Gutsy Parts 6 and 7: Step Right Up, Take A Flying Leap

Gutsy Parts 6 and 7: Step Right Up, Take A Flying Leap

The torture continues as Hillary and Chelsea Clinton take a trip across the Tappan Zee to the banks of the Hudson in the sixth installment of the “Yay, Us, Look At Us, We Are Gutsy Women” series.

Elon Musk Is A Cheapskate Says LA Times

Elon Musk Is A Cheapskate Says LA Times

A cheapskate. That’s how the LA Times described Elon Musk. It seems that he’s not giving nearly enough to charity. According to envious Michael Hiltzik, he should…

Dear Hillary: Your Claim That Democrats Are Civil Is Crap And You Know It

Dear Hillary: Your Claim That Democrats Are Civil Is Crap And You Know It

It’s bad enough that Hillary and Bill are teaming up for a 13-state concert/speaking tour. I mean, seriously, how else can you view it other than: she’s…

What About Hillary? Former Sailor Trump Pardoned Files Suit Against Obama, Comey Citing Unequal Justice

What About Hillary? Former Sailor Trump Pardoned Files Suit Against Obama, Comey Citing Unequal Justice

What was “careless” for Hillary saw another man jailed. And for a microscopic infraction in comparison.

The OIG Report Hits McCabe, The Clinton Foundation And Hillary’s Emails [VIDEO]

The OIG Report Hits McCabe, The Clinton Foundation And Hillary’s Emails [VIDEO]

The Office of Inspector General released it’s report on Andrew McCabe and it’s a doozy! Right about now, McCabe has to be thrilled that the GoFundme campaign…

#UraniumOne: 11-Count Indictment Handed Down, Hillary And Obama Hardest Hit [VIDEO]

#UraniumOne: 11-Count Indictment Handed Down, Hillary And Obama Hardest Hit [VIDEO]

The tsunami of the Sh*thole fake news served to bury a  more important story than what was peddled by an anonymous tattle-tale weasel. Does the phrase Uranium…

If Bill Clinton Tweeted As President, What Would His Handle Be? [VIDEO]

If Bill Clinton Tweeted As President, What Would His Handle Be? [VIDEO]

Bill and Hillary Clinton just can’t let things go. So on Saturday night, they celebrated the 25th anniversary of Bill’s 1992 presidential victory. You know, living those…

Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin While Hillary And Obama Sold US Uranium To Russia [VIDEO]

Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin While Hillary And Obama Sold US Uranium To Russia [VIDEO]

The Hillary/Obama/Bill/RUSSIA! story is getting deeper into the slime of bribery and corruption as each day goes by. This time it’s good ole Bill Clinton who has…

Collusion: FBI Hid Evidence Of Russian Bribery Plot That Involved Hillary Clinton And Sale Of U.S. Uranium[VIDEO]

Collusion: FBI Hid Evidence Of Russian Bribery Plot That Involved Hillary Clinton And Sale Of U.S. Uranium[VIDEO]

It’s True! The Russians did engage in bribery, extortion, and collusion! Starting in 2009! And no, it wasn’t Facebook ads for $10,000, Alex. It involved American Uranium! Before the Obama…

Of Course: Clinton Foundation Says It Won’t Return $250K in #HarveyWeinstein Donations

Of Course: Clinton Foundation Says It Won’t Return $250K in #HarveyWeinstein Donations

Hillary Clinton will not go away. She’s everywhere. She’s hocking her book, and she’s hocking her victimhood, and she’s doing so internationally. Not even yet another face…

Hillary Clinton Wants To Be A Preacher [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton Wants To Be A Preacher [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton has emerged from her walk in the woods and will soon publish a book of essays discussing her life, her failed Presidential campaign(s), and her…

#WhatHappened: Hillary Clinton’s New Memoir Has The Most Awkward Title Ever [VIDEO]

#WhatHappened: Hillary Clinton’s New Memoir Has The Most Awkward Title Ever [VIDEO]

Hillary is in the news again. Yay?? No seriously, a big YUUUGE announcement was made this morning. Are you ready for this? The title of Hillary Clinton‘s…

Hillary Launches “Onward Together” PAC, Then Social Media Reminds Her Why She Lost

Hillary Launches “Onward Together” PAC, Then Social Media Reminds Her Why She Lost

Hillary Clinton will not go away. She’s determined to suck the life out of America like a tick on a mule deer. When she’s not wandering through…

Who Is Rex Tillerson, Trump’s Pick For Secretary of State? [VIDEO]

Who Is Rex Tillerson, Trump’s Pick For Secretary of State? [VIDEO]

The rumors became fact this morning when Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil CEO, was named as Donald Trump’s official choice to be the next Secretary of State. I…

#Veritas: O’Keefe Vid Shows Dem Pollster Celinda Lake Encouraging Unions to Lie to Voters [VIDEO]

#Veritas: O’Keefe Vid Shows Dem Pollster Celinda Lake Encouraging Unions to Lie to Voters [VIDEO]

It’s no secret that James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks, no less than five state FBI field offices investigating the Clinton Foundation, and now a re-opened…

#PodestaEmails: Why The Vast Hillary Clinton Email Corruption Matters [VIDEOS]

#PodestaEmails: Why The Vast Hillary Clinton Email Corruption Matters [VIDEOS]

November 8, election day, is approaching fast. During that time period, Hillary Clinton and the Clinton campaign are hoping they can slide through the sewage muck generated…

WikiLeaks Reveals “Bill Clinton Inc” and More Fun with Clinton Pay for Play [VIDEO]

WikiLeaks Reveals “Bill Clinton Inc” and More Fun with Clinton Pay for Play [VIDEO]

Ever wonder how the Clintons got so rich? The Arkansas Grifters who claimed they were “dead broke” after leaving the White House? WikiLeaks reveals all. In a…

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Ava Gardner