Male Professors of Pallor to Get “Reverse Mentors”

Male Professors of Pallor to Get “Reverse Mentors”

The Social Justice Warrior cult on university campuses just got another boost. Say hello to the University of Birmingham where being a Senior Academic while male and…

Randa Jarrar Cannibalizes Her Own Side

Randa Jarrar Cannibalizes Her Own Side

When we last heard from Fresno State University Professor Randa Jarrar, she was sucking up the oxygen in the room by denigrating the late First Lady Barbara…

The Left Eats Its Own

The Left Eats Its Own

Om nom nom nom. That smacking sound you hear is not Bernie Sanders spitting his apple sauce as he passionately – and incoherently – sputters socialist ideals…

Back To Eden Bakery: Woke When Closed [VIDEO]

Back To Eden Bakery: Woke When Closed [VIDEO]

Keep Portland Weird, they said. We are progressive, they said. We are woke, they said. The bakery sign said closed. RACISTS MUST BE FIRED, the boss said.

Don’t Let Them Win

Don’t Let Them Win

I woke up this morning to a note from a friend. That friend happens to be New York Times bestselling science fiction author John Ringo, and while…

Why Don’t Millennials Know About the Holocaust? Thank a Teacher. [VIDEO]

Why Don’t Millennials Know About the Holocaust? Thank a Teacher. [VIDEO]

On Thursday, this shocking news made its way across the media: two-thirds of Millennials don’t know what Auschwitz was. Moreover, nearly half underestimated the number of Jews…

The Social Justice Olympics [VIDEO]

The Social Justice Olympics [VIDEO]

Note to all the athletes representing Team USA in PyeongChang right now: there is NO medal for winning the social justice woke competition of the Olympics. That’s…

#SuperBowl: Five Commercials That Failed [VIDEO]

#SuperBowl: Five Commercials That Failed [VIDEO]

We’ve seen some of the best, so now let’s look at some of the worst commercials that this year’s Super Bowl had to offer.

A Planned Parenthood Merry Christmas

A Planned Parenthood Merry Christmas

It’s a Merry Christmas for Planned Parenthood this year. Emily Zanotti of The Daily Wire reports that Feliz Navipod will host a fundraiser for the benefit of…

Time to Relegate Lena Dunham to the Dust Bin of History

Time to Relegate Lena Dunham to the Dust Bin of History

Lena Dunham nauseates me. Lena Dunham should nauseate any rational, thinking human being, regardless of political leanings. And yet, Lena Dunham wields a weird influence over the…

What A Farce! GQ Declares Colin Kaepernick ‘Citizen Of The Year’ [VIDEO]

What A Farce! GQ Declares Colin Kaepernick ‘Citizen Of The Year’ [VIDEO]

Yes, you read that headline correctly. Seems that GQ is doubling down on social justice stupidity these days. This is GQ’s explanation for this “honor”. Much has…

#TakeAKnee: Cowardly Roger Goodell Won’t Require Players to Stand for National Anthem

#TakeAKnee: Cowardly Roger Goodell Won’t Require Players to Stand for National Anthem

Victory Girl Jenny wrote a terrific post on the player kneeling issue and its detrimental affects on our nation here. If you haven’t yet read it, please…

On Players’ Free Speech, #NFL Commish Roger Goodell Is a Star-Spangled Hypocrite

On Players’ Free Speech, #NFL Commish Roger Goodell Is a Star-Spangled Hypocrite

While people are literally clinging to life in Puerto Rico and other areas hit hard by natural disasters, last night, the only team owner who had the…

NFL Players Memo To Roger Goodell: Declare November As Unity Social Justice Month [VIDEO]

NFL Players Memo To Roger Goodell: Declare November As Unity Social Justice Month [VIDEO]

People around the United States are making their voices heard regarding how each views the kneeling protests by NFL football players during the games on Sunday, and…

Michael Bennett Was Detained By Police – Is It A Civil Rights Case? [VIDEO]

Michael Bennett Was Detained By Police – Is It A Civil Rights Case? [VIDEO]

For the last 24 hours in the greater Pacific Northwest, the local news cycles have been consumed by Seattle Seahawks player Michael Bennett. If you didn’t look…

Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice

While my brilliant colleagues cover the trials and tribulations of Hurricane Harvey, I thought I’d delve into something completely different: Hollyweird. We’ve seen rumors about feminizing 007,…

#DoctorWho: New Doctor Is A Woman, But Should This Matter? [VIDEO]

#DoctorWho: New Doctor Is A Woman, But Should This Matter? [VIDEO]

Fair warning: this is a nerd post. But it also covers a cultural issue. You have been warned. For Whovians, the announcement of the identity of the…

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Ava Gardner