Democrats In Congress Had A Hard Week

Democrats In Congress Had A Hard Week

While the Republicans were busy at their convention, the Democrats had a lot on their plate. There were some pretty big events that they were dealing with – some of their own making, and some of them not.

Jamaal Bowman Is A Big Loser

Jamaal Bowman Is A Big Loser

In the bid for New York House, Jamaal Bowman was bound and determined this past weekend to “show New York who the f-ck he is” and boy…

AOC Tells An Uncle Bosey-style Story To Commemorate The Dobbs Decision

AOC Tells An Uncle Bosey-style Story To Commemorate The Dobbs Decision

Yesterday was the two year anniversary of the Dobbs Decision. Those of us who can read know that the Supreme Court decision on Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s…

AOC Blasts Cardi B in Cringeworthy On-Stage Rant

AOC Blasts Cardi B in Cringeworthy On-Stage Rant

Just when you thought Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) could not be any more cringe than she already is, the woman outdoes herself.

Benjamin Netanyahu Is A War Criminal, Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Benjamin Netanyahu Is A War Criminal, Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

We are reaching all-new lows in American politics, but what do you expect with the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who now may be considered one of the…

AOC Agrees October 7th Is Really Trump’s Fault

AOC Agrees October 7th Is Really Trump’s Fault

Some things are just predictable. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. AOC agrees that Donald Trump is to blame for what Hamas…

NYPD Gets A Bad Rap For Doing Their Job

NYPD Gets A Bad Rap For Doing Their Job

An illicit open-air “market” was broken up by NYPD yesterday after it was reported and discovered this “market” sold stolen goods by migrant “vendors”.

AOC Claims New Student Loan Bailout Scheme Gives “Hope”

AOC Claims New Student Loan Bailout Scheme Gives “Hope”

Yesterday, Joe Biden announced that he doesn’t care what the Supreme Court says. He is going to buy votes with taxpayer money by bailing out even MORE…

AOC Swears As Leftist Activists Make Her “Uncomfortable”

AOC Swears As Leftist Activists Make Her “Uncomfortable”

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, right, AOC?

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Sunday Morning Cafe Cocktails

Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me, standing in for our terrific…

Even Democrats Can’t Stand AOC, Book Reveals

Even Democrats Can’t Stand AOC, Book Reveals

A new book is coming out, and it’s all about AOC and The Squad. The long and the short of it is, the Democrats are stuck with…

The Squad: We Know What Being Jewish Is And What A Ceasefire Means

The Squad: We Know What Being Jewish Is And What A Ceasefire Means

Every single time you think the Squad, the de facto Hamas Caucus of Congress, can’t sink any lower, they always manage to outdo themselves.

Elon Musk Offers Starlink In Gaza To Aid Groups Only

Elon Musk Offers Starlink In Gaza To Aid Groups Only

While the war on Hamas has moved into a “new phase,” activists went whining to Elon Musk on Twitter/X because Gaza lost internet. What did they want…

AOC: Israel Committed War Crimes, Not Hamas

AOC: Israel Committed War Crimes, Not Hamas

AOC has no qualms about Hamas terrorists staying in power in Gaza. It’s Israel who is committing the war crimes.

Ilhan Omar’s Day Of Rage

Ilhan Omar’s Day Of Rage

We know every day can potentially be a day of rage for Ilhan Omar. We also know the Internet is forever. What else do we know? When…

The Squad Promotes Heinous Resolution Calling For Israel Ceasefire

The Squad Promotes Heinous Resolution Calling For Israel Ceasefire

A ceasefire??!! Wow. Evidently The Squad wants Israel to just let Hamas terrorists have free rein. Israel cannot be allowed to A. defend themselves and B. retaliate…

AOC Addresses Hamas Terrorism, Cites Jews For Condemnation

AOC Addresses Hamas Terrorism, Cites Jews For Condemnation

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex has long been one of the joker cards of Congress. Good for the game of “did you hear the latest from …” around the breakroom….

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Ava Gardner