YouTube Will Ban ANY Video Criticizing Biden ‘Win’

YouTube Will Ban ANY Video Criticizing Biden ‘Win’

Big Tech has sniffed and whined to Congress that they do not censor. Yet, here we are where Google’s YouTube is front and center in telling users…

Media Were The Ones Who Rigged Election

Media Were The Ones Who Rigged Election

This bears repeating over, and over, and over again. Without the media having run interference for Joe Biden, he would have lost going away.

Yes, CNN Did Bury The Hunter Biden Story

Yes, CNN Did Bury The Hunter Biden Story

The Hunter Biden story was a non-starter by CNN. They went into overdrive to bury the story even as the NY Post was getting hammered for publishing…

NY Times Wajahat Ali Says Trump Supporters Are Ignorant

NY Times Wajahat Ali Says Trump Supporters Are Ignorant

Dear Wajahat Ali, your condescending lecture to Trump supporting “deplorables” shows us ignorant rubes once again that you and your media betters really do not like this…

Forgotten or Ignored? The Other COVID Deaths

Forgotten or Ignored? The Other COVID Deaths

As the next round of house arrest is being pushed due to a spike in covid19 cases, reporting of the collateral deaths as a result of lockdowns…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Adieu Faux News. Adieu Trucks” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “Adieu Faux News. Adieu Trucks” Edition

VGirl readers are getting a two-fer today, a carney two–headed–calf edition of American Gomorrah. Doubtless I’m not the first among you to consign Fox to the demented…

Media Demand Conformity Amid Confusion

Media Demand Conformity Amid Confusion

We all know that the mask has completely fallen off the media. If you thought that they would even attempt to hide it now that the election…

Media Racism Front And Center On Election Night

Media Racism Front And Center On Election Night

Racism was on full display in the media last night. As the election results swung all over the map, with more than a few surprises for both…

Glenn Greenwald Quits His Own Site Over Censorship

Glenn Greenwald Quits His Own Site Over Censorship

There are few journalists on either side of the aisle left who are willing to at least look at where the facts are leading. Glenn Greenwald is…

Peggy Noonan Criticizes Kamala Because Racist!

Peggy Noonan Criticizes Kamala Because Racist!

Peggy Noonan is the grande dame of Republican women pundits. Not only was she a speech writer for President Ronald Reagan, she’s also written bestsellers, including some…

Media Really Want Pence To Get COVID

Media Really Want Pence To Get COVID

While it is not a revelation to anyone who has been paying attention to the way news is presented over the last decade – and more, really…

Babylon Bee Goes to Facebook Jail

Babylon Bee Goes to Facebook Jail

Here’s a riddle: what do Monty Python, Sen. Mazie Hirono, and a duck have in common? Answer: they all appear in a Babylon Bee article, which uses…

AP News Goes To Bat For Rioters

AP News Goes To Bat For Rioters

Rioters are not really violent says AP News. They just got “caught up in the moment.”

NY Times Trashes Amy Coney Barrett Over Adoption

NY Times Trashes Amy Coney Barrett Over Adoption

Let’s trash adoption! Yeah, that’s the ticket! The NY Times REALLY doesn’t want Amy Coney Barrett confirmed to the Supreme Court. Their newest tactic? Write up a…

Media War: NYT Attacks The Post Over Biden Emails

Media War: NYT Attacks The Post Over Biden Emails

The media is in a state of collapse, hastened by their inability to separate fact from their desired fictions.

Charlie Hebdo, NY Post, And Censorship

Charlie Hebdo, NY Post, And Censorship

Censorship. That is what Charlie Hebdo and the NY Post have in common. Both must be censored for daring to print the wrong story or cartoon according…

Journalist Asks Biden Question, Media Flip Out

Journalist Asks Biden Question, Media Flip Out

Behold, a journalist committed an act of journalism against Joe Biden, and for that, he must be shunned. SHUNNED!!! CRY, CRY FOR SHAME!

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Ava Gardner