Quote of the Day: The Patriarchy in the Transgender Movement

Quote of the Day: The Patriarchy in the Transgender Movement

According to today’s so-called feminists, women should accept men as our allies and compatriots in arms… if they’re transgender, anyway. If they paint on some makeup, grow…

Transgender Reporter Zoey Tur on Bathroom Bill (Video)

Transgender Reporter Zoey Tur on Bathroom Bill (Video)

The Federalist Papers website has reported that a total of thirteen states are lining up to fight the Obama’s administrations guidelines on transgender bathrooms. Thirteen states are…

Obama Decrees Transgender Students Can Use Bathroom Of Their Choice [Video]

Obama Decrees Transgender Students Can Use Bathroom Of Their Choice [Video]

With a flourish of his famed pen, Obama decreed on Friday that transgender students can use the bathroom or locker room of their choice in public schools….

Chicago Public Schools become hostile to non-transgendered students, staff

Chicago Public Schools become hostile to non-transgendered students, staff

The Chicago Public School system implemented guidelines requiring transgender students and employees to be addressed by their preferred name and pronoun. If noncompliance is intentional, students and…

Obama Invokes Transgender “Mothers” on Mothers’ Day [VIDEO]

Obama Invokes Transgender “Mothers” on Mothers’ Day [VIDEO]

Today is Mothers’ Day, a uniquely American holiday, a holiday which is marked by preschoolers proudly presenting their little handprints in clay to their mommies, families taking…

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Phone Transcripts: ‘Attack Had Nothing To Do With Film’

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Phone Transcripts: ‘Attack Had Nothing To Do With Film’

Hillary Clinton abruptly canceled a Good Morning America town hall meeting set for this morning, citing scheduling issues. Keep in mind that she was the only Democrat…

#DemDebate: Hillary And Bernie Primetime Slugfest Over Guns, Transparency, Foreign Policy, Wages

#DemDebate: Hillary And Bernie Primetime Slugfest Over Guns, Transparency, Foreign Policy, Wages

Last night’s Democratic Debate between Hillary and Bernie was one of the most combative yet. It was quite the slugfest in fact. Sarcasm, shouting, finger waving…oh my!…

Childhood Transgenderism is Child Abuse Say Pediatricians

Childhood Transgenderism is Child Abuse Say Pediatricians

The American College of Pediatricians (not to be confused with the American Academy of Pediatrics) has issued a statement that concludes that gender reclassification of children (transgenderism)…

Washington State Imposes New Rules and Sanctions to Cater to Transgenders

Washington State Imposes New Rules and Sanctions to Cater to Transgenders

The old Vulcan proverb has been flipped on its head. The needs of the few now outweigh the needs of the many. In this case, it is…

Chelsea Manning calls Caitlyn Jenner the Grinch Who Stole the Trans-Movement

Chelsea Manning calls Caitlyn Jenner the Grinch Who Stole the Trans-Movement

In the season of giving, Chelsea Manning has no love, or acceptance, for Caitlyn Jenner. Shortly after her 6th birthday spent in prison, and on Christmas Eve…

Media Fibs: Falsely Claims Ted Cruz Blamed “Transgender Leftist Activist” for Colorado Springs Shooting

Media Fibs: Falsely Claims Ted Cruz Blamed “Transgender Leftist Activist” for Colorado Springs Shooting

Once again, the mainstream media—this time the usual suspects being The Hill and Yahoo News—are misrepresenting the facts. In a statement regarding the alleged suspect in the…

First VA Transgender Clinic to Open in Cleveland

First VA Transgender Clinic to Open in Cleveland

I’m having a hard time with this story. I can’t decide if I want to laugh or be incredibly angry. The story itself reads like a 8…

Lost In Translation: Japanese Woman Calls Black Men The N-Word and Unleashes Fury

Lost In Translation: Japanese Woman Calls Black Men The N-Word and Unleashes Fury

Apparently, this young Japanese woman did not know what she was in for when she dropped the n-word (as in a rap song) to a group of…

Former Planned Parenthood Employee’s Testimony Could Spell Trouble For Organization [TRANSCRIPT]

Former Planned Parenthood Employee’s Testimony Could Spell Trouble For Organization [TRANSCRIPT]

The likelihood that Planned Parenthood is indeed violating federal law just got a big dose of Uh-Oh. Why? Because of the planned statement submitted to Congress, ahead…

Obama White House concerned with Transgender needs

Obama White House concerned with Transgender needs

Vladimir Putin has launched air strikes killing our Syrian allies. Mahmoud Abbas has told the United Nations that he is no longer bound by the Oslo Accords…

Obama’s Transformation Of America: Not The Change We Need

Obama’s Transformation Of America: Not The Change We Need

In 2008 a certain Presidential candidate by the name of Barack Obama announced his plan for this Republic. Actually it wasn’t a plan, it was more of…

Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro Threatened by Transgender Reporter Zoey Tur

Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro Threatened by Transgender Reporter Zoey Tur

I’m about to be one of those people that annoy so many of us. You know, the ones who are talking about Bruce Jenner right after four…

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Ava Gardner