Teen Suicides Major Reason For Schools To Reopen

Teen Suicides Major Reason For Schools To Reopen

Teen suicides have prompted Las Vegas schools to reopen IMMEDIATELY. A root cause of these devastating suicides? The lockdowns.

Pete Buttigieg To Keystone Pipeline Workers: Go Code

Pete Buttigieg To Keystone Pipeline Workers: Go Code

Keystone Pipeline XL workers who just lost their jobs should learn to code. That was the implication of Pete Buttigieg’s response to Ted Cruz during yesterday’s hearings.

Biden Brawls With MI Autoworkers Over Guns

Biden Brawls With MI Autoworkers Over Guns

Let’s be brutally frank here: Joe Biden doesn’t belong anywhere near the White House. That’s not only because of his political leanings, but because he’s becoming unraveled…

AB5 & Lyin’ Lorena Wants Your Little Dog, Too

AB5 & Lyin’ Lorena Wants Your Little Dog, Too

AB5 is still wreaking havoc across California and the Assembly critter, Lorena Gonzalez (D-ranged), who had the AFL-CIO write the legislation, continues her personal attacks against all…

HR2474: Kills Right-to-Work, Takes AB5 Nationwide

HR2474: Kills Right-to-Work, Takes AB5 Nationwide

Impeachment of OrangeManBad may dominate Democrat talking points, but they haven’t forgotten to continue to punish citizens for the crime of wanting to be left alone. Up…

NY Times: Republicans Questioning Elizabeth Warren’s Authenticity Are Sexist

NY Times: Republicans Questioning Elizabeth Warren’s Authenticity Are Sexist

Questioning Elizabeth Warren’s authenticity is sexist according to Thomas Kaplan at the New York Times.

#SCOTUS Slaps Down Unions In Janus Case [VIDEO]

#SCOTUS Slaps Down Unions In Janus Case [VIDEO]

Right before punching the clock out before going on summer vacation, the Supreme Court ruled on one last major case, Janus v. American Federation of State, County,…

Liberal Cities Embrace Homelessness [VIDEO]

Liberal Cities Embrace Homelessness [VIDEO]

A toxic combination of tolerance and greed has created a crisis in liberal cities like San Francisco and Seattle, where homelessness is fast becoming an acceptable lifestyle…

#Veritas: O’Keefe Vid Shows Dem Pollster Celinda Lake Encouraging Unions to Lie to Voters [VIDEO]

#Veritas: O’Keefe Vid Shows Dem Pollster Celinda Lake Encouraging Unions to Lie to Voters [VIDEO]

It’s no secret that James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks, no less than five state FBI field offices investigating the Clinton Foundation, and now a re-opened…

Democrats Attempting To End Obamacare Cadillac Tax Before It Starts

Nancy Pelosi once said we had to pass Obamacare to find out what was in it. Well, now we know, and now it is reported that she…

The Annual Hostage Taking

It’s that time of year again. Parents are preparing to send their children back to school with new gear and new clothes, just in time for that…

Hating Obamacare: The Affordable Care Act Has Another Opponent, Unions!

As the train wreck of Obamacare continues to be rolled out, suspended, postponed, changed, opposition is only gaining strength. It was universally expected that Obama’s landmark healthcare…

Self-righteous teachers deserve to be taken down a peg

Self-righteous teachers deserve to be taken down a peg

Chris Christie has become a conservative rock star since becoming governor of New Jersey, beloved for his common sense style of governing. He’s particularly liked for his…

Union thugs attack construction workers with bats at Toys R Us

There’s a reason we call them union thugs. There’s a reason unions have such a bad name. Here’s a prime example: union workers were protesting at the…

Video of Christie-teacher confrontation surfaces

Video of Christie-teacher confrontation surfaces

Chris Christie got into a confrontation with a teacher over education budget cuts, and I applauded Christie’s take. If the whiny teacher didn’t like what she was…

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Ava Gardner