John Kerry: Whistleblowers Say He Love Iran Long Time

John Kerry: Whistleblowers Say He Love Iran Long Time

The American people dodged a bullet when John Kerry failed to become president in 2004. Unfortunately, he was well-connected in the swamp, and eventually became Barack Obama’s Secretary of State.

Robert Malley, Biden’s Iran Envoy, Had Classified Docs On Personal Email And Phone

Robert Malley, Biden’s Iran Envoy, Had Classified Docs On Personal Email And Phone

Robert Malley, Joe Biden’s Iran envoy in charge of resurrecting the failure called the Iran Deal, has some big problems. It seems he stored classified documents on…

Iran Starts 2024 By Flogging Woman Who Refused To Wear Hijab

Iran Starts 2024 By Flogging Woman Who Refused To Wear Hijab

Seventy four. That’s how many times Roya Heshmati was flogged two days ago in Iran for refusing to wear her hijab.

Biden Team Favor Iran Deal More Than Protests

Biden Team Favor Iran Deal More Than Protests

IF you thought that the recent protests in Iran over the death of a young woman would maybe cause the Biden administration to put a pause on…

Biden Administration Still Hoping Iran Wants A Deal

Biden Administration Still Hoping Iran Wants A Deal

Democrats are admitting that the Iran Deal is likely a dead deal, but the Biden administration is acting like the teenage girl who sits by the phone…

Iran Deal Gives Russia Major Nuclear Plant Contract

Iran Deal Gives Russia Major Nuclear Plant Contract

Russia gets lots of goodies with the Iran Deal. Such as $10 billion to build an Iranian nuclear plant.

Iran Fires Missiles, What Will Biden Do?

Iran Fires Missiles, What Will Biden Do?

Iran is evidently not a fan of the failed nuclear talks, and decided to test Biden’s foreign policy resolve by launching missiles against the U.S. consulate in…

Kremlin May Tank Iran Deal Over Oil Income

Kremlin May Tank Iran Deal Over Oil Income

Tank the Iran Deal? I’m all for it! It seems that the Kremlin is very very nervous about how the world is viewing them these days. No…

Biden’s Useless Toothless Sanctions

Biden’s Useless Toothless Sanctions

The sanctions are useless. Why? The Iran Deal. Specifically, Russia is still involved in the negotiations! 

Venezuela And Iran Are Getting Cozy On World Stage

Venezuela And Iran Are Getting Cozy On World Stage

Well, I don’t know about you, but the idea of Venezuela and Iran becoming close international buddies and trading partners does NOT give me the warm fuzzies.

Western Leaders To Iran: Please Come Talk To Us!

Western Leaders To Iran: Please Come Talk To Us!

Iran needs to come talk to us! That was the message from the G-20 summit in Rome. Specifically it was the message from the U.S., Germany, France,…

Iran Delays Prisoner Swap And Nuke Talks

Iran Delays Prisoner Swap And Nuke Talks

Iran is delaying nuke and prisoner swap talks, and evidently the Biden Administration is a little ticked about it.

Iran President Raisi Refuses To Meet With Biden

Iran President Raisi Refuses To Meet With Biden

Ebrahim Raisi, the newly minted President of Iran refuses to meet with Joe Biden. That was one of several jaw-dropping and troubling answers he gave during an…

Unease In the Middle East With Arrests In Jordan

Unease In the Middle East With Arrests In Jordan

The Middle East is a bit uneasy right now. Jordanian royals along with nearly twenty others have been arrested or detained per the order of King Abdullah…

CIA Director Nominee Worked On Obama/Biden Iran Deal

CIA Director Nominee Worked On Obama/Biden Iran Deal

William J. Burns, the Biden nominee for CIA Director, testified before the Senate Select Intelligence Committee that will recommend his confirmation before the full Senate. To say…

Iran Doing Their Best To Stop New Iran Deal

Iran Doing Their Best To Stop New Iran Deal

It has been a whole year since the United States took out the terrorist Qasem Soleimani, and Iran is still plenty mad about it.

Iran Achieves 20% Uranium Enrichment, NY Times Blames Trump

Iran Achieves 20% Uranium Enrichment, NY Times Blames Trump

Iran has achieved 20% uranium enrichment, and the New York Times has decided to blame President Trump once again.

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