Bloomberg Bans Food Donations to Homeless Shelters Because He Can’t Assess Salt and Fat Content

You’d think under a crisis like Hurricane Sandy, Bloomberg could let up on the food nanny stuff. But oh no. As victims of Sandy starve, Bloomberg is…

Beyonce’s One Classy Broad: Posts “Take That Mitches” to Celebrate the Election

Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z have spent a lot of time campaigning for Barack Obama. Obama and Jay-Z are apparently buddies now or something, and Jay-Z was…

Chris Matthews is Thrilled About Hurricane Sandy, if it Helped Obama get Elected

Chris Matthews is Thrilled About Hurricane Sandy, if it Helped Obama get Elected

Chris Matthews demonstrated that there’s no low he won’t sink to in his glee for Obama’s reelection. Last night, he stated that he was glad Hurricane Sandy…

Today, We Fight

It’s not over yet. Don’t give up. When this happened four years ago, I went and read the story of how Francis Scott Key wrote the national…

Election Day Liveblogging!

Election Day Liveblogging!

Today is the big day. Who will win, Romney or Obama? The anticipation will be nearly unbearable. We’ll be covering the election all day today and throughout…

Remember Fort Hood: Three Years Later

Three years ago today, there was a jihadist attack on Fort Hood perpetrated by Major Nidal Hasan. Michelle Malkin has the names of those murdered, which included…

Bloomberg Refuses National Guard Assistance after Sandy Because… They Have Guns

In one of the most infuriating, mind-boggling, idiotic things to come out of a politician’s mouth, Bloomberg has just announced that he doesn’t want the National Guard…

Bill Clinton Smears the Military as Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic

Bill Clinton Smears the Military as Racist, Sexist, and Homophobic

Hey, did you know that before Obama took office, the military was made up of a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic jerks? Yeah, the Great Uniter came…

Bloomberg Diverts Resources for the New York Marathon While Thousands Still Suffer from Sandy Devastation

The situation in certain New York neighborhoods is terrible. After Hurricane Sandy struck, much of the city fell into darkness. Thousands are without power or gas. There…

Stephen Green Becomes the First Parish Councillor in the UK with Down Syndrome

Stephen Green lives in Nottinghamshire, in England, with his father. He’s 47 years old, and he was recently elected to serve on the Nuthall Parish Council. He…

MSNBC Criticizes Romney for Holding a Storm Relief Drive for Victims of Sandy

Uh, excuse me sir, but your bias is showing. Since the East Coast was pummeled by Hurricane Sandy, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have called off campaigning….

Woman Steals from Handicapped, Partially Blind, Wheelchair-Bound Woman, Named Democrat of the Year

If you ever wondered why Democrats are commonly referred to as “corruptocrats” and thieves, there’s a perfect example in Jefferson County, Colorado. Estelle Carson was accused of…

New Michael Moore Ad Features Elderly Woman Threatening to “Cock Punch” Romney if Elected

New Michael Moore Ad Features Elderly Woman Threatening to “Cock Punch” Romney if Elected

OK — we all know that this threat isn’t literal. (Or hope, anyway.) Still, this is one of the most vile, disgusting political ads in recent history….

New York Flooding, People Dying, and Obama’s Campaigning

The Chicago Tribune is reporting that Hurricane Sandy is currently being blamed for 16 deaths. Over 7 million people in New York City are without power. Much…

How Shocking: Labor Department to Delay Jobs Report Until After the Election

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? And the crisis at hand is Hurricane Sandy. It’s only a little over a week until the election,…

Single Mom Lies to the Air Force, Plays Victim Card When She’s Kicked Out

Rebecca Edmonds is a Navy brat who says she always wanted to serve in the military. She participated in ROTC, and the Air Force offered her a…

Heartbreaking New Details on Benghazi: Help Was Requested Three Times, and Was Denied

Heartbreaking New Details on Benghazi: Help Was Requested Three Times, and Was Denied

As if the debacle that was Benghazi couldn’t get any worse, Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin drops this bombshell: CIA officials on the ground in Benghazi during the…

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Ava Gardner