Jim Acosta Has No Constitutional Right To Report From the White House

Jim Acosta Has No Constitutional Right To Report From the White House

If you haven’t seen the big Jim Acosta moment from the press conference last week, you’ve heard about it. CNN “reporter” Jim Acosta refused to give up…

CNN’s Acosta Attacks Trump But Fake News Spins It

CNN’s Acosta Attacks Trump But Fake News Spins It

Our long National nightmare continues. Did you see the press conference today with President Donald Trump being attacked by most, not all, of the vaunted White House…

Buyers Remorse? NBC And CNN Suddenly BackPedal On Michael Avenatti [VIDEO]

Buyers Remorse? NBC And CNN Suddenly BackPedal On Michael Avenatti [VIDEO]

Buyers Remorse might be setting in. Just hours ago, Michael Avenatti was the potential anointed one for the Democrat party. That is, according to the NY Times….

Open Letter to Jeff Zucker

Open Letter to Jeff Zucker

Dear Mr. Zucker – We are all horrified by the acts of domestic terrorism that resulted in pipe bombs being sent to some prominent Democratic figures. This…

Explosive Devices Mailed To Hillary Clinton, Obama, And CNN [VIDEO]

Explosive Devices Mailed To Hillary Clinton, Obama, And CNN [VIDEO]

Just the other day the news broke of some type of bomb was sent to George Soros’ home in Westchester, New York. It was a miracle that…

#TexasTownHall: Beto Dodges Answer On Due Process And Wants To Impeach Trump [VIDEO]

#TexasTownHall: Beto Dodges Answer On Due Process And Wants To Impeach Trump [VIDEO]

Beto O’Rourke, that skateboarding darling of the Democrat Left that he is, had quite a night last night at the CNN-sponsored Texas Town Hall. One thing is…

Kanye West Called Trump’s “Token Negro” On CNN

Kanye West Called Trump’s “Token Negro” On CNN

“Fake news” CNN is at it again. Why be accurate or factual or (gasp) report news when you can be ugly? And, we are talking ugly to…

Media Competes For Best Of The Worst Hot Takes From Kavanaugh Ford Hearing [VIDEO]

Media Competes For Best Of The Worst Hot Takes From Kavanaugh Ford Hearing [VIDEO]

The Kavanaugh Ford hearing yesterday was one for the books. Unfortunately Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony created more questions than answers. Meanwhile Brett Kavanaugh forcefully defended himself and…

Ashley Kavanaugh Death Threats? Meh. [VIDEO]

Ashley Kavanaugh Death Threats? Meh. [VIDEO]

Ashley Kavanaugh, the wife of embattled Brett Kavanaugh, has received vile death threats. So what is new? you might ask. It seems to go with our overheated…

Cameron Kasky Rethinks His Life [VIDEO]

Cameron Kasky Rethinks His Life [VIDEO]

Cameron Kasky was one of the core students at the center of the “March For Our Lives” movement that was created right after the horrific shooting at…

From The VG Bookshelf: “Fear” [VIDEO]

From The VG Bookshelf: “Fear” [VIDEO]

With all the media hype regarding Bob Woodward’s latest book “Fear,” it seemed like it would be an interesting read. Here is a guy who has contacts…

CNN Is Sad About New Mexico Terrorists Difficult Life Off The Grid [VIDEO]

CNN Is Sad About New Mexico Terrorists Difficult Life Off The Grid [VIDEO]

Those poor misguided adults and eleven starving children were training to attack Atlanta’s Grady Hospital. Yes folks, they were training to be terrorists. However, quite a few at…

Lanny Davis, CNN’s Source For Trump Tower Story Backpedals [VIDEO]

Lanny Davis, CNN’s Source For Trump Tower Story Backpedals [VIDEO]

In July, CNN published a story claiming that Trump absolutely KNEW about the planned Trump Tower meeting with a Russian delegation. According to their sources, former Trump…

Mollie Tibbetts’ Family Fans Flames of Political Fire

Mollie Tibbetts’ Family Fans Flames of Political Fire

Most of the United States of America worried for weeks when Mollie Tibbetts disappeared and grieved when her body was found. Several of Tibbetts’s family members have…

Mollie Tibbetts Murdered By Illegal Alien And Media Pundits Whine About Trump [VIDEO]

Mollie Tibbetts Murdered By Illegal Alien And Media Pundits Whine About Trump [VIDEO]

There is a devastated family in Iowa right now. Their daughter and sister, Mollie Tibbetts, was brutally murdered by an illegal alien. No, I won’t use the…

It’s The Jim Acosta Show! [VIDEO]

It’s The Jim Acosta Show! [VIDEO]

Jim Acosta of CNN is sad. No one at the Trump rallies seems to like him or his network. And when they yell at him during a…

Jim Acosta Thinks Trump Supporters are Really, Really Icky. [VIDEO]

Jim Acosta Thinks Trump Supporters are Really, Really Icky. [VIDEO]

I’ll be honest here — I don’t particularly like watching Trump rallies on TV. I keep expecting Russell Crowe to jump on stage in gladiator gear, yelling…

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Ava Gardner