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Thanksgiving is upon us, and the Biden White House is helpfully putting out their “top accomplishments” so that you have something to talk about with your family at the dinner table! Or, they are helping people find ways to get themselves uninvited to next Thanksgiving. Take your pick.
Why do Democrats continually want to politicize holidays that have nothing to do with politics? And Thanksgiving seems to be a continual target of the left. We can all remember how the Obama White House used to push a new agenda item whenever Thanksgiving rolled around, like Obamacare or gun control. The radical left and colleges (but I repeat myself) have often put out tips and suggestions on how to get through the holidays while dealing with the unwashed masses your politically backwards family. And over the last couple of years, the CDC has gotten in on the Thanksgiving fun, telling people not to have large gatherings (while the politically powerful still had their own), and insisting that people get tested for COVID before getting a dinner plate.
Well, never let it be said that the Biden administration doesn’t believe in tradition! Shadow president Chief of Staff Ron Klain tweeted out the talking points that the administration would like loyal Democrats to use this Thanksgiving in order to convince the peasants that Joe Biden is just doing a bang-up job – and if you’re unhappy, then blame the Republicans who are standing in Grandpa Joe’s way.
One last item for your Thanksgiving dinner: some talking points when "that Uncle" comes "at you" about @POTUS.
— Ronald Klain (@WHCOS) November 23, 2022
Pro tip: if someone at your Thanksgiving table actually pulls Klain’s tweet up, skip dessert and run for it. If you’re the host, tell everyone “no phones at the table” and then see if the offending guest did his homework ahead of time, all while loudly talking about your new rock-painting hobby is going to make for some GREAT Christmas gifts this year, because has everyone SEEN how much the price of turkey has risen?
Let’s just look at the helpful list that the Biden lackeys have pushed out on Twitter on the day before Thanksgiving – and some of them did, unfortunately. Let’s start with that first bolded talking point – inflation. Funny how Team Biden really wants the credit for gas prices going down, but always blames someone else for them going up. And gas prices are nowhere near where they were when Biden took office, and there’s no indication that things are going to improve anytime soon. And does anyone feel that the supply chain problems have been truly resolved? We are all still going grocery shopping and discovering random blank spots on shelves – we’re just all getting used to it now, which is what the administration is counting on. This cherry-picked talking point is going to collapse like the house of cards that it is if the threatned rail strike happens on December 9th. THAT would make for a VERY interesting list of talking points for Christmas, hmmm?
Now we move on to “taking on Big Pharma.” Would this be the “Big Pharma” that just got the COVID vaccine added to the CDC childhood vaccination schedule, and have indemnifying those same companies from lawsuits? And insulin? Biden reversed the Trump executive order on insulin pricing, and then cramming that price cap on insulin into the “Inflation Reduction Act” and claiming victory.
And then Team Biden tries to take a victory lap on this list by pointing out all these supposedly “bipartisan” moments when at least a few Republicans voted with Democrats. Wheeeee. Don’t you just FEEL the unity? At least, right until that last talking point. “Republicans in Congress are EXTREME,” the talking points proclaim. Huh? The list just mentioned how successful Biden had been in working with Republicans in Congress!
So much for that unifying message, huh? But really, what did you expect from the team that wrote, produced, and directed the “Red Sermon” from Independence Hall, and then tried again, except with a blue background this time?
This Thanksgiving, like all Thanksgivings, should be an opportunity to reflect on being grateful for what we do have. Even if there is chicken on the table instead of turkey. The entire point of the holiday is the attitude of gratitude.
However, if some idiot at your table decides to pull out this list of White House talking points, you have my permission to spill cranberry sauce on them, and only because the price of cranberries has actually gone down. No sense in being wasteful with the more inflation-affected food.
Featured image via HeartlandMom on Pixabay, cropped, Pixabay license
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