Does it seem to you that we can’t laugh at anything these days? And that political jokes no longer poke gentle fun at their subjects, but exude…
The story of Audrey Hepburn reminded me of my late mother. No, their lives were not the same. Other than the fact that they were both born…
This should not be a shock to anyone, but Hollywood studios want both your money, and the ability to espouse leftist platitudes. At some point, something is…
The Academy Awards aired last night. Odds are you didn’t watch it. Hollywood has problems, and while they are good about lecturing everyone else, they can’t fix…
Oh, dear readers, this is sweet. Joy Behar, chief harpy and Trump-hater on The View, now has her own blackface moment to account for. And so far, she hasn’t said…
Director Bryan Singer should be doing a happy dance today since he recently hit the Hollywood jackpot. His film, Bohemian Rhapsody, just received two Oscar nominations: one for best picture,…
Hollywood is wanting to remake yet another movie. This time Cleopatra is their target. Yes, that Cleopatra movie. Only there is a problem. Screeching SJW harpies think…
Kevin Hart was set for the gig of a lifetime — hosting the 2018 Academy Awards presentation. Then, just three days later, Hart was gone in a…
Let’s clean up a self-inflicted mess from last week: Emantic Bradford, Jr.
Here we go again. Hollywood once again is omitting historical facts – not for the good of the plot, but for the good of their own personal…
The West Hollywood City Council doesn’t think that Donald Trump deserves his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and after the latest vandalism, they want it…
Once upon a time, there was a place called Tinseltown where the beautiful people gathered to make films that entertained us. Their bosses, more concerned with making…
And the crowd went WILD at Robert De Niro’s classless “Fuck Trump!” outburst on national television! The collective orgasm at De Niro’s inability or unwillingness to leash…
Harvey Weinstein is a piece of slime. That’s been known by the Hollywood and political elite for YEARS. Yesterday it was announced that he would turn himself…
I don’t like Harvey Weinstein. I believe the women who say Weinstein sexually assaulted them. I think he should pay dearly for what he almost certainly did.
The real stunner isn’t that the Academy of Motion Pictures kicked out Bill Cosby after his conviction. It’s that they kicked out Roman Polanski at the same…
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