Tax Bill Passes, Democrats Cry “Heist!” [VIDEO]

Tax Bill Passes, Democrats Cry “Heist!” [VIDEO]

It must be awful to be a Democrat right now. Every single thing is an emergency, or the end of all that we know, or the worst…

Orrin Hatch Shuts Down Sherrod Brown Original Gangsta Style

Orrin Hatch Shuts Down Sherrod Brown Original Gangsta Style

There was a disturbance in the Force that is the United States Senate yesterday. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) raised his voice and used ungentlemanly language. I, for…

The Poor Don’t Pay Enough Taxes

The Poor Don’t Pay Enough Taxes

The Republican Tax plan has been released. They are trying to sell us, the great unwashed in flyover country, that this is tax reform. Lawrence H. Summers,…

SPLC’s Sketchy Financial Dealings

SPLC’s Sketchy Financial Dealings

Let’s make one thing clear up front: there’s nothing illegal about using offshore bank accounts to store and move assets. Numerous people have offshore accounts – some…

Make AmeriCorps Extinct

Make AmeriCorps Extinct

I’ll give Washington DC its due. The protests that sometimes grace the city are… interesting, to say the least. Two years ago, a bunch of guys gathered…

Puerto Rico Wants Statehood… Or Does It? [VIDEO]

Puerto Rico Wants Statehood… Or Does It? [VIDEO]

If you look at just the vote totals, it could seem overwhelming. In the vote for statehood, 97% of Puerto Rico voters who cast a ballot voted…

Refusal To Acknowledge White Socialism Is Blocking Universal Healthcare, Yes Really [VIDEO]

Refusal To Acknowledge White Socialism Is Blocking Universal Healthcare, Yes Really [VIDEO]

An interesting article crossed our paths recently. At first glance the title speaks to what we’ve all been dealing with concerning Obamacare. Unspeakable Realities Block Universal Health…

CA Ignored Oroville Dam Issues In Favor Of High-Speed Rail, Illegals, More Taxes [VIDEO]

CA Ignored Oroville Dam Issues In Favor Of High-Speed Rail, Illegals, More Taxes [VIDEO]

The Oroville Dam was constructed in the 1960’s and dedicated by then Governor Ronald Reagan in 1968. A time when the California legislature wasn’t prone political correctness,…

Is Trump’s 20% Mexico Import Tax To Fund Border Wall A Good Idea? [VIDEO]

Is Trump’s 20% Mexico Import Tax To Fund Border Wall A Good Idea? [VIDEO]

The wall will be built by hook or by crook as the saying goes. And it seems that President Trump is determined to make it so. President…

Democrat Slogan ‘Make America Sick Again’ Is Desperate Attempt To Save Obamacare [VIDEOS]

Democrat Slogan ‘Make America Sick Again’ Is Desperate Attempt To Save Obamacare [VIDEOS]

Stop the presses!! Obama is on Capital Hill in a last ditch effort to save at least ONE portion of his legacy. That’s right, Obama and the Democrats…

Down Ticket Races: Your Vote, Your Voice, The Future Of Our Republic Does Matter [VIDEOS]

Down Ticket Races: Your Vote, Your Voice, The Future Of Our Republic Does Matter [VIDEOS]

This election cycle is, quite frankly, vomit inducing. Never has it been more obvious that the media is in the tank for the Democrats, and that the…

#Debate2016: The Many Faces of Hillary Clinton [VIDEOS]

#Debate2016: The Many Faces of Hillary Clinton [VIDEOS]

Remember the first presidential debate, when Hillary Clinton did her little shoulder shimmy? She thought she was All It and a bucket of chicken. Tonight Trump…

The Trump Tax Issue [VIDEO]

The Trump Tax Issue [VIDEO]

The New York Times decided to spring its supposed “October Surprise” over the weekend, and released three pages that allegedly came from Donald Trump’s tax returns from…

Hillary Clinton’s New Tax Plan Hikes Death Tax Rate To 65% [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton’s New Tax Plan Hikes Death Tax Rate To 65% [VIDEO]

The first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump takes place on Monday. I’m sure Lester Holt will have a whole host of questions to ask the…

Hillary’s Free College Plan Feels The Bern Of Failure [VIDEO]

Hillary’s Free College Plan Feels The Bern Of Failure [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton’s grand economic plan has so much wrong with it, its difficult to unpack it all. Toni hit the high points here, but there’s more when…

The Donald Trump Economic Plan

The Donald Trump Economic Plan

As to taxes, they are evidently inseparable from government. It is impossible without them to pay the debts of the nation, to protect it from foreign danger,…

Sanders on Charity: Do As He Says, Not As He Does

Sanders on Charity: Do As He Says, Not As He Does

There is no doubt that Bernie Sanders has the vote of the “Occupy” population. You know the ones (insert millennial vocal fry here)…”Like, my college should be…

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Ava Gardner