Dear Celebs: Ukraine Is Not About You

Dear Celebs: Ukraine Is Not About You

It does not take long for our dear, narcissistic celebs to take any situation and mold it for shameless self-promotion. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a perfect…

Biden’s Useless Toothless Sanctions

Biden’s Useless Toothless Sanctions

The sanctions are useless. Why? The Iran Deal. Specifically, Russia is still involved in the negotiations! 

Ukraine Soldiers Tell Russian Warship To Go “Eff” Yourself

Ukraine Soldiers Tell Russian Warship To Go “Eff” Yourself

It feels surreal being at CPAC 2022 listening to Conservative speakers talk about problems and solutions in the United States while the world is being reordered. Vladimir…

VG at CPAC 2022: Josh Hawley Calls Out Joe Biden Bigly

VG at CPAC 2022: Josh Hawley Calls Out Joe Biden Bigly

Political conferences and conventions are meant to fire up the base with the red meat they need to keep them engaged until the next election. The teacher’s…

Taiwan And China Are Both Watching Ukraine

Taiwan And China Are Both Watching Ukraine

Joe Biden is going to be rated as probably the worst foriegn policy president of the modern era. (Amazingly, Jimmy Carter lived to see this day.)

LIVE: Resident Biden’s Remarks on Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

LIVE: Resident Biden’s Remarks on Putin’s Invasion of Ukraine

There were no remarks from Biden last night as Russian troops moved into Ukraine and explosions were heard in Kyiv. He was probably already in his winter…

Putin Invades Ukraine. Thanks a Lot, Joe Biden.

Putin Invades Ukraine. Thanks a Lot, Joe Biden.

The world has been waiting for days, wondering when Vladimir Putin would send Russian forces into Ukraine. Some even doubted that he would do so. But on…

Feckless Biden Emboldens Putin’s Dream of Empire

Feckless Biden Emboldens Putin’s Dream of Empire

Predictably, the stockmarket took a dump yesterday following the bizarre and disturbing speech FICUS Biden gave concerning Putin’s grab of the separatist regions of Ukraine. And while…

Biden Harris: A Foreign Policy Embarrassment

Biden Harris: A Foreign Policy Embarrassment

A foreign policy embarrassment. That is the epitome of the Biden Harris Administration. Never has it been so apparent as it is right now over the Russia…

Zelensky To West: Are You Helping Ukraine Or Not?

Zelensky To West: Are You Helping Ukraine Or Not?

Volodymyr Zelensky is probably in the worst of all worlds right now.

False Flag Operation In Russia/Ukraine

False Flag Operation In Russia/Ukraine

False Flag Operation: 1. an attack or other hostile action that obscures the identity of the participants carrying out the action while implicating another group or nation…

Russia: We’re Pulling Troops Away From Ukraine

Russia: We’re Pulling Troops Away From Ukraine

Russia wants the world to know that they have no intention of invading Ukraine. Heck, they’ve even pulled troops away from the border, they said. Everyone needs…

Ukraine Tensions Up As Biden Sends Mixed Messages

Ukraine Tensions Up As Biden Sends Mixed Messages

The Biden foreign policy decisions being made right now are going to be the end of Ukraine as an independent nation.

Biden Blames Army For HIS Afghanistan Failures

Biden Blames Army For HIS Afghanistan Failures

He blames the Army. Yes, that’s correct. Biden accepts zero responsibility for anything, especially his Afghanistan failures.

Biden: Let’s Wag The Dog Over Russia Ukraine Conflict

Biden: Let’s Wag The Dog Over Russia Ukraine Conflict

Biden wags the dog over the Russia Ukraine conflict. Last evening we find out the situation, according to all the experts is more dire than we thought….

Biden Admin Totally Unprepared For Afghanistan Evacuation

Biden Admin Totally Unprepared For Afghanistan Evacuation

Totally unprepared. Something we’ve all known, but now documents verify it. The Biden Administration had no idea what it was doing regarding Afghanistan. Axios broke the story.

Cat Announcement Shows White House Desperation

Cat Announcement Shows White House Desperation

This has not been a good week for the Biden-Harris administration. Let us count the ways…

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Ava Gardner