Why You Should Read National Review’s ‘Against Trump’ Edition

Why You Should Read National Review’s ‘Against Trump’ Edition

Lets see, one of the many “blizzards of the century” is slated to hit the eastern seaboard and Washington D.C. today. Not only that, but the political…

Trump is Using Alinsky Tactics to Attack Opponents

Trump is Using Alinsky Tactics to Attack Opponents

Remember the days back in 2009 and 2010 when the Tea Party was just starting to be heard? We learned about the work of Saul Alinsky, a…

Marco Rubio Responds to an Atheist, and His Answer is Brilliant

Marco Rubio Responds to an Atheist, and His Answer is Brilliant

Today all eyes were on Iowa, focused on the spectacle of Sarah Palin endorsing Donald Trump for President, ending the rumors which began floating yesterday that she was…

Donald Trump Campaign Circus Gets New Act With Sarah Palin Endorsement

Donald Trump Campaign Circus Gets New Act With Sarah Palin Endorsement

Well, the three-ring circus Trump campaign added another act today. Step right up ladies and gents…its Showtime!! “I’m proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for president,” Ms….

Trump, McCain, Coulter and the Dems Continue to Question Ted Cruz’s Citizenship

Trump, McCain, Coulter and the Dems Continue to Question Ted Cruz’s Citizenship

Donald Trump has doubled down on his concern trolling of Ted Cruz’s alleged citizenship problem by offering him “legal advice.” And it’s free! .@SenTedCruz Ted–free legal advice…

WaPo Cartoonist Depicts Ted Cruz’s Daughters As Trained Monkeys On A Leash

WaPo Cartoonist Depicts Ted Cruz’s Daughters As Trained Monkeys On A Leash

There are some sweet little girls who are stealing the show left and right, the Presidential election show that is. I wrote about them here. Yes indeed, they…

Donald Trump’s False Claim Of NJ Muslims Cheering 9/11 Briefly Supported By Carson [Video]

Donald Trump’s False Claim Of NJ Muslims Cheering 9/11 Briefly Supported By Carson [Video]

You know, Donald Trump just can’t help himself. Its not enough that he’s in the running, 11th place last I checked, for Time magazine’s Person of the…

#DemDebate: Hillary Clinton Avoids Saying Radical Islam [Video]

#DemDebate: Hillary Clinton Avoids Saying Radical Islam [Video]

Did you know that there was a Democrat Presidential debate last night? I know, you’re thinking.. who in their right mind would have a 2 hour debate…

#GOPDebate: Round Four Undercard Recap [Video]

#GOPDebate: Round Four Undercard Recap [Video]

Tonight’s Presidential debate, hosted by Fox Business and the Wall Street Journal kicked off with 4 candidates on stage for the Undercard debate. The reaction was swift…

Politico Caught Covertly Editing Ben Carson “Hit Piece”

Politico Caught Covertly Editing Ben Carson “Hit Piece”

Politico published a MAJOR “GOTCHA” story on Ben Carson this morning. Little did they know that not only would the fact checkers start poking major holes into…

Carly Fiorina To Ladies Of ‘The View:’ “…You Guys Are Lemons?”

Carly Fiorina To Ladies Of ‘The View:’ “…You Guys Are Lemons?”

There are some people that just relish creating controversy. Some even seem to thoroughly enjoy sticking their foot in their mouth. And then there are those who use crudeness…

Fox Business GOP Debate: Christie, Huckabee Bumped From Main Stage

Fox Business GOP Debate: Christie, Huckabee Bumped From Main Stage

Next week’s GOP debate line up was announced last evening, and it was chock full of surprises. The candidate lineup for the Fox Business-WSJ #GOPDebate on Tuesday,…

Jeb Bush’s Faltering Campaign: Can He Fix It?

Jeb Bush’s Faltering Campaign: Can He Fix It?

Fresh off his less than stellar, at times even awkward debate performance Wednesday night, Jeb Bush held an emergency phone call with his campaign advisors and top…

Hillary Rips Ted Cruz and Ben Carson Over Gay Rights (Videos)

Hillary Rips Ted Cruz and Ben Carson Over Gay Rights (Videos)

On Saturday, Hillary Clinton gave a speech to the Human Rights Campaign, designed to cement her support with the LGBT crowd. In her speech she took shots…

Fiorina Attacked by Chuck Todd and Planned Parenthood, Fends Them Off

Fiorina Attacked by Chuck Todd and Planned Parenthood, Fends Them Off

On Sunday morning’s broadcast of Meet the Press, moderator Chuck Todd aggressively challenged Carly Fiorina on her powerful statement at this month’s Republican presidential debate when she…

Bill Clinton Attacks GOP and Media for Hillary’s Scandals

Bill Clinton Attacks GOP and Media for Hillary’s Scandals

Bill Clinton is very, very upset. He sees Hillary’s poll numbers tanking, and is going into full blame-everyone-else mode, attacking Republicans and the media for his wife’s…

Trump Explodes at News Outlets for Reporting on Empty Chairs at SC Event

Trump Explodes at News Outlets for Reporting on Empty Chairs at SC Event

Donald Trump is on the warpath again against certain media outlets, but this time his tirade doesn’t involve Fox News. He railed against Politico on Twitter on Thursday….

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Ava Gardner