President Trump Shot At Pennsylvania Rally

President Trump Shot At Pennsylvania Rally

Quite honestly, my heart stopped when I heard that President Trump was shot at the rally this afternoon in Pennsylvania. I really wanted it to be a joke, but it is not.

Biden Says He’ll Debate Trump, But Will His Campaign Let Him?

Biden Says He’ll Debate Trump, But Will His Campaign Let Him?

Oh boy, there is some HEAVY drinking happening right now at Biden campaign headquarters. The old man has dug himself a hole, and the campaign might not…

Jill Biden Wants Credit For Remembering What Joe Forgot

Jill Biden Wants Credit For Remembering What Joe Forgot

This might be the worst week ever for Joe Biden’s political career. But never fear, Jill Biden is here! And she’s going to step into the breach…

Biden Basement Campaign 2.0 Won’t Work From The White House

Biden Basement Campaign 2.0 Won’t Work From The White House

There were multiple reasons why Joe Biden got elected in 2020, but a key one was that he was put in his basement like a potted plant,…

Biden Birthday Causing Consternation Among Nervous Democrats

Biden Birthday Causing Consternation Among Nervous Democrats

Today is the big day! Joe Biden turns 81 years old today. And the White House and Democrats are hoping against hope that everyone will not make…

RFK Jr Planning an Independent Run for President

RFK Jr Planning an Independent Run for President

On Friday afternoon, aka Document Dump Day — when politicians release stuff they hope you don’t pay attention to — Mediaite teased an exclusive. They leaked the…

Biden Is Fine, Just Don’t Let Him Tip Over

Biden Is Fine, Just Don’t Let Him Tip Over

Gone are the days of Dr. Jill insisting that Joe Biden has just as much stamina and energy as a 30 year old.

The Laughable Media Meltdown Over DeSantis Announcement

The Laughable Media Meltdown Over DeSantis Announcement

The media really doesn’t like Ron DeSantis, so it’s a given that they’d gnash teeth and clutch pearls over his announcing a run for President. But even…

Does Trump Really Want The Presidency Again?

Does Trump Really Want The Presidency Again?

Is this about a personal drive and fire to change the direction of the country once again, or is this about saving face and stroking the ego?…

Hochul Doubles Down: Crime? What Crime?

Hochul Doubles Down: Crime? What Crime?

Kathy Hochul is very reluctant to address the massive waves of crime across the state of New York. She’s not a fan of people having ‘feelings’ about…

Kamala Getting Sent To California, Take Two

Kamala Getting Sent To California, Take Two

The political stop that Kamala Harris was supposed to accomplish on her way back from Vietnam is finally going to happen.

Eric Swalwell Had Hand in Campaign Cookie Jar

Eric Swalwell Had Hand in Campaign Cookie Jar

Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Peoples Republic of California, is a sanctimonious twit who enjoys ridiculing his Congressional Republican colleagues. Appearing on the progressive podcast “The Meidas Touch,” Swalwell…

Biden Campaign Now Wants In-Person Debate

Biden Campaign Now Wants In-Person Debate

Debate virtually or in-person. That is the question.

Vice President List Narrows For Biden

Vice President List Narrows For Biden

The office of vice president is usually not the topic of hot debate that it has been this election cycle for the Democrats.

Biden Lurches Left To Curry Favor With Bernie Bros

Biden Lurches Left To Curry Favor With Bernie Bros

Joe Biden is now the Democrat front runner. So what does the campaign do? Lurch left BIGLY in an attempt to curry favor and votes from Bernie…

Warren Wants To Be Bernie’s Vice President

Warren Wants To Be Bernie’s Vice President

At this point, the American public should be getting combat pay for watching any of these Democratic debates. While there weren’t any massive unanswered attacks at this…

Warren Turns The Trans Pandering To Eleven

Warren Turns The Trans Pandering To Eleven

At this point, Elizabeth Warren has looked at the polls, looked at herself in the mirror, and said “Self, what more must I say to get Iowa…

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Ava Gardner