Flush with cash after high profile celebrity riddled fundraisers on the East Coast last weekend, Hillary arrived in Reno for a campaign speech yesterday. Did she plan…
Ismail Berdiyev, a senior Islamic religious leader from Dagestan, started quite the furor when he came out yesterday stating that all women should undergo female circumcision, or…
Hard headed “realism” combined with “Commercial diplomacy.” Those are the favorite phrases Hillary and crew use to describe her years as US Secretary of State, and it…
The Democratic Party really has its collective panties in a bunch over Donald Trump’s comment that the Russians should hack and leak Hillary Clinton’s missing emails. Sen….
Obama has evidently decided that he’d better look busy over the next few months before he’s able to embark on his 3 month nap. Today, at the…
There’s a vast list of things you never expect to read or hear, and Donald Trump is basically making that list nonexistent. My ability to be shocked…
Poking the Russian bear, ISIS has beheaded five Russians accused of spying within ISIS controlled territory. Just last week, a man known as the Russian “Jihadi John”…
Finally, the world is starting to admit what most of us figured out pretty quickly. A bomb most likely blew up the Russian plane on October 31,…
This has the unlimited potential to not end well at all. The Royal Air Force is standing its ground in Britain’s efforts against ISIS, and that means…
Well, he ought to know. President Obama’s disdain for Vladimir Putin’s undiscriminating air strikes was showing on Friday when he said Russia wasn’t distinguishing between good guys…
Remember that red line that Obama chalked into the sand concerning Syria? You know, the one that was so Twizzler bendy that Assad waltzed over it? Well,…
Donald Trump gave an extensive interview to Scott Pelley on “60 Minutes” last night. During the interview, he covered taxes, immigration, ISIS, and Obamacare. Pelley pressed Trump…
In an op-ed for FoxNews, Paul Goldman, the former chair of Virginia’s Democrat Party, put forth an interesting premise regarding his pal Hillary Clinton. His argument boils…
Are you a small, medium, or corporate-sized business? Do you want to expand your market overseas? Would you like to make sales wherever you can across the…
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