Border Patrol Arrests Three Palestinian Terror Suspects At San Diego Sector

Border Patrol Arrests Three Palestinian Terror Suspects At San Diego Sector

Kamala Harris as Border Czar is doing a bang up job guys! The Border Patrol apprehended three terror suspects in the San Diego sector earlier this month.

The US Offering Condolences To “The Butcher Of Iran” Is A Disgrace

The US Offering Condolences To “The Butcher Of Iran” Is A Disgrace

Yes, you read that correctly. The U.S. sent its condolences to Iran over Ebrahim Raisi’s death. At first I thought it was a sick joke. But no,…

Thanks Joe! Afghan On Terror Watch List Has Been In U.S. For Over A Year

Thanks Joe! Afghan On Terror Watch List Has Been In U.S. For Over A Year

Thanks Joe! Biden’s open borders policy has led to such a flood of illegal immigration that an Afghan on the terror watch list has been freely roaming…

Putin Blames Ukraine For Moscow Terror Attack, ISIS-K Brings Receipts

Putin Blames Ukraine For Moscow Terror Attack, ISIS-K Brings Receipts

The attack on concert goers in Moscow was horrific. There are over 130 dead and as many more wounded thus far. What does Putin do? Blames Ukraine…

U.N. Aid Employees Connected To Hamas, Involved In October 7

U.N. Aid Employees Connected To Hamas, Involved In October 7

We know the U.N. is corrupt on a multitude of levels. So corrupt that employees of the UNRWA relief agency in Gaza are members of Hamas and…

Iran Starts 2024 By Flogging Woman Who Refused To Wear Hijab

Iran Starts 2024 By Flogging Woman Who Refused To Wear Hijab

Seventy four. That’s how many times Roya Heshmati was flogged two days ago in Iran for refusing to wear her hijab.

Biden Backpedal: Al-Qaeda Leader Not Dead, Father Of Ten Is

Biden Backpedal: Al-Qaeda Leader Not Dead, Father Of Ten Is

Remember just weeks ago when we were treated to the news that a U.S. drone strike killed a senior Al-Qaeda leader?

SPLC Attorney Faces Domestic Terrorism Charges In Atlanta Riots

SPLC Attorney Faces Domestic Terrorism Charges In Atlanta Riots

UPDATED BELOW: A staff attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center was one of the Atlanta rioters arrested last night. Yes, you read that correctly. It seems…

The Synagogue Terrorist: More Questions For The Useless FBI

The Synagogue Terrorist: More Questions For The Useless FBI

Two things are now clear. The FBI is useless and there are more questions than answers regarding the synagogue terrorist.

U.S. Drone Strike Kills One Terrorist, Does It Matter?

U.S. Drone Strike Kills One Terrorist, Does It Matter?

A drone strike took out an ISIS-K planner responsible for the suicide bombing attack at the Kabul airport.

9/11 Families To Biden: You Aren’t Welcome Here

9/11 Families To Biden: You Aren’t Welcome Here

9/11 families don’t want Joe Biden anywhere near the memorials next month, and I completely understand their reasoning.

AOC Hearts Terrorist Hamas, Slams Biden For Lack Of Support

AOC Hearts Terrorist Hamas, Slams Biden For Lack Of Support

AOC hearts Hamas, and is slamming Biden for not supporting that terrorist organization. Why? Because REASONS.

Jabba the Jihadi Has been Captured

Jabba the Jihadi Has been Captured

Security forces in Iraq captured an ISIS terrorist named “Jabba the Jihadi.”

Max Boot: Trump Wrong For Speaking Bad About Dead Terrorist

Max Boot: Trump Wrong For Speaking Bad About Dead Terrorist

Don’t speak badly about dead terrorists says Max Boot. The ink had hardly been dry on the Washington Post’s obituary fawning all over dead terrorist al-Baghdadi when…

Washington Post Writes Glowing Obituary About A Terrorist

Washington Post Writes Glowing Obituary About A Terrorist

The Washington Post, in it’s infinite wisdom, wrote a glowing obituary mourning the death of ISIS terrorist leader al-Baghdadi. Behold their headline:

Antifa Anarchist Willem Van Spronsen Is NOT A Hero

Antifa Anarchist Willem Van Spronsen Is NOT A Hero

Antifa activist Willem Van Spronsen attacked the ICE detention center in Tacoma, Washington early Saturday morning. He wanted to blow the entire center up, regardless of who…

How Effective is Trump’s Iran Policy?

How Effective is Trump’s Iran Policy?

A  little more than a week ago, we were all convinced that war with Iran was imminent. I wrote not too long ago that I doubted President…

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Ava Gardner