Idiocy Brief: COVID-19 And The Stand For Intersectionality

Idiocy Brief: COVID-19 And The Stand For Intersectionality

Idiocy Brief: COVID-19 And The Stand For Intersectionality

As President Trump calls a national emergency over COVID-19, some of our favorite liberals felt the need to sound off about intersectionality. The first in this week’s long line of idiocy? Stephen King, who is clearly is not a fan of Trump.

Although the President certainly inspired the poetic prose to flow in days of past, Stephen King was feeling a little less humorous in his Tweet yesterday:

A sphincter says what?

Well this is completely irrelevant and ridiculous during a pandemic but it’s also very wrong. U.S. Special Representative for Global Health Diplomacy Dr. Deborah Birx and Director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Seema Verna are on the team. They both spoke today.”-Katie Pavlich, TownHall

This coming from a white man who writes in detail about child orgies. Clearly, Mr. King did not watch the news yesterday or he needs a stronger prescription for his glasses. The oh-so-intersectional and perceptive Stephen King. Sitting up in his home in oh-so-white, Bangor, Maine, tweeting his irrelevant disapproval of President Trump because intersectionality. But, Stephen King is not alone in this fight for equality in this “racist” attempt by our President to curb the coronavirus pandemic:

Then, there’s this friend of Jake Tapper’s:

In the cold rain? With a sick child? Really? Ms. Kapp has voiced in all of this, her hope for a “President Pelosi” (God help us all). In the meantime, though, this is all the President’s fault (combined with “science denial”):

On a national level, Notorious AOC will tell anyone willing to listen to her drivel that people avoiding Chinese restaurants amidst COVID-19 scares is “straight-up racism“. On a local level, in the Seattle-Tacoma metro, liberals are stoking this flame by writing irresponsible articles about the racist implications of COVID-19:

In these times of COVID-19, it’s bad enough if you’re Asian American or even Asian-presenting. A mere clearing of your throat can send people scattering like pool balls after the break. And then we have to listen to people call us carriers of the “Wuhan” or “Chinese” coronavirus, as if a disease belonged to or was caused by a race of people.

Times of crises merely reveal the fissures that were present all along, and the coronavirus outbreak has shown the region’s leadership to be equal-opportunity dispensers of racial insensitivity.-Glenn Nelson, Crosscut

But man, that task force of professionals President Trump has appointed are a bunch of racists who don’t know a thing about science! Clearly, they did not think about equality and intersectionality at all.

As a resident of the metro Seattle-Tacoma area, we parents are now staring at our kids who are not going to school for six whole weeks (at least). We are hearing rumblings from Washington State and teachers’ unions about equity and because of intersectionality and equity across the board, all online learning in our state has been suspended until those in charge come up with a plan. The bright side? We have evened out everything across the board and currently, all students, K thru 12 get squat in the way of education until all of this crap is sorted out. Idiocy. We have a homeless crisis in the metro area that has been spiraling out of control even before a pandemic came upon us. We have incompetent individuals setting up quarantine motels where homeless individuals in need of extra attention and suspected of having COVID-19 are walking away, shoplifting at local stores and hopping on public transportation! Idiocy. I have a husband who flies for the airlines and I waver between being fearful of him coming into contact with some selfish schmuck on a plane who knowingly has tested positive for COVID-19 and the economic impacts this has not only on pilots but all individuals who make up a successful and profitable airline. I worry about our large Boeing community and our families who depend on these jobs to put food on the table every night. Most of us are concerned for our elderly parents. Most of us are more concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on our families, friends, communities regardless of socio-economic background, race or gender.

Seems as if Stephen King and his (Project) Blue gang of white shrieking liberal jackasses want to make this about race and gender-about our President not being intersectional enough when in truth, some of these overtures to be intersectional and equal to all parties are failing everyone. There’s a lesson in there for Bernie Sanders supporters if they look deep enough. The silver lining in all of this idiocy? Today, I chatted with a woman in line behind me at Safeway we laughed about what food we are getting for our teenage boys in preparation of them being home for six weeks and raiding the cupboards. And as I dodged through the crowded aisles, I noticed that people in general were kinder, gentler in spirit and more willing to give a smile.

In short, idiocy will continue to bombard us over the next few weeks and perhaps even the next few months. Times of crises may reveal the “fissures” but I’d like to believe humanity is stronger and will fill in the cracks.

Photo Credit: Pixabay/Creative Commons/Cropped

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  • King was just trying to make up for committing the egregious sin that people should be judged on their accomplishments, not their skin color.

  • Brian Brandt says:

    “So sorry to hear this news. How is it possible that today, in Los Angeles — at a world class hospital in America —rationing scientific measures of health . . . ”

    Don’t like rationing? Wait until we get Medicare for All.

  • Dietrich says:

    “Note that Trump’s coronavirus team is all male, all old, and all white.”
    “It’s just a parade of old white guy CEOs…”

    GO TEAM!

  • GWB says:

    all online learning in our state has been suspended
    Bullcarp. Can’t be stopped. You can’t stop the signal, Mal. I guarantee all those homeschoolers are only pretending to cough in their sleeves – they’re really laughing – as they go about their normal activities.

    all students, K thru 12 get squat in the way of education until all of this crap is sorted out
    That’s only true of institutionalized kids. But, think of it this way: they’re also not getting socialist indoctrination until it’s sorted out, too.
    (I do realize that special needs kids are likely hurt during this, as most of their care is provided in some fashion by gov’t.)

    I worry about our large Boeing community
    Honestly, the impact from airline distress is the least of Boeing’s worries right now.

    Plenty of folks are NOT panicking. Plenty of folks are just shaking their heads and helping each other out and not really worried. Until they look at the people around them freaking OUT and selling their stocks and buying toilet paper and sanitizer andcannedmeatandMREsandrubbingalcoholandfreeze-driedsurvivalfood and…
    And we get a bit worried because mobs seldom have a good ending to them, and this is starting to look like a mob of startled buffalo, and we’re between them and the cliff.

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