Must read: USMC General John Kelly Speech….and the meaning of Character

“The two Marines had about five seconds left to live. It took maybe another two seconds for them to present their weapons, take aim, and open up….

Death and Taxes AKA Obamacare and IRS

Benjamin Franklin said, “The only things certain in life are death and taxes.” Well, we all know the first thing is for sure.  Nobody gets out of…

While Asshats lie in DC, Phoenix Police show up BIG for little Tatum Raetz

A little girl, named Tatum Raetz, graduated from kindergarten in Phoenix, Arizona. Her Daddy couldn’t be there with her.  He was killed by an illegal hit and…

Leftist Media Jackass Lizz Winstead’s Un-Apology

On this heartbreaking day, with the sun shining on unbelievable destruction and unimaginable sorrow, we are yet again confronted with the most vile behavior from those who want…

The Measure of a Man

Much will be written about President and Mrs. Bush today.  Given the proclivities of the usual suspects in the not-so-mainstream media, much of it will be negative…

Progressive liberal pro-abortion activist targets….adoption???

As an adoptive mother, I am surprised I’m doing it all wrong. And if you are an adopted child, evidently you’ve had a really horrible life. So this…

Now you can’t even die without a “feminist” objection….

So now the New York Times is “revising” obituaries to suit the political “correct” notion of what a woman must accomplish in the course of a lifetime…

No word from the race hustlers.

“I would ask everyone to bear in mind that Marquise or De’Marquise ‘Markie’ Elkins is himself a child,” Gough said. “His favorite television shows are cartoons, especially…

The Lessons of Family

I am a very lucky member of a large, conservative, hard-working family of strong Catholic and Protestant faith.  After a boisterous St. Patrick’s Day get together, I’m inspired…

Sex Week at University of Tennessee

Prepare to blow a gasket Thank goodness!  I was worried that today’s college students might have no idea about how to “how to turn up the heat…


I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their…


Let’s forget about the actual facts, liberals…let’s forget that the city with the highest per capita murder rate has the strictest gun restrictions in the nation. Let’s…

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Ava Gardner