Shocker: Eric Holder Finally Got It Right About Snowden [VIDEO]

Shocker: Eric Holder Finally Got It Right About Snowden [VIDEO]

Someone check to see if there is ice skating happening in Hades, because for once I actually agree with former Attorney General Eric Holder. While the world…

#MemorialDay: Paying Respects To Our Honored Dead [VIDEO]

#MemorialDay: Paying Respects To Our Honored Dead [VIDEO]

Today is the day when every American should stop and pay their respects to our honored dead, whether in thought or in deed. At Arlington National Cemetery,…

Obama Administration Claims ISIS Is Losing Ground [VIDEO]

Obama Administration Claims ISIS Is Losing Ground [VIDEO]

Lest we get too distracted with political chicanery and bathroom issues, the Obama Administration sent out its diplomatic envoy on Sunday to declare that ISIS, or Islamic…

‘Not The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetimes’ Until You Consider The Supreme Court

‘Not The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetimes’ Until You Consider The Supreme Court

I read an interesting article by Allen Bourdius over at Hot Air this morning about this election cycle. [Setting, 2004] If Bush isn’t reelected, John Kerry will destroy…

Former Mexico President Vincente Fox’s Epic Twitter Rant Against Donald Trump

Former Mexico President Vincente Fox’s Epic Twitter Rant Against Donald Trump

From the start of Donald Trump’s campaign we’ve heard nothing but “Build A Wall!” between the U.S. and Mexico. That was his YUUUGE idea and the only…

North Korea Launches Four Long Range Ballistic Missiles, Is Anyone Paying Attention?

North Korea Launches Four Long Range Ballistic Missiles, Is Anyone Paying Attention?

This week, with a 1 hour sham trial, North Korea sentenced 21 year old American, Otto Warmbier to 15 years of hard labor. But that’s not all the…

Iran Awards Medals For The Capture of American Sailors

This really just happened. Iran has awarded the head of the Revolutionary Guard and navy commanders who were involved in the capture of U.S. sailors earlier this…

Iran Frees Five U.S. Prisoners At What Cost To The United States?

Iran Frees Five U.S. Prisoners At What Cost To The United States?

Americans woke to great news this morning. Five prisoners, including a U.S student, held in Iran for 543 days in some cases, have been freed and are on their way…

Iran Captures US Sailors, An Act Of War: Obama and Kerry Apologize

Iran Captures US Sailors, An Act Of War: Obama and Kerry Apologize

The President’s 65+ minute “short” SOTU blather was notable in many respects. Most notable was what was missing. No, I’m not talking about his utter lack of humility. Instead…

Anonymous Warns of ISIS Attacks; Brussels Goes into Lockdown (video)

Anonymous Warns of ISIS Attacks; Brussels Goes into Lockdown (video)

Yesterday the hacktivist group Anonymous released this ominous message on Twitter, warning of impending ISIS attacks to occur on Sunday. #ISIS planning attacks in Paris, US, other…

John Boehner Says ‘No Regrets’ In Farewell Speech To House [Video]

John Boehner Says ‘No Regrets’ In Farewell Speech To House [Video]

Outgoing House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) drew a wave of sympathetic laughter as he approached the podium, tissue box in hand, to give his farewell speech. Well…

Obama Orders US To Accept 10,000 “Syrian” Refugees

Obama Orders US To Accept 10,000 “Syrian” Refugees

10,000. No, not dollars. That is the number of immigrants President Obama is concerned with. Its the number of refugees we’ve been told will be coming to America…

IAEA Will Not Share Its Agreements With Iran, and John Kerry is Okay With That

IAEA Will Not Share Its Agreements With Iran, and John Kerry is Okay With That

The International Atomic Energy Agency, which is a United Nations-based inspections group, has come to its own separate deal with Iran regarding nuclear inspection. And they won’t…

ISIS Pied Piper Of Evil Strikes Again: 3 In Brooklyn Arrested

Yesterday, it was announced that three upstanding personages were arrested in Brooklyn. Why is this news? Well, they are the latest crop of misguided children who’ve decided…

#AntiSemitism Rising? Targeting of Jews in Europe, Swastikas in United States

#AntiSemitism Rising? Targeting of Jews in Europe, Swastikas in United States

There’s a famous quote that goes something like this: “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.” Unfortunately, it’s looking more and more like we’ve…

#SOTU: Obama’s Turn The Page “Leadership”

President Obama wants to turn the page. He wants to turn America’s page away from the realities that we face, and his opening remarks of his address to our…

The Obama Administration Doesn’t Even Pretend to Say #JeSuisCharlie

As we here at Victory Girls reported yesterday, President Obama had no plans to go to Paris for yesterday’s unity march – despite a clear schedule. His…

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Ava Gardner