It is ridiculous to want honesty in dating?  Transgenders this is not how you self promote

It is ridiculous to want honesty in dating? Transgenders this is not how you self promote

Dating kind of sucks. I think we can all start there. As we can all recall, dating is awkward, painful and messy at best until you find…

#ImranAwan: Kids Homework Was Reason For Massive Data Transfer From House Server! [VIDEO]

#ImranAwan: Kids Homework Was Reason For Massive Data Transfer From House Server! [VIDEO]

The Washington Post recently wrote a story on the Imran Awan IT scandal plaguing Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Rep. Andre Carson, and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra. The…

Trans v Parents: First grader investigated for “pronoun mishap”

Trans v Parents: First grader investigated for “pronoun mishap”

Last week the story of a teacher holding a transgender transition ceremony for kindergartners made the news. How young is too young to introduce a child to…

Parents: Eight-Year-Old Son is a Trans Girl, Sue Private School Saying, “Accommodate Us!”

Parents: Eight-Year-Old Son is a Trans Girl, Sue Private School Saying, “Accommodate Us!”

A California couple has filed a complaint this week with their son’s private school. Priya Shah and Jaspret Brar say Heritage Oak Private School advertised itself as…

John McCain Issues Transgender Military Statement

John McCain Issues Transgender Military Statement

Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) in his role as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) has issued a statement on President Donald Trump’s tweeted ban on…

President Trump Announces Ban On Transgenders In Military, Internet Explodes [VIDEO]

President Trump Announces Ban On Transgenders In Military, Internet Explodes [VIDEO]

Needless to say, President Trump lit the internet on fire this morning. While everyone was focused on his battles with Sessions, Tillerson, the media, healthcare, Russia, etc…

#KidRockForSenate: Leftists Apoplectic Over Musician’s Pro-Hard Work, Transparent Govt Message

#KidRockForSenate: Leftists Apoplectic Over Musician’s Pro-Hard Work, Transparent Govt Message

Remember 2012 Obama’s “You Didn’t Build That” communist mantra? While it didn’t go over well with hard-working small-business owners struggling to stay afloat in his intentionally-anemic economy,…

Secretary Mattis Delays Transgender Enlistment Policy [VIDEO]

Secretary Mattis Delays Transgender Enlistment Policy [VIDEO]

Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced late yesterday that the planned implementation of an Obama administration policy, which would allow transgender people to enlist in the military,…

FBI Must Explain Why Their Translator Went To Syria And Married ISIS Terrorist [VIDEO]

FBI Must Explain Why Their Translator Went To Syria And Married ISIS Terrorist [VIDEO]

The FBI has some serious explaining to do! And no, I’m not talking about their botched investigation into Hillary’s emails and servers. I’m talking about rogue employees…

#SCOTUS Boots Gavin Grimm’s Transgender Bathroom Case Back to Lower Courts

#SCOTUS Boots Gavin Grimm’s Transgender Bathroom Case Back to Lower Courts

I haven’t stepped foot in a Target store since the chain implemented a policy last April that allows biological males to use the women’s restrooms, and vice…

#JackieEvancho’s Transgender Sister Says It Is An “Honor” For Her Sister To Sing At Trump Inauguration [VIDEO]

#JackieEvancho’s Transgender Sister Says It Is An “Honor” For Her Sister To Sing At Trump Inauguration [VIDEO]

With the inauguration of President Elect Donald Trump in seven days, the festivities of the inauguration will start on Thursday, January 19th and continue through Saturday the…

Judge Blocks Obamacare Mandates that Force Abortion, Transgender Services [VIDEO]

Judge Blocks Obamacare Mandates that Force Abortion, Transgender Services [VIDEO]

Is the dismantling of Obamacare upon us? While the nation was getting ready for New Year’s celebrations, a federal judge in Texas issued a nationwide block on…

Mom of Transgender Teen Sues for Parental Rights

Mom of Transgender Teen Sues for Parental Rights

A Minnesota woman named Anmarie Calgaro is suing several Minnesota state agencies for parental rights concerning her seventeen year old transgender son, as reported by the Washington…

Transgender Service Members Will Transition with the Help of Their Commanding Officers [videos]

Transgender Service Members Will Transition with the Help of Their Commanding Officers [videos]

With the announcement by Secretary of Defense Ash Carter that transgender individuals would be allowed to serve in the military, a new bureaucracy was created. It is…

FBI Redactions of Orlando 911Transcript Ignores Reality Of Terrorism Because “Feelings” [VIDEOS]

FBI Redactions of Orlando 911Transcript Ignores Reality Of Terrorism Because “Feelings” [VIDEOS]

This post has been UPDATED below. This morning, Deanna wrote about the twisty winding spin that Attorney General Loretta Lynch attempted concerning the Orlando terrorist. Basically Lynch…

Washington State To Teach Elementary Children About The Concept of Transgenderism

Washington State To Teach Elementary Children About The Concept of Transgenderism

Forget the puberty video and public schools handing out condoms to junior high students. What do Kindergarteners need to know? Their ABC’s? How to count to 100?…

“Transmasculine” elementary school teacher wins $60,000 settlement for harassment

“Transmasculine” elementary school teacher wins $60,000 settlement for harassment

A “transmasculine” elementary school teacher in the Gresham-Barlow School District in Oregon has won a $60,000 settlement from “their” district for harassment from other teachers. The teacher…

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Ava Gardner