Virginia Gets A New Start, Media Prepares Panic

Virginia Gets A New Start, Media Prepares Panic

Virginia Gets A New Start, Media Prepares Panic

Today is the day that the Ralph Northam chapter ends in the state of Virginia, and the era of Glenn Youngkin begins.

Not that Northam left with any dignity or grace. After the huge I-95 standstill during a terrible winter storm just ten days ago (when the geniuses of Twitter blamed Youngkin, who hadn’t been sworn in yet), Northam blamed… the drivers. Classy, right? Well, Northam went on to say in a gushingly sickening Washington Post profile that he was “99 percent sure” who the person in blackface was in his infamous medical school yearbook picture. Which apparently answers the question everyone asked when that picture was rediscovered. If Northam is “99 percent sure” who the guy in blackface is, then Northam is the one in the Klan hood. How nice of him to indirectly clear that up right before leaving office.

But before he left, Northam gave a fellow Democrat a parting gift.

Northam pardoned Democratic state senator Joe Morrissey, 64, who was charged with having a sexual relationship with his 17-year-old, part-time receptionist and pleaded guilty to contributing to the delinquency of a minor in 2014. After serving a three-month jail sentence, Morrissey had a child with the victim and the couple married when she turned 18.”

Morrissey, who won reelection to the House of Delegates while campaigning from jail in 2015, told the Washington Free Beacon on Friday that he “absolutely” felt vindicated by Northam’s decision to pardon him.”

“I was absolutely thrilled that the governor pardoned me. My wife and I are most delighted,” said Morrissey when reached by phone. “However, the people who will be most affected by this and who will in the future be the most grateful are our four little children.”

Thanks, Ralph Northam, for absolutely nothing. May you be remembered with disgust above all else.

It’s time for Virginia to turn the page from Northam the loser, and start fresh with the new Republican administration of Governor Glenn Youngkin, Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears, and Attorney General Jason Miyares.

Which means it’s time for the media to drum up some PANIC!!!!! (Why should they stop, they’ve been freaking out ever since election night!) After all, Youngkin has been quite clear that he has plans for Virginia, including dropping the mask mandate for K-12 schools. This means the media needs to fan the fears of DEATH BY OMICRON.

Virginia’s incoming governor, Glenn Youngkin, said he will lift the state’s school mask mandate and change other COVID-19 policies after taking office Saturday, Jan. 15. The change in direction is expected amid what the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association called the fifth surge of the pandemic.”

Youngkin said in an interview Wednesday that Virginia would no longer require children to wear masks in schools.”

“We’re gonna rescind the mandate that requires K-12 children to wear a mask to school, and we’ve been quite clear about that,” he told WTKR-TV in Norfolk, repeating a point he made while campaigning.”

School districts will be able to keep mask recommendations in place, but parents can choose not to follow them, he added.”

“The way that Virginia works is that the governor cannot ban mask mandates. Schools make those decisions,” he said. “We will in fact, then, also make sure that schools allow parents to exercise their rights for what’s best for their children, to opt-out of those mandates.”

This was a HUGE part of what Youngkin campaigned on, so of course he’s going to follow through. Naturally, the whining has begun.

Good grief, people need to get a grip. Also, remember Virginia’s awesome new lieutenant governor? Winsome Sears is just going to keep being awesome. It’s clear that she considers herself, Youngkin, and Miyares a team.

Well done, Virginia. You have a clean slate with a new governor, a new lieutenant governor, and a new attorney general. Now, remember WHY you elected them, and let them do their job. Forget the ugliness of the Northam years, and embrace the course correction that you’re about to get.

Featured image: original Victory Girls art by Darleen Click

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