Thanks Joe! Afghan On Terror Watch List Has Been In U.S. For Over A Year

Thanks Joe! Afghan On Terror Watch List Has Been In U.S. For Over A Year

Thanks Joe! Afghan On Terror Watch List Has Been In U.S. For Over A Year

Thanks Joe! Biden’s open borders policy has led to such a flood of illegal immigration that an Afghan on the terror watch list has been freely roaming the U.S. for OVER A YEAR.

An Afghan migrant on the terror watchlist spent nearly a year inside the U.S. after being apprehended and released by Border Patrol agents in 2023, U.S. officials tell NBC News. The Afghan national was arrested last month and then released again by an immigration judge who was not told he was a national security threat.

Mohammad Kharwin, 48, is currently out on bond as he awaits an immigration hearing in Texas, scheduled for 2025. There are no restrictions on his movements inside the United States, U.S. officials said.

Kharwin was initially apprehended on March 10, 2023, near San Ysidro, California, after crossing the Mexico-U.S. border illegally.

There’s much more to this story, and it’s infuriating. 

Border agents suspected he was on the U.S. terrorist watchlist at the time of his apprehension because one piece of information matched an individual on the list. But the agents lacked corroborating information, which officials declined to describe, that would confirm Kharwin was the person they suspected, according to U.S. officials.

So, what did the Border Patrol do? Exactly as they were ordered, they…LET HIM GO. Yes, that’s correct. Instead of holding Kharwin in custody until all the information was verified, they released him into the United States.

In fact, even though he checked all the terrorist boxes, the Border Patrol didn’t inform the FBI or ICE. Which meant that he could just show that piece of paper and go wherever the hell he wanted to within the United States, ZERO questions asked. 

Well, not long after Kharwin was given the ‘you are free to roam about the country’ card, another Afghan on the terror watch list apprehended. Then authorities found out that THIS guy was an actual terrorist. 

Kharwin is on the national terror watchlist maintained by the FBI, which contains the names of 1.8 million individuals considered potential security risks. The database indicates he is a member of Hezb-e-Islami, or HIG, a political and paramilitary organization that the U.S. has designated a terrorist organization.

According to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, HIG is a “virulently anti-Western insurgent group” that sought to overturn the Western-backed Afghan government before its fall in 2021.

HIG was responsible for attacks in Afghanistan that killed at least nine American soldiers and civilians between 2013 and 2015. The group is not seen as a top threat in terms of attacks inside the U.S.

And yet, the Border Patrol, due to so-called “standard” protocols, had to release Kharwin instead of holding him until all the information was verified. 

Just yesterday Mayorkas testified in front of the Senate Appropriations Committee during which, at one point, Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) handily ripped him a new one. 

Our open borders are a massive national security risk. Even FBI Director Christopher Wray reluctantly admits that fact. 

The FBI is aware of and has begun tracking the Venezuelan-based gang Tren de Aragua, a criminal cross-border organization that is said to be more violent than MS-13 and whose member is suspected in the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley.

FBI Director Christopher Wray revealed the information to House lawmakers Thursday during a congressional hearing.

Remember how I asked last year, and we’ve asked multiple times, how many terrorists have slipped through the border? What I should’ve ALSO asked is how many terrorists, vicious gang members, and sexual predators have been purposefully let into the United States because authorities weren’t willing to wait for more information? 

Here’s the other massive red flag regarding this particular case. 

In February 2024, the FBI passed information to ICE indicating that Kharwin had potential terror ties and may pose a risk to national security. Soon after, and nearly a year after he was released near the border, ICE agents conducted an operation and arrested Kharwin on Feb. 28 in San Antonio, Texas, according to sources familiar with the case.


When ICE prosecutors appeared in court, they did not share with the judge some classified information that purportedly showed Kharwin’s ties to HIG, two U.S. officials said. Prosecutors argued that the man should be detained without bond because he was a flight risk, but they did not say that he was a national security risk, according to sources familiar with the case.

The judge WASN’T told that Kharwin had verified terrorist ties. Therefore, since the judge was left in the dark, we have a terrorist out on a $12,000 bond with orders to appear back in court in ….2025.

Yes, that’s a year from now. What could possibly happen between now and then? Oh I don’t know, a whole hell of a lot.

Biden and his minions can suddenly blather on about limiting border crossings, but all the damned horses have been out of the barn for nearly four years now. 

Yes, Mayorkas runs the Department of Homeland SECURITY. Yet it seems that security and keeping our homeland safe are not his nor anyone else in the Biden Administration’s concern. 

As for the assertion that terrorists seldom come across the border, but we know where the ones here are…that’s a load of gaslighting horseshit.

Keep your heads on a swivel folks. Our lives and our Republic depend upon it. 

Feature Photo Credit: Original artwork by Victory Girls Darleen Click

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