Hillary Classified Email Count Rises

The busy bees at the State Department, who are going through Hillary’s emails – the ones that she gave back to them, on paper (wait, I thought…

#GOPDebate: Chris Christie And Rand Paul Spar Over NSA Surveillance Program

#GOPDebate: Chris Christie And Rand Paul Spar Over NSA Surveillance Program

It was quite the circus last night on Fox News. Two debates involving 17 GOP candidates. There were quite a few highlights, but let’s discuss the Governor Christie/Senator…

Pentagon Email Hacked By Russia

NBC News is reporting that a Russian cyberattack has taken down the Pentagon’s Joint Staff unclassified email. According to the officials, the “sophisticated cyber intrusion” occurred sometime…

Hillary Clinton Does A Big Do-Over, Gives Big Speech, Trashes the Rich

Hillary Clinton Does A Big Do-Over, Gives Big Speech, Trashes the Rich

It’s so sad when Grandma Hillary can’t remember how many times she has declared that she’s running for president. Shorter @HillaryClinton – "1st official launch was such…

Will Attorney General Lynch Prosecute Hillary For Uranium Deal?

Yesterday the United States Senate voted 56-43 to confirm Loretta Lynch as the next Attorney General. The reaction, as Jodi noted, was decidedly mixed. Even the President…

#WhereIsPutin? The Search Continues on the Internet

Russian President Vladimir Putin hasn’t been seen in public for over a week now, and speculation continues as to his whereabouts, especially in light of Russia’s recent…

Where Is Vladimir Putin?

For over a week, Russian president Vladimir Putin has not been seen. And the Kremlin has been tight-lipped as to where he is, which is fueling rumors…

Putin Critic Boris Nemtsov Murdered in Moscow

The name Boris Nemtsov is not well-known to Americans. A former deputy prime minister, Nemtsov was a visible critic of Vladimir Putin. Today, he was shot and…

Obama Foreign Policy: Random and Disorderly

The President of the United States sat down with Matthew Yglesias at Vox for an interview providing his take on US Foreign Policy. This interview is chock…

Sarah Palin vs. PETA Hypocrites

It all started with one innocent post on New Year’s Day, wishing people victory over their “stumbling blocks” in life. It even had a cute picture of…

Obama Is Santa For Dictators

Yesterday, President Obama visited with our military while on vacation in Hawaii. Josh Lederman of ABC News elaborates: President Barack Obama marked the end of more than…

Obama’s Lecture at the United Nations

This morning President Obama gave his annual speech, I mean lecture, to the United Nations General Assembly. The lecture covered a wide range of topics including climate change,…

Duffer in Chief’s Happy Gilmore Strategy for Ukraine

The Ukraine is in for some serious trouble. Two columns of Russian tanks and other military vehicles rolled across the border Thursday.  The satellite images provide a…

Russian hostile forces push deeper into Ukraine

Once again while the world is watching the Middle East, Russia is making its not so stealthy moves towards a Greater Russia. Russian Soldiers “happen” to be…

The UN and Selective Outrage

The UN and Selective Outrage

The UN is outraged. Mr. Ban Ki Moon the UN Secretary General and his cohorts are howling in selective sanctimony about Israel bombing a school in Gaza….

Leading from Behind into a Cold War

Obama says he is not leading us from behind into a Cold War. Sanctions, it’s all about the sanctions. The differences with Russia are not about a…

Act like an American

Good morning!  And I owe you an apology – I’m about to ruin your morning. Remember the good ol’ days when there were only two, maybe three,…

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Ava Gardner