She’s a Brilliant Chess Grandmaster, and She Stood Up to Iranian Head Scarf Bullies. [VIDEO]

She’s a Brilliant Chess Grandmaster, and She Stood Up to Iranian Head Scarf Bullies. [VIDEO]

One of the most plucky women from this easily-triggered, #MeToo generation is a 29-year-old from India you’ve never heard of. However, you should know how she stood…

Government Hog Overspending Is Strangling US

Government Hog Overspending Is Strangling US

The headline of the “” article is enough to make you choke on your bacon: “Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes Through May; Still Run $532.2B Deficit”….

Campaign Follies: Progressive Democrat Candidate Maces Self For School Safety [VIDEO]

Campaign Follies: Progressive Democrat Candidate Maces Self For School Safety [VIDEO]

Over the last few years, we’ve seen some weird things happen during political campaigns including Hillary’s fainting spells and coughing fits, Dan Helmer’s ad channeling Top Gun,…

People’s Republic of Seattle Blinked

People’s Republic of Seattle Blinked

A month ago, Seattle made the news when it passed a “head tax” aimed at helping the homeless. Approximately 500 businesses would be forced to pay $0.14/employee…

#SingaporeSummit: Here’s the “Destiny” Video Trailer Trump Played For Kim Jong-un [VIDEO]

#SingaporeSummit: Here’s the “Destiny” Video Trailer Trump Played For Kim Jong-un [VIDEO]

We are watching history unfold. And as millions across the globe sat transfixed to the images on their screens emerging from Singapore yesterday, behind the scenes, Donald…

Trump Poked Fun at Kim’s Weight and Unlocked a New Troll Level. [VIDEO]

Trump Poked Fun at Kim’s Weight and Unlocked a New Troll Level. [VIDEO]

So did this happen? Did President Trump really troll the, um, rather portly Kim Jong-un about his weight? I’ll say ‘yes’ for $100, Alex.

Obama Bros Go Bitter On Trump-Kim Meeting [VIDEO]

Obama Bros Go Bitter On Trump-Kim Meeting [VIDEO]

If you were part of the Obama Administration while it normalized Cuba and dropped off pallets of cash in Iran, maybe you should just sit out commenting…

Trump the Vulgar – The Angry Deep State Tells All

Trump the Vulgar – The Angry Deep State Tells All

For decades, the elected Senators and Representatives, the un-elected bureaucrats of the permanent Washington D.C. class, along with the liberal/progressive/socialist/authoritarian academics and think tanks have engaged to…

Lovebird Journalism Is Why The Media Has No Credibility [VIDEO]

Lovebird Journalism Is Why The Media Has No Credibility [VIDEO]

Just a few short days ago we wrote about James Wolfe’s indictment. He had been the Senate Intelligence Committee Security Director for years and was found to…

Italians Say “Turn the Migrant Ship Around” [VIDEO]

Italians Say “Turn the Migrant Ship Around” [VIDEO]

In a shocking development for the open borders E.U. bunch, Italy’s new Foreign Minister refused to allow a French NGO vessel permission to land. Filled with 629…

Did Bill Clinton Admit He Abused Women “Against Their Will?” [VIDEO]

Did Bill Clinton Admit He Abused Women “Against Their Will?” [VIDEO]

And you thought James Comey’s book tour was an epic Charlie-Foxtrot. Cue Bill Clinton, who’s thus far been unable to shake the tough questions dogging him as…

Cheers And Selfies With Kim Jong-Un Are Why We Can’t Have Nice Things [VIDEO]

Cheers And Selfies With Kim Jong-Un Are Why We Can’t Have Nice Things [VIDEO]

You know there is something seriously out of whack in the world when one of the most tyrannical dictators to ever grace this planet is cheered like…

De Niro Has Discovered the Secret to Reelecting Trump [VIDEO]

De Niro Has Discovered the Secret to Reelecting Trump [VIDEO]

And the crowd went WILD at Robert De Niro’s classless “Fuck Trump!” outburst on national television! The collective orgasm at De Niro’s inability or unwillingness to leash…

Kim Jong-Un Is A Dictator And Always Will Be [VIDEO]

Kim Jong-Un Is A Dictator And Always Will Be [VIDEO]

President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un, as Toni noted here, are now meeting in Singapore to discuss peace or something. We can hope for peace and…

Obama Records Missing At National Archives [VIDEO]

Obama Records Missing At National Archives [VIDEO]

It seems that Hillary Clinton’s issues with transparency were rather widespread during the Obama Administration years – and it’s going to affect history, research, and scholarship on…

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Eats “Hate Chicken”: The  Intolerant “Tolerant” Have a Collective Aneurysm

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Eats “Hate Chicken”: The Intolerant “Tolerant” Have a Collective Aneurysm

Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey did his own SPINS-WHEEL on the social app this past weekend. Round and round it went. Where it stopped?

Bill Maher, a Compassionate Liberal, Wants You To Suffer

Bill Maher, a Compassionate Liberal, Wants You To Suffer

Let’s recall the Leftwing mobs (joined by more than a few ostensible conservatives) braying for the head of Rush Limbaugh saying about President Obama, I hope he…

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Ava Gardner