Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan, will shortly fall to the Taliban. Maybe it will happen this weekend. Or maybe it will take a little longer. But…
Female Afghan journalists are on the run from the Taliban as the terrorists take over the country.
I am so angry I could break things. I want to throat punch everyone in the Biden Administration. I want to drop kick the “Perfumed Princes of…
Shock of shocks, the Taliban is taking over Afghanistan at a record pace.
So, how’s that withdrawl from Afghanistan going, everyone?
This weekend will mark ten years since Osama bin Laden assumed room temperature and stopped being a threat to the United States and the West.
It was Rahm Emanuel who said, “Never let a crisis go to waste,” and the bad guys around the world are certainly taking that advice to heart.
On a surprise Thanksgiving visit to our military in Afghanistan, President Trump announced that talks with the Taliban have resumed.
Over the weekend, the Taliban were getting ready for a super secret meeting with President Trump at Camp David. What’s more, this was to be the culmination…
Why is letting traitors free such a trend in the US these days? First it was Bradley/Chelsea/Whatevs Manning who skipped away from Leavenworth in 2017. Now, on…
The Arizona Senate race between Congresswomen Martha McSally and Kyrsten Sinema has covered the gamut from crazy talk to witches and now treason. As has been reported…
It seems that some in the Army want to quadruple down on the travesty of injustice surrounding that deserter named Bowe Bergdahl. The U.S. Army is set…
Thanks to the broad sentencing latitude of one judge, Bowe Bergdahl is walking out of his court-martial today a free man. The judge, Army Col. Jeffrey Nance,…
Today was the day for Bowe Bergdahl to face up to the consequences of his choices and actions. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told a military judge on…
I guess it’s en vogue these days to make really crappy life decisions, suffer the inevitable consequences, and then blame everyone else for your plight. We’ve seen…
As you can tell from the title, I have no sympathy for, nor am I quivering with joy at the return of Joshua Boyle to the West…
Secretary of Defense James Mattis arrived in Afghanistan over night for talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Ashraf Ghani, the President of Afghanistan. Missiles hit…
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