Scaramucci Out As White House Communications Director [VIDEO]

Scaramucci Out As White House Communications Director [VIDEO]

Eleven days. That’s how long it took for Anthony Scaramucci to wear out his welcome and go straight out the back door at the White House.

“So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye…” (photo: AP)

The snark was immediate.

Democrats Will Support Pro-Life Candidates, Progressives Flip Out [VIDEO]

Democrats Will Support Pro-Life Candidates, Progressives Flip Out [VIDEO]

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has decided to widen the tent in order to win. To that end, they’ve decided that a “D” is more important after…

North Korea Escalates, Japan and US Agree To Further Action [VIDEO]

North Korea Escalates, Japan and US Agree To Further Action [VIDEO]

The news on Friday that North Korea had shot off another ICBM that landed in Japanese territorial waters was not good news for anyone. The distance on…

The Imran Awan IT Case Isn’t About Bank Fraud, It’s About National Security [VIDEO]

The Imran Awan IT Case Isn’t About Bank Fraud, It’s About National Security [VIDEO]

The IT “advisor” scandal regarding Imran Awan that the media, Democrats, and especially Debbie Wasserman Schultz want us to ignore isn’t going to go away anytime soon. If,…

Feminist Jessica Valenti’s Logic: Hard Work For Young People Equals Racism

Feminist Jessica Valenti’s Logic: Hard Work For Young People Equals Racism

I do love it when liberals stick their proverbial foot in their mouth in an attempt to cry unfairness and racism. Take Brooklyn-based, The Guardian and Marie…

JK Rowling Spreads Fake Twitter Story About Trump and STILL Won’t Delete It. [VIDEO]

JK Rowling Spreads Fake Twitter Story About Trump and STILL Won’t Delete It. [VIDEO]

Author J.K. Rowling is a citizen of the UK, but that doesn’t stop her from expressing her hatred for the American President. She really, really loathes Donald…

As Goes California: Is hug-a-thug coming to your state?

I was born and raised in southern California, coming of age in the early 70s. For all the laid-back, Hollywood glam, surfer, Fast Times at Ridgemont High…

#Hamburg Rocked By Jihadi Knife Attack In Supermarket [VIDEOS]

#Hamburg Rocked By Jihadi Knife Attack In Supermarket [VIDEOS]

A jihadi knife attack in a German supermarket in Hamburg has claimed one life and left six other wounded. My favorite part of the video below is…

Trump is right to fire Priebus, he was weak [video]

Trump is right to fire Priebus, he was weak [video]

Reince is out, Kelly is in. The Whitehouse shakeup of the Chief of Staff has reportedly been coming for weeks. It all came to a head yesterday…

Did the NYC Couple Really Commit Suicide Because of Health Care Costs? [VIDEO]

Did the NYC Couple Really Commit Suicide Because of Health Care Costs? [VIDEO]

The headlines are sensational. In New York City, a couple committed suicide by jumping from their apartment building. Furthermore, the initial reports eagerly pushed the narrative that…

Charlie Gard Has Died, And We Are All Less For It [VIDEO]

The sad news that little Charlie Gard has died in hospice care is not a shock, but it is a tragedy. After raising money to get treatment…

Media Buries Story On Imran Awan, Are They Protecting Debbie Wasserman Schultz Or Themselves? [VIDEO]

Media Buries Story On Imran Awan, Are They Protecting Debbie Wasserman Schultz Or Themselves? [VIDEO]

The story concerning Imran Awan  should be front and center in the news cycles. But it isn’t. Why? I mean it’s not like there isn’t any there…

Forget Kid Rock, Check Out John James for US Senate from Michigan [VIDEO]

Forget Kid Rock, Check Out John James for US Senate from Michigan [VIDEO]

Well, will he or won’t he? In a statement Wednesday morning, Kid Rock said that eh, maybe he won’t run for Senate after all. Or maybe he…

#WhatHappened: Hillary Clinton’s New Memoir Has The Most Awkward Title Ever [VIDEO]

#WhatHappened: Hillary Clinton’s New Memoir Has The Most Awkward Title Ever [VIDEO]

Hillary is in the news again. Yay?? No seriously, a big YUUUGE announcement was made this morning. Are you ready for this? The title of Hillary Clinton‘s…

Planned Parenthood Director Uses “Checkbox” To Skirt Federal Partial-Birth Abortion Law [VIDEO]

Planned Parenthood Director Uses “Checkbox” To Skirt Federal Partial-Birth Abortion Law [VIDEO]

The Center for Medical Progress just released their latest video documenting the evil horror that is abortion. Dr. Suzie Prabhakaran, the Vice President of Medical Affairs for…

Mr. Scaramucci disclosing public disclosures is not a felony

Mr. Scaramucci disclosing public disclosures is not a felony

Public Disclosures are exactly what they sound like folks. They are documents or information that is available for the public to view and discuss because we do…

John McCain Issues Transgender Military Statement

John McCain Issues Transgender Military Statement

Senator John McCain (RINO-AZ) in his role as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) has issued a statement on President Donald Trump’s tweeted ban on…

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Ava Gardner