Anti-Semitism Rising: Why is Anyone Shocked?

Anti-Semitism Rising: Why is Anyone Shocked?

Anti-Semitism is on the rise – both in the United States and worldwide. A rash of attacks against Jewish citizens in New York has left the nation…

Hanoi Jane Fonda To Climate Protest Critics: “Those People Don’t Matter”

Hanoi Jane Fonda To Climate Protest Critics: “Those People Don’t Matter”

“Those people don’t matter.” That’s according to Hanoi Jane Fonda who is barely one month into her “Fire Drill Fridays” climate change protest schtick in Washington D.C….

Comedic Gold: Millennials “Badass” in AOC’s Eyes

Comedic Gold: Millennials “Badass” in AOC’s Eyes

For a while there, we thought Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dropped off the face of the earth. But alas, our socialist darling comes out of her cave for some…

Britain Goes Rude For Trump State Visit

Britain Goes Rude For Trump State Visit

Remember that Michelle Obama quote, “when they go low, we go high?” Yeah, no one was listening. Least of all some very disgruntled people in Great Britain.

Dear AOC, The Definition Of Code Switching Is Pandering

Dear AOC, The Definition Of Code Switching Is Pandering

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had a speaking gig the other day. She was one of the keynotes at Al Sharpton’s National Action Network conference thingy. It wasn’t enough for…

Ilhan Omar Goes Ugly In Her Anti-Semitism

Ilhan Omar Goes Ugly In Her Anti-Semitism

The Democrats have an anti-Semitism problem. And it is personified in the likes of the new Congresswoman from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar.

Farrakhan Fangirl Tamika Mallory Is Still Clueless

Farrakhan Fangirl Tamika Mallory Is Still Clueless

After the devastating article in Tablet Magazine last month, you would think Tamika Mallory and the other leaders of the Women’s March would realize that they need…

Our Wishes for a Conservative New Year

Our Wishes for a Conservative New Year

Here at Victory Girls we’d like to see a conservative 2019. Which means, of course, that some big things need to happen — like The Wall. But…

Got Toxic Whiteness? Feminists Have the Cure

Got Toxic Whiteness? Feminists Have the Cure

If you’re a white person reading this — even a white woman — you probably have toxic whiteness, but you don’t even know it. Here you are…

Ben and Jerry’s: Taste The Rainbow of Hypocrisy

Ben and Jerry’s: Taste The Rainbow of Hypocrisy

Ben and Jerry’s, hippie, Vermont ice cream outfit has come up with a new ice cream flavor this past week called “Pecan Resist”.

Kavanaugh Confirmation On Deck, Liberals Freak Out [VIDEO]

Kavanaugh Confirmation On Deck, Liberals Freak Out [VIDEO]

The confirmation of future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh is about to begin tomorrow morning. Despite the best digging by media, Democrats, and the left (I think…

Another Whine Fest Awaits: Behold, The Youth Empower Movement

Another Whine Fest Awaits: Behold, The Youth Empower Movement

From the youth of the Women’s March comes the Youth Empower Movement and they’re marching again. This time to shift our society from the beastly clutches like,…

What Can’t He Do? Trump Even Inspired Feminist Fashion Trends. [VIDEO]

What Can’t He Do? Trump Even Inspired Feminist Fashion Trends. [VIDEO]

All women love to express themselves through their clothing style. Let’s be honest here — it doesn’t matter if we’re traditional or progressive, we do love our…

The Opening Of The Social Civil War [VIDEO]

The Opening Of The Social Civil War [VIDEO]

The lines have been drawn, and this is not going to end well. Over the weekend, the positive glee of many people on the left who were…

Perp Walk: Harvey Weinstein Charged With Rape And Sex Abuse [VIDEO]

Perp Walk: Harvey Weinstein Charged With Rape And Sex Abuse [VIDEO]

Harvey Weinstein is a piece of slime. That’s been known by the Hollywood and political elite for YEARS. Yesterday it was announced that he would turn himself…

Nikki Haley Drops Reality Check About The “Peaceful” Thugs At Gaza [VIDEO]

Nikki Haley Drops Reality Check About The “Peaceful” Thugs At Gaza [VIDEO]

It is mind-boggling how many people, who should know better, have aligned themselves with the violent protestors terrorists on the Gaza border. Not only that, but the…

The Hypocrisy of Liberalism

The Hypocrisy of Liberalism

This morning, many around the world mourn the loss of Barbara Bush. Mother, literacy advocate, former First Lady, mother of a former president, Mrs. Bush was loved…

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Ava Gardner