Amanda Marcotte Wonders Why Women Vote Republican

Today is the last day of the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC. This has spurred liberals everywhere to become inexplicably confused at the idea of conservatives…

Convention of States: Governor Kasich, Senator Coburn Throw Support Behind Constitutional Convention

Convention of States: Governor Kasich, Senator Coburn Throw Support Behind Constitutional Convention

In August of 2013, Victory Girls blogged about the idea of a Convention of States as outlined in Mark Levin’s book, The Liberty Amendments. At first, it…

Is Sarah Palin Eyeing the Presidential Prize?

Sarah Palin intrigued political watchers on Friday in Des Moines, Iowa, when she told the Washington Post that was “seriously interested” in running for the Presidency in 2016. “I am….

Sarah Palin vs. PETA Hypocrites

It all started with one innocent post on New Year’s Day, wishing people victory over their “stumbling blocks” in life. It even had a cute picture of…

Bristol Palin Audio Released, CNN Anchor Cackles In Glee

Bristol Palin Audio Released, CNN Anchor Cackles In Glee

The double standard is staggering and sickening. (See below for UPDATE) As was well covered last month, the Palin family was involved in what has been popularly…

Sarah Palin on Obama: “We don’t do Kings” and Weekend Links

Sarah Palin spoke at this weekend’s 2014 Western Conservative Summit in Denver doing what she does best: speaking directly to conservatives and Americans from across flyover country….

I’m saying it – Obama is a traitor to America

Any doubts about the “crisis” at the border being absolutely arranged and endorsed by the Coyote-in-Chief? Any lingering questions about any intent to deport disease ridden and…

Conundrum of the Day – Who’s lying? Obama or Hillary Clinton?

Definition of conundrum:  “a confusing and difficult problem or question”.   First we have Hillary Clinton claiming in her new book, “Hard Choices” that she was asked…

Sarah Palin’s NRA “Stand and Fight” Rally Speech and Weekend Links

As one of the keynote speakers at yesterday’s NRA Members meeting, held in Indianapolis, Sarah Palin did what she does best: speaking directly to conservatives and Americans…

Al Franken Panics Over Sarah Palin Endorsement

Minnesota may be getting tired of joke politicians like Al Franken and Jesse Ventura. When Al Franken’s was elected five years ago, he started his political career…

What’s Not to Love about Sarah Palin’s CPAC speech?

Yesterday, Sarah Palin gave the closing speech at the 2014 CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference).  The speech was chock full of memorable parts.  My favorites: “The age of Obama is…

Harvey Weinstein is a Bully, Plans Meryl Streep Film Targeting the NRA

In an interview with radio talk host Howard Stern, Hollywood producer and soon-to-be-director, Harvey Weinstein, said this about his next film, which will target the NRA: “I’m…

Sarah Palin’s father “horribly harassed” by the IRS

The IRS has long been a thorn in the side of many Americans. The signs continue that the IRS is getting worse and will likely sink to new…

Deranged Leftists Attack Sarah and Piper Palin on Twitter and Weekend Links

On Friday, Sarah Palin was in California promoting her new show on the Sportsman Channel called “Amazing America” premiering in April. While speaking to the Television Critics…

Sarah Palin’s Bear, Piers Morgan, and Weekend Links!

Apparently, Sarah Palin doesn’t have any interest in going on the failed TV show of Piers Morgan, that gun-hating wanker on CNN. Who can blame her? But…

More Christian Bashing: New Novel Horrifies Its Readers with a Gasp! Sarah Palin Presidency

More Christian Bashing: New Novel Horrifies Its Readers with a Gasp! Sarah Palin Presidency

So, I was browsing Amazon, looking for an interesting political thriller for some late summer reading, and found this gem: “They said what they would do, and…

Is Palin leaving the Republican GOP to start the “Freedom Party”? And Weekend Links!

While responding to a question from Twitter today, during a segment on the Fox News Channel, Sarah Palin seemed to actually consider the idea of leaving the…

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Ava Gardner