Missouri’s House of Couture

Missouri’s House of Couture

Missouri lawmakers are distracted, and instead of taking care of any real business, Missouri is talking about what women should wear in the House.

Creepy Joe is Back for Halloween

Creepy Joe is Back for Halloween

He’s baaaack… Just in time for Halloween, Creepy Joe Biden has returned with his inappropriate antics to haunt the nightmares of young American women.

Hairy Pits Strike Blow Against The Patriarchy™

Hairy Pits Strike Blow Against The Patriarchy™

You’ll be surprised, we’re sure, to find out the headline isn’t from 1969. And the deja vu doesn’t stop there. The state of what passes for journalism…

MSNBC: Tiffany Cross Blames White Patriarchy Again

MSNBC: Tiffany Cross Blames White Patriarchy Again

MSNBC hosts say the darnedest things to include Tiffany Cross. In fact, if you are a Conservative woman, you will not want to invite Tiffany to that…

NYC Health Official Says White Women Are “Birthing People”

NYC Health Official Says White Women Are “Birthing People”

Anyone who isn’t white is a mother, but if you ARE white and are or were pregnant, the head of the NYC Health Department is here to…

Womxn Should Not Be Part Of Women’s History Month

Womxn Should Not Be Part Of Women’s History Month

As workplaces nationwide make an attempt at celebrating women this month, it seems institutions of higher learning are yet trying again to recreate the English language by…

Judge Jackson And The Progressive’s War On Women

Judge Jackson And The Progressive’s War On Women

The left has a problem with women. This became glaringly apparent this week when Judge Jackson was unable to define what a woman is.

J.K. Rowling Censored Yet Supported By Feminists

J.K. Rowling Censored Yet Supported By Feminists

J.K. Rowling is both famous and infamous at the same time. First, she is the author of the Harry Potter series. Books which have been made into…

Guest Poet:  No Exit. Afghanistan Then and Now.

Guest Poet: No Exit. Afghanistan Then and Now.

President Biden, You have destroyed the truth of this earlier poem.  

Taliban Press Conference: Lots Of Promises And Lies

Taliban Press Conference: Lots Of Promises And Lies

The Taliban held a press conference today. And that’s a sentence I never thought I’d write. Ever. Yet here we are.

Female Afghan Journalists On The Run From Taliban

Female Afghan Journalists On The Run From Taliban

Female Afghan journalists are on the run from the Taliban as the terrorists take over the country.

Victoria’s Secret Angels Hanging Up Their Wings

Victoria’s Secret Angels Hanging Up Their Wings

Say farewell to the Victoria’s Secret angels, those statuesque models who traversed runways wearing outlandish wings and frilly lingerie. They soon will be history, because the company…

Biden Spins Job Numbers, Ignores Root Causes

Biden Spins Job Numbers, Ignores Root Causes

The April job numbers were released today, and boy howdy, are they brutal.

Women Need To Answer For Backing Trump Again, Says Journalist

Women Need To Answer For Backing Trump Again, Says Journalist

Here we go again. More white women shaming other white women about their choices on their election ballots. Enter white “journalist”, Kaylen Ralph.

Portland Riots Now Target Older Women

Portland Riots Now Target Older Women

Remember when Mayor Ted Wheeler of Portland and Governor Kate Brown of Oregon insisted that if President Trump would just remove the federal protection from the courthouse,…

Hillary Endorses Biden With So Much Energy

Hillary Endorses Biden With So Much Energy

Chalk this endorsement up with the likes of Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Hillary Clinton is endorsing Joe Biden because he’s the only Democrat still on the…

Biden Panders Shamelessly For The Female Vote

Biden Panders Shamelessly For The Female Vote

Joe Biden is the Democrat’s presumptive nominee. There’s nothing he said in last night’s debate that is going to change anyone’s mind, and there’s nothing that Bernie…

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Ava Gardner