Justice Alito’s Religious Liberty Speech

Justice Alito’s Religious Liberty Speech

Justice Alito’s Religious Liberty Speech

Justice Samuel Alito gave a rousing speech on religious liberty last week in Rome, Italy. Of course, what many picked up on is his gentle mockery of world leaders opining on the Dobbs vs Jackson decision.

As our readers know, someone at the Supreme Court leaked the draft of the decision in May. That someone has yet to be identified and fired.

Meanwhile, because Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a concurring decision, the knives are out calling for him to be fired, impeached, restricted, and outright cancelled.

Well now, Justice Alito speaks on both the Dobbs vs Jackson decision and religious liberty. 

According to Salon, infringements upon religious liberty really isn’t a thing here in the United States, because you know, those pesky conservatives. 

Alito during his remarks alleged that “religious liberty is under attack” even though the impenetrable conservative majority on the Supreme Court gave religious rights groups their biggest wins in generations this term: striking down abortion rights, siding with a public high school football coach who prayed on the field after games, and banning Maine from excluding religious schools from tuition assistance programs.

“It is hard to convince people that religious liberty is worth defending if they don’t think that religion is a good thing that deserves protection,” Alito said.

However, as Alito points out in his speech, he’s talking about religious liberty and persecution all around the world. 

“If we look around the world today, we see that people of many different faiths face persecution because of religion,” Alito said, noting that religious liberty is a life-or-death matter in many parts of the globe. He cited examples of groups such as the Yazidis in northern Iraq, Christians in Nigeria, Coptic Christians in Egypt, and Uyghurs in China that have been victims of horrific violence.

Alito also talked about the challenges that lie ahead for religious liberty around the world.

“Religious liberty is under attack in many places because it is dangerous to those who want to hold complete power,” he said. “It also probably grows out of something dark and deep in the human DNA — the tendency to distrust and dislike people who are not like ourselves.”

As I pointed out above, Alito engaged in some pointed yet gentle mockery of world leaders who took the time to offer up their opinions of the Dobbs ruling. 

I’ll admit, I especially liked his mockery of Prince Harry. You know, that guy who was a prince and then quit because his D-list wife didn’t get her way? 

No, no they did not. It’s also worth noting that Justice Elena Kagan gave a speech that same day here in the United States. However, her speech differs greatly from that of Justice Alito’s. Why? Because she flat out states that the Supreme Court should rule based upon public sentiment. 

Liberal Justice Elena Kagan said in a separate appearance in Montana on July 21 that it would be a “dangerous thing for a democracy” if the conservative-majority Supreme Court loses the confidence of the American public.



Whereas Alito has consistently stated and ruled using the Constitution, not fickle public opinion as his guide.

And, of course, because the Supreme Court didn’t rule their way this term on literally anything, Democrats are now clamoring for term limits, while ignoring the whole of the Constitution. 

Justice Alito’s religious liberty speech is worth watching in its entirety. 

Yes, he makes fun of world leaders, but throughout, his point is clear.  As our Constitution has provided, the government does NOT and should NOT be the one to decide which religious freedoms are good and which ones aren’t. 

As Justice Alito pointed out in his speech, it is religious freedom without government intrusion that has led to societal change for the better all over the world. 

No, Ted Lieu is an embarrassment. Our Constitution, in the First Amendment, gives us Freedom OF Religion, which means we can follow or not follow any faith and our government cannot stand in our way. As Justice Alito pointed out in his speech, it is religious freedom without government intrusion that has led to societal change for the better all over the world. 

Feature Photo Credit: Alito by DonkeyHotey via Flickr, cropped and modified

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  • GWB says:

    “It is hard to convince people that religious liberty is worth defending if they don’t think that religion is a good thing that deserves protection,” Alito said.
    You know what makes it even harder? When the people all believe the snake oil the Progressives have been selling, that theirs is not a religion just because there’s no identifiable mythos-type god. When people tell you that “secularism” is not a religion and must be promoted in place of Christianity – and progressivism then replaces it within the halls of gov’t and receives endorsement… because no one believes it’s a religion.

    it is religious freedom without government intrusion that has led to societal change for the better all over the world
    And I’m going to disagree here. It is one religion, actually in action, that has improved so much in the world. It isn’t freedom of or from* religion that has done it.
    (* There is nor freedom from religion. The folks telling you that have a religion, but won’t admit it.)

  • Scott says:

    Lieu is a moron (like most leftists), and someone needs to tell that cuck Harry that our ancestors fought a war so we wouldn’t have to listen to crumpet munching pricks like him.

    Guess he is or will be finding out the truth of the statement “get woke, go broke”.. It’s a shame, I actually thought he was a man till he got involved with that trash of a wife he has.

  • Cameron says:

    As our readers know, someone at the Supreme Court leaked the draft of the decision in May. That someone has yet to be identified and fired.

    Probably because it was Kagan or Sotamayor who did it.

    • Scott says:

      You’re probably not wrong.. doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be fired.

      They gotta be happy about Brown being on the court, might save them from the title of Dumbest Justice.. (but just barely) Three of em together don’t have a damn clue about the Constitution (hell, one doesn’t even know what a woman is).. political hacks all.

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