U.S. Media Loses Their Mind Over Giorgia Meloni Win In Italy

U.S. Media Loses Their Mind Over Giorgia Meloni Win In Italy

The U.S. media has gone all in to label Italy’s Giorgia Meloni an ultra right-wing conservative with fascist ties. I can only suppose that our journalistic betters are doing such because of speeches like this that she’s made during her campaign.

Energy War: Russia Shuts Down Nord Stream Pipeline Indefinitely

Energy War: Russia Shuts Down Nord Stream Pipeline Indefinitely

With the Nord Stream pipeline shut down indefinitely, Europe could get very cold this winter on a number of fronts.

Germany Energy Shortage Should Be Warning To U.S.

Germany Energy Shortage Should Be Warning To U.S.

Germany is dealing with a major energy shortage due to Russia’s games and the country’s asinine green energy push. So much so that many cities across the…

Will U.S. And EU Plan To Further Isolate Russia Backfire?

Will U.S. And EU Plan To Further Isolate Russia Backfire?

Will this work or will it backfire? Plans are afoot to isolate Russia even more than they are now. It seems the current sanctions haven’t gone far…

EU Clobbered With Brexit Clue Bat

EU Clobbered With Brexit Clue Bat

If the EU is paying even a smidgen of attention, they just got smacked with a clue bat called Brexit. On Friday January 31, 2020 at 11:59…

Poland Bravely Bucks the EU, Says No to Refugees [VIDEO]

Poland Bravely Bucks the EU, Says No to Refugees [VIDEO]

Europe is having a bit of a problem with terrorism these days. From the recent attack in Manchester, to Paris, Stockholm, Berlin, and Brussels, Europeans are reeling….

Media Wordplay Is Affecting Perception of French Election [VIDEO]

Media Wordplay Is Affecting Perception of French Election [VIDEO]

The media is hailing the contest for the French presidency as a battle of “center vs. far right.” It can be seen in almost every single news…

Can Scotland Stop The Brexit?

Can Scotland Stop The Brexit?

The political upheaval in the United Kingdom is far from over. As my fellow Victory Girl Jennifer wrote about on Saturday, Scotland’s government is particularly hacked off…

Brexit: Did the British Tell Obama to Bugger Off? [VIDEO]

Brexit: Did the British Tell Obama to Bugger Off? [VIDEO]

Did some of the Brits who voted to leave the EU do so as a poke in the eye to Barack Obama? UK Independence Party leader Nigel…

Brexit: Of Course, British Millennials are Whining About the Vote [VIDEOS]

Brexit: Of Course, British Millennials are Whining About the Vote [VIDEOS]

Last night Britain shocked the world as it voted to leave the European Union. One group of Brits that were overwhelmingly in the Remain camp were the…

Central Council of German Muslims: 5000 Refugee Children Assumed To Have Been Trafficked

Central Council of German Muslims: 5000 Refugee Children Assumed To Have Been Trafficked

In a shocking admission Friday the head of the Central Council of German Muslims claimed that the council does not know the whereabouts of some 5,000 refugee…

Can The U.S. Handle More Than 10,000 Syrian Refugees?

Can The U.S. Handle More Than 10,000 Syrian Refugees?

The push for the U.S. to throw the doors wide open to refugees from Syria continues. In fact, we may be looking at more than the 10,000…

Obama Orders US To Accept 10,000 “Syrian” Refugees

Obama Orders US To Accept 10,000 “Syrian” Refugees

10,000. No, not dollars. That is the number of immigrants President Obama is concerned with. Its the number of refugees we’ve been told will be coming to America…

Prime Minister Tsipras Resigns, Greece Gets A Do-Over Election

Socialism is going to have another vote in Greece. After being forced by reality to accept even more stringent austerity measures than those he had previously told…

Negotiations Continue Between the EU and Greece After Austerity Measures Pass Greek Parliament

The Greeks have figured out the hard way in one week that you need cash to run an economy. Despite a big win for the left-wing Syriza…

Ukraine Split? Crimea Parliament Votes To Join Russia

Reminiscent of the Russian/ Georgia  standoff that came to a head in 2008, comes another crisis at a time when the Ukraine is trying to stabilize after…

The Ukraine Protests and Weekend Links

While the American press has been focused on Justin Beiber, did you know the Ukraine capital of Kiev is burning? Protests have spread to other cities in…

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Ava Gardner