Merrick Garland To Use FBI In Order to Intimidate Concerned Parents

Merrick Garland To Use FBI In Order to Intimidate Concerned Parents

It is a natural part of writing an opinion blog to use a bit of hyperbole.  It’s one of the arts Mark Twain teaches us in how…

U.S. to Russia: Can We Use Your Military Bases for Our Ops?

U.S. to Russia: Can We Use Your Military Bases for Our Ops?

Just when you think the now trademarked phrase “Debacle in Afghanistan™” couldn’t get any more ridiculous, Politico puts out a new article that highlights that Biden and his…

Lawyers, Guns, and Money – How School Boards Wield Their Power Around Mask Mandates

Lawyers, Guns, and Money – How School Boards Wield Their Power Around Mask Mandates

Imagine my surprise, while looking for material to write about, to find my two political mentors’ faces on the cover of a local news outlet.  I admit,…

It Is Not Normal To Requesting National Guard Pre-Emptively

It Is Not Normal To Requesting National Guard Pre-Emptively

I am not here to dispute that the DC National Guard is used regularly to offer assistance to Capitol Police and to maintain traffic control and security….

Biden Hates Federalism. Suing Texas Over Abortion

Biden Hates Federalism. Suing Texas Over Abortion

The Biden administration hates federalism. Seriously, hates it. I read Tuesday the Biden administration is suing Texas for issuing a new directive on dealing with illegal immigrants….

The Frog and the Scorpion – Why We Cannot Give the Taliban Legitimacy

The Frog and the Scorpion – Why We Cannot Give the Taliban Legitimacy

When I read the Washington Post article “In quest for legitimacy and to keep money flowing, Taliban pushes for political deal with rivals”  The first thought I…

Slow Joe’s Slow Roll on Afghan Refugee Exit Plan

Slow Joe’s Slow Roll on Afghan Refugee Exit Plan

An eight year old could have planned this better. Like seriously, if you told an eight year old that everyone was going to need to get out…

Texas Hospitals Are Already Overloaded.  Gee, I Wonder Why?

Texas Hospitals Are Already Overloaded. Gee, I Wonder Why?

The Pravda is at it again, The New York Times has the the latest Corona panic-porn headline: Texas Hospitals Are Already Overloaded. Doctors Are ‘Frightened by What…

New Hampshire’s Education Freedom Accounts Deliver Another Blow to Public Education

New Hampshire’s Education Freedom Accounts Deliver Another Blow to Public Education

I stumbled upon this The College Fix article Sunday while doing my daily wake-up routine of perusing Instapundit while drinking my nth cup of coffee.  New Hampshire’s…

Does Nina Turner’s Loss, A Progressive Darling, Signal The Canary In The Coal Mine?

Does Nina Turner’s Loss, A Progressive Darling, Signal The Canary In The Coal Mine?

As I have said many a time, my fight is not with the establishment liberal. They are fighting that battle internally, just as the GOP is fighting…

Adler’s Disaster Isn’t Just A Grim Homicide Milestone in Austin

Adler’s Disaster Isn’t Just A Grim Homicide Milestone in Austin

I’m about as close to being a native Austin-ite as you can find these days. My family arrived in 1976, when I was six-years old. I have…

Spending Bills Without Hyde Nor Helms Amendments Would Force Tax-Payers to Pay for Abortions Here AND Abroad

Spending Bills Without Hyde Nor Helms Amendments Would Force Tax-Payers to Pay for Abortions Here AND Abroad

I almost never touch the third rail of the “abortion issue.” By and large, I have been a pure libertarian in this regard. As long as your…

The Far Left Is Everyone’s Enemy, Not Just Eric Adams’

The Far Left Is Everyone’s Enemy, Not Just Eric Adams’

The far left, AKA the Democratic Socialists of America, isn’t just gunning for Eric Adams; they are gunning for anyone to the right of AOC.  As the…

Why I’m ALMOST Sure Trump Will Run For President in 2024

Why I’m ALMOST Sure Trump Will Run For President in 2024

I’m going to say something here that will probably shock… well, just about anyone who knows me: Ron DeSantis is probably the president this country needs after…

Biden’s 6 Month Scorecard Is a Big Fat “F”

Biden’s 6 Month Scorecard Is a Big Fat “F”

Biden’s 1st 6 month scorecard is in from ABC News and there is no doubt that His Fraudulency gets a Big Fat “F” for his efforts.  You…

Mandatory CRT-Based Program Coming to a School Near You

Mandatory CRT-Based Program Coming to a School Near You

A little over three weeks ago, a test of American resolve was quietly, subtly, tossed like a muffled grenade into a school system in California.  Hayward Unified…

Dems’ House hopes hang on Gerrymandering – Let the Spin Begin

Dems’ House hopes hang on Gerrymandering – Let the Spin Begin

I love how gerrymandering is a dirty word on everyone’s tongue until it affects them.  H.R.1claims it will solve this problem, but it’s just another pig with…

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Ava Gardner