SCOTUS Hears Pivotal Same-Sex Wedding Cake Case Today. Will the First Amendment Prevail?

SCOTUS Hears Pivotal Same-Sex Wedding Cake Case Today. Will the First Amendment Prevail?

Jack Phillips owns a Colorado bakery called Masterpiece Cakeshop. As a religious Christian, for years he’s been the target of the Left’s assault on the First Amendment’s…

Democrats Mock Silence and Prayers After Vegas Massacre

Democrats Mock Silence and Prayers After Vegas Massacre

Democrats and their leaders in the media have never been known to “let a serious crisis go to waste”. The Las Vegas massacre of 59, excluding the…

“Mad Pooper” Has a Spokesman and an Excuse

“Mad Pooper” Has a Spokesman and an Excuse

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past few days, you’ve likely heard of the guano crazy jogger in Colorado Springs, who has been defecating on…

Snowflakes on Campuses: Destroying Freedom One “Safe Space” at a Time

Snowflakes on Campuses: Destroying Freedom One “Safe Space” at a Time

A recent Brookings survey of 1,500 current undergraduate students at U.S. four-year colleges and universities revealed something frightening. The survey results establish with data what has been clear…

#BenAtBerkeley: Triggered Cupcakes Melt In Berkeley Over Ben Shapiro Lecture

#BenAtBerkeley: Triggered Cupcakes Melt In Berkeley Over Ben Shapiro Lecture

Think of all the things 600,000 dollars in cold, hard cash could buy. Track chairs for veterans; new homes for hurricane victims; tons of books for disadvantaged…

Christian Baker Who Refused Gay Couple Cake Responds to Govt Official’s Nazi Comparison [VIDEO]

Christian Baker Who Refused Gay Couple Cake Responds to Govt Official’s Nazi Comparison [VIDEO]

Christians have been under assault in America for quite some time now, even moreso in the past eight years where the previous federal administration routinely targeted them….

YouTube Launches New Censorship Initiative, Starts By Removing #RedPillBlack Rebuttal To BLM [VIDEO]

YouTube Launches New Censorship Initiative, Starts By Removing #RedPillBlack Rebuttal To BLM [VIDEO]

It seems that YouTube doesn’t appreciate it when people take to its airwaves to speak the truth. On Wednesday they removed the video below for having “offensive”…

Should Clemson Fire Prof Who Said All Republicans Are “Racist Scum?”

Should Clemson Fire Prof Who Said All Republicans Are “Racist Scum?”

The quelling of free speech on campus has frequently found its way into the news as of late. So you may have heard about the Clemson assistant…

UNCW Prof Mike Adams’ Pre-Resignation Statement Will Make Lib Heads Implode

UNCW Prof Mike Adams’ Pre-Resignation Statement Will Make Lib Heads Implode

The tramping of free speech on campuses across America has found its way into the news as of late. From indoctrinating freshman on “microaggressions,” disallowing conservative speakers…

#SCOTUS Will Hear Masterpiece Cakeshop Religious Objection Case [VIDEO]

#SCOTUS Will Hear Masterpiece Cakeshop Religious Objection Case [VIDEO]

SCOTUS was busy today! Multiple cases were finalized and cases that will be heard this fall were announced. That includes Deanna’s post about SCOTUS keeping President Trump’s…

Senator Bernie Sanders Strongly Condemns Gunman Who Shot Congressman Steve Scalise [VIDEO]

Senator Bernie Sanders Strongly Condemns Gunman Who Shot Congressman Steve Scalise [VIDEO]

Law enforcement and medical personnel had just barely responded to the scene of the shooting this morning when speculation regarding the shooter ramped up to infinity. Prior…

Kathy Griffin Blames Everyone Else For Her Career Implosion [VIDEO]

Kathy Griffin Blames Everyone Else For Her Career Implosion [VIDEO]

Poor, poor Kathy Griffin. She hired lawyer Lisa Bloom in order to defend herself from that mean old Trump family who has been “bullying” her. I mean,…

Judge Blocks Obamacare Mandates that Force Abortion, Transgender Services [VIDEO]

Judge Blocks Obamacare Mandates that Force Abortion, Transgender Services [VIDEO]

Is the dismantling of Obamacare upon us? While the nation was getting ready for New Year’s celebrations, a federal judge in Texas issued a nationwide block on…

No, Colin Kaepernick, Your Protest is Not Working

No, Colin Kaepernick, Your Protest is Not Working

Colin Kaepernick is a coward. From the comfort of a secured stadium and his cushy leather armchair, he’s taken the NFL, and its fan base, hostage. It’s…

Michigan State Snowflakes Shame Hispanic Prof. Joseph Guzman for Supporting Trump

Michigan State Snowflakes Shame Hispanic Prof. Joseph Guzman for Supporting Trump

The snowflakes are so hot, they’re melting all over the Michigan State University campus. You see, according to the Liberal Loon Playbook—adopted by just about every university…

He Just Can’t Help It: Obama Disses Military and Police in Kaepernick Statement. [VIDEO]

He Just Can’t Help It: Obama Disses Military and Police in Kaepernick Statement. [VIDEO]

Oh, President Obama. He just doesn’t know when to make a measured statement on a touchy subject and then leave it. No, he has to ramble on and…

PC Police: Marquette U. Prof John McAdams Sacked for Supporting Free Speech on Campus

PC Police: Marquette U. Prof John McAdams Sacked for Supporting Free Speech on Campus

Marquette University professor, John McAdams, belongs to an ever-shrinking minority: Conservative professors on college campuses. Like most campuses across America, Marquette, one of the ten worst colleges…

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Ava Gardner