel, James Baker, has flipped and will now be helping AG Barr in his investigation into the Obama Deep State….

Russia Probe Is Now A Criminal Investigation And New York Times Is Not A Fan

Russia Probe Is Now A Criminal Investigation And New York Times Is Not A Fan

The administrative review into Russia’s 2016 election meddling, helmed by prosecutor John H. Durham, is now a criminal investigation. The New York Times is quite unhappy about…

8 Questions About the FBI’s Raid of Epstein’s “Pedophile Island”

8 Questions About the FBI’s Raid of Epstein’s “Pedophile Island”

Days after his alleged suicide, news broke yesterday afternoon that “pedophile island” owner Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide method was via a bed sheet tied to a bunk bed….

Andrew McCabe Claims Firing Was Unconstitutional And ‘Politically Motivated’

Andrew McCabe Claims Firing Was Unconstitutional And ‘Politically Motivated’

Andrew McCabe, former deputy director of the FBI has filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging that his firing was unconstitutional and ‘politically motivated.’

#MuellerHearing: 5 Questions Repubs Should Ask Robert Mueller

#MuellerHearing: 5 Questions Repubs Should Ask Robert Mueller

Republicans are great at getting folks that should be in the hot seat in the hot seat, and then wasting their opportunity to squeeze information from them…

Jennifer Rubin Says Hope Hicks Testimony Will ‘Crack Trump’s Wall’

Jennifer Rubin Says Hope Hicks Testimony Will ‘Crack Trump’s Wall’

As soon as the news broke that Hope Hicks had agreed to testify in a closed hearing next week, the media started doing a happy dance. The…

Temper Tantrum Part II: Nancy Pelosi Doubles Down On Trump Coverup Rhetoric

Temper Tantrum Part II: Nancy Pelosi Doubles Down On Trump Coverup Rhetoric

Nancy Pelosi loves that Speaker’s gavel of hers. She believes it gives her the power to end all. So much so that she went on national tv…

AG Barr to Critics: My Job Is to Protect the Presidency, Not the Officeholder

AG Barr to Critics: My Job Is to Protect the Presidency, Not the Officeholder

There’s a meme weaving its way through social media that says it all. It reads: a former CIA head, a former FBI head, and a former Attorney…

The Sliming of Bill Barr

The Sliming of Bill Barr

Bill Barr is the 85th Attorney General of the United States, who began his tenure on Valentine’s Day this year. He served in that position in the…

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Ava Gardner