Monday, Biden delivered a load of blathering blunders in front of the European Union’s leaders in Brussels; slurring and mumbling royally on the world stage. Again.
The laptop really isn’t a big deal according to the White House and the media. Even as the New York Times committed an actual act of journalism…
The city of Mariupol in Ukraine has taken a punishing siege from the Russians.
Xi Jinping and China are in an interesting moment, and it’s all Russia’s fault.
Late yesterday, the United States House of Representatives voted, 424 yeas to 8 nays, to suspend Normal Trade Relations with Russia over the ongoing invasion and destruction…
Volodymyr Zelensky certainly knew that he wasn’t going to get everything that he asked for during his Zoom call to Congress.
We have watched the invasion of Ukraine by the thug Vladimir Putin for 20 days now on our devices. We have watched as the brave citizens of…
You may know him better by his stage name “Five for Fighting,” but John Ondrasik is not your average rock star. He loves America and our military,…
Despite all the cackling that Kamala Harris has done, 2022 has not provided any yucks. When you consider that Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden are thermonuclear annihilation…
Is asking for a direct meeting with Putin a good idea, bad idea, or idea of last resort?
This isn’t exactly a “red pill” moment – it’s more like a “broken clock is right twice a day” moment.
While Saturday Night Live (SNL) has seen better days in terms of comedic genius, there are some times when SNL hits the mark and produces something humorous…
Anyone watching the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, right now, cannot help but be impressed… by her utter ineptitude.
Chernobyl is offline right now. Which is hugely concerning. Why? Because even though the one reactor was shut down years ago due to that nuclear accident, the…
Welcome to the latest stop in the Joe Biden Propaganda Tour. Sorry, I suppose I should say “welcome” to the President for gracing Fort Worth with his…
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