Baby Dominic Pio Gundrum Beats Rare Birth Defect

Dominic Pio Gundrum is a lucky little boy. About halfway through her pregnancy, Dominic’s mother learned the infant she was carrying had encephalocele, a decidedly rare birth defect…

Obamacare, Three Weeks Later: Broken Code, Bad PR, and You Still Have To Buy It

How vividly I remember the Christmas season of 1999. I was newly engaged, and my future husband and I were giving joint Christmas presents for the first…

French-style financial ruin coming to America

French-style financial ruin coming to America

Or:    “Hollande Never Had a Job in the Private Sector Either” This excellent article about the smart, able and fleeced fleeing France should serve as a clarion call…

Moron Leftists Want Ted Cruz Charged With Sedition and Weekend Links!

I guess it’s not enough to vilify him. Or even make insanely graphic and violent threats against him – while posting his home address everywhere. Now, the…

Obama sick over Obamacare failures

Obama sick over Obamacare failures

Imagine my surprise when I saw the picture below on the top of the Drudge Report feed this morning. The accompanying article really came as no shock…

The New Reality Sucks

I don’t have to bring you up to speed on the nefarious actions of both the government and their media minions over the last few weeks (and…

Obama Signs StopGap; McConnell Gets Kentucky Kickback

After spending the better part of the past two weeks demanding a “clean CR” be presented him, abusing our veterans, and demonizing and refusing to negotiate with…

Where Are The Men Of Principle?

I remember a long time ago there used to be men who knew how to fight.  Men who knew how to stand their ground, even in an…

A Battle of Athens Redux Looming?

The past few weeks have shown consistent disrespect levied against American citizens by their elected “leaders” inexcusably toward our veterans. Not to be denied their Constitutionally-protected freedoms…

How to End Teenage Bullying

In Plano, Texas, a girl named Shea Shawhan has become the victim of bullying. It’s not a new story — indeed, the rise of bullying over the…

Capt. Will Swenson: A Hero Finally Recognized

Capt. Will Swenson: A Hero Finally Recognized

Just an hour ago, President Obama placed around Captain Will Swenson’s neck the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Kunar Province of Afghanistan on the…

Veterans Descend on D.C.; Second Protest and BarryCade Redistribution Planned for Tuesday

Veterans Descend on D.C.; Second Protest and BarryCade Redistribution Planned for Tuesday

In a second (third, fourth, fifth?) round of blatant provocation lobbed at our veterans and political dissenters from behind the opaque walls of the hyper-partisan White House,…

Amanda Marcotte Is An Ignorant Racist

Ah, Twitter.  That glorious medium of social expression that allows people to compress thoughts into 140 characters or less and make unfiltered public statements.  Some are more…

Transgender Harrassment: Gender Rights Trump Privacy

A teenage boy who claims he is transgendered has been harassing girls in the restroom that he is allowed to use because he thinks he’s a girl. …

America. The Beautiful.

After a long day of being outside on land that I thank God every day for allowing me to live on, I collapsed into bed and turned…

CNN Characterizes the Million Vet March as Tea Party Crazies

Ben Shapiro over at Breitbart reads CNN so you don’t have to.  He points out that the Communist News Network is up to business as usual.  Their…

TSA Threatens Travelers With Arrest For Making Fun of Them

TSA Threatens Travelers With Arrest For Making Fun of Them

Vee haff vays of making you obey.  In the video below, you can hear an announcement at one of the Houston airports threatening people with arrest if…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner