While Black Lives Matter (BLM) supporters spent the whole summer of 2020 setting cars on fire and breaking windows, the organization was doing some serious fundraising. How…
The political hypocrisy, games and hot takes have begun. Biden has now informed the world that, no matter the genuine qualifications, all SCOTUS candidates must meet one…
Washington State Trooper, Robert LaMay, has died due to reported complications with COVID-19. LaMay resigned back in October, in a recorded video message seen across the nation,…
Nancy Pelosi will run again. Nancy is planning to save the House and America from all the stuff and things, including Trump and all those Jan 6…
The three brothers at The MeidasTouch super PAC thought they were oh-so-clever when they put together an ad spinning the “Let’s Go Brandon” chant into actual achievements…
It’s Margarita and kickboxing time! Evidently there are a lot of depressed Democrats out there. Boy does Jen Psaki have some advice for you!
Vanity, thy name is DOCTOR Jill. In a recent interview with the Associated Press, Jill Biden named her role in this crap-tastic, disastrous first year of her…
Seems that Putin is hell bent on calling Biden’s bluff. The saber rattling he’s engaging in regarding Ukraine has ramped up in recent days and weeks.
You know Democrats are getting desperate when Barack Obama emerges like a groundhog to save the voting rights bill. Actually, he sees his party circling the toilet…
The saying goes, be careful what you wish for, because you may get it. Those few Democrats who are not hard left progressives are living that reality…
Senate Majority Leader, Chuck Schumer (D-NY) plans on busting the filibuster. Yet in a rare moment of playing offense instead of defense in politics, Senate Republicans came…
If the cynical use of the Neckbeard Riot of Jan 6 by Democrats wasn’t enough to convince you of their goal to disenfranchise 75 million Americans who…
George Washington’s Farewell Address is one of those enduring American documents which stands for all time. Yet a Salon writer is using it as a screed to…
In the foggy, rainy land of Bigfoot, evergreen trees and meandering mountain passes lives a governor who thinks himself to be a king. His name, known across…
A wave of “retirements” from the party in power is certainly not a new thing during an election year.
The City of Portland in The Peoples’ Republic of Oregon ended 2021 with a record high year in shooting deaths. The city saw 90 murders over the…
Well, here we are, struggling to smile as if we see an end to the gloom we’ve been living through in anticipation of something better.
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