Manipulation By AOC In Instagram Post

Manipulation By AOC In Instagram Post

New York Congresscritter Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a liberal idiot. However, in the realm of emotional manipulation, she is without peer in her latest Instagram post. She paints…

Noise And Meanness Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Noise And Meanness Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

In April of 1776, Founding Father James Madison wrote a letter in which he bemoaned that elected officials would obtain influence by noise and meanness. There is…

Ted Cruz, Naming Names and Protecting the Republic

Ted Cruz, Naming Names and Protecting the Republic

From its beginning, Texas has been known for being the home of people willing to stand up for what they believe in. Stephen F. Austin, Lorenzo de…

Climate Change Arrogance

Climate Change Arrogance

Climate Change arrogance is on full display with the Biden Administration. Let’s start with Biden himself.

AOC Jumps In Line For Shot In The Arm

AOC Jumps In Line For Shot In The Arm

Democratic Socialist, AOC, jumped in line to get the COVID-19 vaccine for all of her Instagram followers this weekend. We know what you’re thinking. Will the vaccine’s…

Dan Crenshaw Nukes Heartless Nancy Pelosi

Dan Crenshaw Nukes Heartless Nancy Pelosi

Representative Dan Crenshaw nuked Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the floor of the House. He said aloud what we all have know for years. Nancy Pelosi is a…

AOC: Down Ticket Democrat Races Weren’t Socialist Enough

AOC: Down Ticket Democrat Races Weren’t Socialist Enough

Not Socialist enough says AOC! The down ticket Democrat races didn’t win because of that and their lack of competence.

President-Elect Joe Biden Must Disavow AOC

President-Elect Joe Biden Must Disavow AOC

Yesterday, Victory Girls’ Nina wrote about Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her call for lists of those who were sycophants for President Donald Trump. You must read her…

Support Trump? You’ll Go On The List

Support Trump? You’ll Go On The List

A list is being compiled by Democrats. What kind of list? A list of anyone and everyone who is or has supported President Donald J. Trump.

Evita Had Nothing On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Evita Had Nothing On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Vanity Fair magazine has as its cover model, this month, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In her mausoleum in Argentina, Eva Peron, known affectionately as Evita, is totally jealous. It’s…

Black Panthers’ Free Lunch Program Love From AOC

Black Panthers’ Free Lunch Program Love From AOC

Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez loves her some radicals. Marxists, Socialists, Communists, the more radical the better. In this installment, She Guevara (AOC) touts the Black Panthers and…

Crazies Emerge After Death of RBG

Crazies Emerge After Death of RBG

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone, but the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (may she rest in peace) brought the crazies out on social…

Father Damien Gets Shade Thrown at Him by AOC

Father Damien Gets Shade Thrown at Him by AOC

You don’t have to be Catholic to deeply admire Father Damien of Molokai, Hawaii. Born in Belgium as Jozef de Veuster, he came to Hawaii in 1864, and…

Goya Foods Cancelled After Praise For Trump

Goya Foods Cancelled After Praise For Trump

Holy Frijoles, niños y niñas! The Cancel Culture (TM pending) is out in full force. Goya Foods must be cancelled because the CEO Robert Unanue praised President…

Tulsa Trump Rally Sabotaged By TikTok Teens

Tulsa Trump Rally Sabotaged By TikTok Teens

Teens on TikTok and Kpop fans are claiming that they sabotaged the Tulsa Trump Rally by inflating the requests for tickets. There was clearly something odd going…

Mark Cuban Touts Trickle Up Economics

Mark Cuban Touts Trickle Up Economics

Billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban sent out a series of Tweets this weekend touting a “trickle up economic” plan. Cuban’s plan would send $1,000.00 every two weeks to…

Tax For Thee, Not For Me, Says AOC

Tax For Thee, Not For Me, Says AOC

While young community organizer and socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is, uh, “organizing”, her economics degree fails her once again. Allegedly, AOC is on the hook for a seven…

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Ava Gardner