Pompeo Does the Right Thing; Stands By Trump

Pompeo Does the Right Thing; Stands By Trump

With Gen. Mattis resigning and most politicians running from the announcement to pull out of Syria (and rumors of Afghanistan as well), things are looking pretty lonely up in D.C. for President Trump.

Seattle University Law School Suspends ICE from Externship Program

Seattle University Law School Suspends ICE from Externship Program

Seattle University Law School has suspended ICE from participating in the law school’s externship program.

Trump: Tillerson Is “Dumb as a Rock”

Trump: Tillerson Is “Dumb as a Rock”

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson spoke about his contentious relationship with President Trump at a charity event in Houston. He should’ve stuck with nice sounding platitudes…

Mueller to Manafort: I Can’t Quit You

Mueller to Manafort: I Can’t Quit You

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly contemplating prosecuting Paul Manafort, again. Mueller asserts Manafort lied, violating his plea deal. Mueller’s team says that means that crimes that were…

Schiff Will Investigate the CIA Khashoggi Murder Assessment

Schiff Will Investigate the CIA Khashoggi Murder Assessment

Adam Schiff (D-Ca), incoming House Intelligence Committee Chair, vows to investigate the CIA’s assessment of the Jamal Khashoggi murder. Schiff says this must be done in order…

Ungracious Loser: Stacey Abrams “Concedes” Georgia Governor’s Race

Ungracious Loser: Stacey Abrams “Concedes” Georgia Governor’s Race

Stacey Abrams conceded the Georgia governor’s race to Brian Kemp in most ungracious terms.

NBA Players Wear “ENOUGH” T-Shirts During Warm-up

NBA Players Wear “ENOUGH” T-Shirts During Warm-up

NBA teams LA Clippers and Milwaukie Bucks wore “ENOUGH” t-shirts to warm up for their game on Saturday. This was in response to the mass shooting in…

Florida Election Official Implies Asking about Vote Counting Process Is Racist

Florida Election Official Implies Asking about Vote Counting Process Is Racist

An election official in Florida implies asking questions is racist. Broward and Palm Beach County are under the microscope following Tuesdays’ mid-term elections. Rick Scott, in the…

Obama Rally: Republicans Are the Ones Who Are Mad. #Wrong

Obama Rally: Republicans Are the Ones Who Are Mad. #Wrong

Former president Barack Obama has been competing with Trump’s rally machine to get Democrats excited to vote. He thinks Republicans are mad. But he is just wrong.

No Blue Wave: Turning Point USA Young Black Leaders & #WalkAway Take DC

No Blue Wave: Turning Point USA Young Black Leaders & #WalkAway Take DC

This weekend in DC, lots of unlikely Republicans and conservatives and independents are coming together in unexpected alliances. Turning Point USA is hosting a Young Black Leadership…

Kyrsten Sinema Cartoon Shooting Down Fighter Pilot McSally Backfires

Kyrsten Sinema Cartoon Shooting Down Fighter Pilot McSally Backfires

In Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema (D) is running for U.S. Senate against Congresswoman Martha McSally (R-AZ). Both candidates are looking to fill Jeff Flake’s (D-AZ) vacant seat.

GOP Senator Grows Spine: Bill Cassidy Edition

GOP Senator Grows Spine: Bill Cassidy Edition

What has gotten into the GOP senators? Apparently they’ve been emboldened, and perhaps we should give Lindsey Graham credit for leading the charge. Maybe we have to…

650+ Law Profs Call No Vote on Kavanaugh Due to Temperament

650+ Law Profs Call No Vote on Kavanaugh Due to Temperament

Six hundred and fifty law professors seems like a lot of law professors. It’s not.

Facebook Blackout: I’m a Traitor to My Gender Because I Won’t Participate in the Virtual Burka Protest

Facebook Blackout: I’m a Traitor to My Gender Because I Won’t Participate in the Virtual Burka Protest

Friends, I am going to let you in on a secret operation to make the men of this world feel really bad.

ABA, Yale Law School Dean Call for FBI Investigation, Complicit in Destruction of US Justice System

ABA, Yale Law School Dean Call for FBI Investigation, Complicit in Destruction of US Justice System

The American Bar Association and the Dean of Yale Law School are calling for a delay to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court as an FBI…

Katz, Attorney for Kavanaugh Accuser, Is The Resistance

Katz, Attorney for Kavanaugh Accuser, Is The Resistance

Debra Katz, the attorney for Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, is not just a partisan Democrat, she is…

Obama Back on the Campaign Trail, Oblivious to His Own Hypocrisy [video]

Obama Back on the Campaign Trail, Oblivious to His Own Hypocrisy [video]

Yesterday, former President Obama returned to the campaign trail, and promptly called out Trump and the GOP. What fresh new hell is this?!

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Ava Gardner