Say Goodbye To Broadway

Say Goodbye To Broadway

We can all say goodbye to the Broadway district, which has become a migrant district. More and more hotels throughout New York City are turning into housing projects for illegals and doing it all for the federal money given out by Joe Biden.

Happy Houthis Year From the Pro-Palestinian Protesters In NYC

Happy Houthis Year From the Pro-Palestinian Protesters In NYC

Your Victory Girls have been on top of the Middle East and those Dead Enders, the Houthis. They are the Yemeni rebels sponsored by Iran, natch, who…

Fossil Fuel Fools On The March In NYC

Fossil Fuel Fools On The March In NYC

Don’t you think that New York City has enough problems really? Thousands of total fools are expected to march in New York City to demand that Joe…

AOC Shouted Down By Her Constituents Again

AOC Shouted Down By Her Constituents Again

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is shouted down by her constituents again. She appeared in Queens on Friday before this three-day holiday weekend for a town hall meeting.

Anti-Drag Queen NY Councilwoman Vickie Paladino Booted

Anti-Drag Queen NY Councilwoman Vickie Paladino Booted

New York Councilwoman Vickie Paladino is being punished for her views on Drag Queen Story Hour. She says it is a waste of time and taxpayer dollars….

Court Rules NYC Vaccine Mandate Is Illegal

Court Rules NYC Vaccine Mandate Is Illegal

New York’s vaccine mandate is capricious and illegal. That’s the ruling from the NY State Supreme Court yesterday.

Guest Opinion: Migrant Real Estate Notice – Carl Schurz Park

Guest Opinion: Migrant Real Estate Notice – Carl Schurz Park

“Attention Border State Governors: Carl Schurz Park adjacent to Gracie Mansion on the Upper East Side of Manhattan may well be able to accommodate 5 to 10…

Goldman Sachs Ponders NYC Scale Down

Goldman Sachs Ponders NYC Scale Down

Goldman Sachs, one of the best known financial firms on the planet, is thinking of moving large parts of the firm to Florida. The company, whose worldwide…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The City that Never Weeps” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The City that Never Weeps” Edition

Paladin had a chance to see his city this week, and like the story of the Blind Men and the Elephant, he saw only a tiny portion—but…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Tantrum Style in American Politics” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ “The Tantrum Style in American Politics” Edition

“τὸ κακὸν δοκεῖν ποτ᾽ ἐσθλὸν τῷδ᾽ ἔμμεν‘ ὅτῳ φρένας θεὸς ἄγειπρὸς ἄταν” Your classical Greek a little rusty? Mine too.  Remember Dr. Fauci? Me neither. “Evil appears…

NYC Mayor Clueless About National Guard

NYC Mayor Clueless About National Guard

NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio rejected calls for the National Guard to be deployed in the city to help quell the violence and looting. The peaceful protests in…

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Fear and Loathing in New York” Edition

Paladin’s AMERICAN GOMORRAH ™ — “Fear and Loathing in New York” Edition

Report from the Cuomo Hot Zone.  They love him, they love him, they really love him. Never mind the five thousand dead old people in nursing homes….

NYC Mayor Demands Military Fix His Failings

NYC Mayor Demands Military Fix His Failings

Failed Democrat Presidential primary candidate, and current Mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio demands that the military come in and rescue his city. He laments…

Media Horde Readies Torches And Pitchforks for Trump Jr.

Media Horde Readies Torches And Pitchforks for Trump Jr.

Cue the media horde. Grab the pitchforks and light those torches. Donald Trump, Jr. took a meeting with a Kremlin-linked Russian lawyer in Trump Tower. Don, Jr….

NYC Mayor DeBlasio Crosses Southern Border Illegally

NYC Mayor DeBlasio Crosses Southern Border Illegally is reporting that during his visit to the U.S.-Mexico border last month, New York City Mayor Bill deBlasio crossed the border illegally on foot. From the…

No Uber for you:  Complaint about Muslim Drivers causes ban from Uber

No Uber for you: Complaint about Muslim Drivers causes ban from Uber

Laura Loomer apparently is a right wing activist. She worked for a group called the Veritas Project run by James O’Keefe. And she does not like Muslims….

#NYCStrong: NYC Stands Strong and Defiant

#NYCStrong: NYC Stands Strong and Defiant

Yesterday, NYC once again became the focus of the world when 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov used his rental truck to mow down a number of cyclists. He left…

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Are you interested in writing for Victory Girls? If you’d like to blog about politics and current events from a conservative POV, send us a writing sample here.
Ava Gardner