Biden Freeze: This Isn’t Funny Any More, This Is Trouble

Biden Freeze: This Isn’t Funny Any More, This Is Trouble

Who are you going to believe – Democrats who keep insisting that Joe Biden is as sharp as a tack behind closed doors, or your own lyin’ eyes???

Grifter Meghan Markle Wants Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Seat

Grifter Meghan Markle Wants Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Seat

As all of you are aware by now, Senator Dianne Feinstein died last Friday morning. May her memory be a blessing. We come here today to discuss…

Senator Dianne Feinstein Has Passed At Age 90

Senator Dianne Feinstein Has Passed At Age 90

Senator Dianne Feinstein, California’s U.S. Senator for three decades, has died at age 90. Her death was shocking, yet given her significant health issues this year, not…

Media Bias Extraordinare: McConnell Old, Fetterman Courageous

Media Bias Extraordinare: McConnell Old, Fetterman Courageous

If the media didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards.

Dianne Feinstein Briefly Hospitalized, After Fall

Dianne Feinstein Briefly Hospitalized, After Fall

Yesterday, California’s Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein was briefly hospitalized after a fall at her home. According to a statement from her office, she was released after it…

Misguided Hecklers Scream For Mitch McConnell’s Retirement

Misguided Hecklers Scream For Mitch McConnell’s Retirement

Hecklers decided to call for, well scream and chant really, Senator Mitch McConnell’s retirement at an event on Saturday.

Political Imprisonment Of Dianne Feinstein

Political Imprisonment Of Dianne Feinstein

Dianne Feinstein returned to the Senate in a wheelchair following a three month battle with Shingles. At the risk of being ableist or ageist, the woman looks…

Feinstein Judiciary Replacement? Not So Fast

Feinstein Judiciary Replacement? Not So Fast

Everyone acknowledges that Dianne Feinstein is not able to serve as a senator at this point. The Democrats thought they had found a workaround. The Republicans are…

Feinstein Being Told To Resign By Fellow Dems

Feinstein Being Told To Resign By Fellow Dems

Senator Dianne Feinstein is in declining health and can no longer do her job. That much has been obvious for a while, and well before the beginning…

Schiff Announces Senate Run After TikTok Whine

Schiff Announces Senate Run After TikTok Whine

Yesterday, Adam Schiff was formally removed from the House Intelligence Committee by Speaker Kevin McCarthy, along with Eric Swalwell. Schiff lost no time complaining loudly, first in…

Anti-Catholic Bigots In The U.S. Senate

Anti-Catholic Bigots In The U.S. Senate

President Donald Trump is poised to nominate a judge to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court of the United States. This is…

Ex-CIA Spy Arrested For Selling U.S. Secrets To China

Ex-CIA Spy Arrested For Selling U.S. Secrets To China

The news of an ex-CIA spy getting arrested and charged for espionage this afternoon isn’t going to set well with all those Democrats who think China is…

Dianne Feinstein Wants Senate To Be Non-Essential

Dianne Feinstein Wants Senate To Be Non-Essential

Every day Americans show up for their essential jobs. They know the Coronavirus is out there. They still work the hospital frontlines, deliver consumer goods, and work…

Six Biggest Clowns of the Past Week

Six Biggest Clowns of the Past Week

Well, that was a week wasn’t it. Seven days of elitist bluenoses trying to outdo each other in seeing who could beclown themselves the most. If you…

Dianne Feinstein Says No Thanks To Sunrise Movement Kids Green New Deal Push

Dianne Feinstein Says No Thanks To Sunrise Movement Kids Green New Deal Push

Ever since AOC announced the Green New Deal, the jokes have been writing themselves. I mean seriously, the airline industry and farting cows are a menace to…

Lindsey Graham Finds His Spine

Lindsey Graham Finds His Spine

It has been quite a interesting few days for Senator Lindsey Graham. On Thursday, he broke loose with an impressive and impassioned defense of Judge Brett Kavanaugh…

Kavanaugh Hearing: Soulless, Democrat Douche Contest

Kavanaugh Hearing: Soulless, Democrat Douche Contest

The Kavanaugh Hearing today made the Clarence Thomas Hearing look like a lovely tea with the Queen. As everyone knew they would, the Dummocrats on the Judiciary…

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Ava Gardner