Andrew Yang’s $1,000 A Month ‘Freedom Dividend’ Is A Major Tax Grab

Andrew Yang’s $1,000 A Month ‘Freedom Dividend’ Is A Major Tax Grab

Presidential candidate Andrew Yang cheerfully touted his “Freedom Dividend” during last night’s debate. We will save our economy and Americans by gifting them with $1,000 a month!…

Cory Booker’s Immigration Plan Is Hogwash

Cory Booker’s Immigration Plan Is Hogwash

Cory Booker’s immigration plan is total hogwash. His plan will open the floodgates even further and cause more problems that it will solve. But supposedly it’s a…

Democrat Candidates Unanimously Agree Illegals Should Get Free Healthcare

Democrat Candidates Unanimously Agree Illegals Should Get Free Healthcare

During last nights pander fest, the Democrat candidates unanimously agreed that illegals should get free healthcare, no questions asked.

Beto’s War Tax is a Bomb

Beto’s War Tax is a Bomb

When Beto isn’t oversharing his personal hygiene experiences, he’s on the campaign trail talking up his divisive, and ineffective, War Tax plan. His idea of taxing Americans…

At “Moral Economy” Forum Biden Promises Tax Hikes, Status Quo

At “Moral Economy” Forum Biden Promises Tax Hikes, Status Quo

With Elizabeth Warren nipping at his heels, and after dodging slings and arrows from his fellow army of Democratic presidential candidates for being AWOL from the campaign…

7 Takeaways from Fox’s Bernie Sanders Town Hall

7 Takeaways from Fox’s Bernie Sanders Town Hall

We watched, so you didn’t have to. And the fact that FOX held their town hall with Bernie Sanders (D-VT) on Tax Day was not lost on…

Tax The Rich Democrats Will Destroy Our Country

Tax The Rich Democrats Will Destroy Our Country

The Democrats running in the 2020 Presidential Election, so far, are not hiding who they are. They are coming for the wealthy. They are going to tax…

State Lawmakers Partied While California Burned

State Lawmakers Partied While California Burned

The recovery from the California Camp, Hill, and Woolsey fires will take a long time and likely billions of dollars. It’s well known that the fires were…

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Does 60 Minutes [VIDEO]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Does 60 Minutes [VIDEO]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been the media’s darling ever since she won her primary (it was a foregone conclusion that she would win the election). After all, how…

Macron’s Speech To Yellow Vest Protestors Channels Jimmy Carter’s Malaise Talk

Macron’s Speech To Yellow Vest Protestors Channels Jimmy Carter’s Malaise Talk

It’s been nearly a month of protests now in France. Protests that have destroyed property, ruined priceless art, and caused centuries old landmarks such as the Louvre…

Washington Post Says Socialism Is Cool [VIDEO]

Washington Post Says Socialism Is Cool [VIDEO]

Elizabeth Bruenig says socialism isn’t the dirty word we’ve always thought it was. You see, we capitalist Deplorables just don’t understand that socialism has been so misunderstood…

Socialism Is Pricey: Bernie Sanders ‘Medicare For All’ Plan Has $32.6 Trillion Price Tag [VIDEO]

Socialism Is Pricey: Bernie Sanders ‘Medicare For All’ Plan Has $32.6 Trillion Price Tag [VIDEO]

We’ve all known that Bernie Sanders has never met a socialist program he doesn’t like. Heck, every platform he has espoused, whether as a candidate in Vermont…

Government Hog Overspending Is Strangling US

Government Hog Overspending Is Strangling US

The headline of the “” article is enough to make you choke on your bacon: “Feds Collect Record Individual Income Taxes Through May; Still Run $532.2B Deficit”….

It’s Primary Day in California, But Don’t Expect Anything to Change

It’s Primary Day in California, But Don’t Expect Anything to Change

While conservative prognosticators busily try convincing us that California has a great chance of flipping to red this fall, it’s about as likely as Texas turning blue.

Liberal Cities Embrace Homelessness [VIDEO]

Liberal Cities Embrace Homelessness [VIDEO]

A toxic combination of tolerance and greed has created a crisis in liberal cities like San Francisco and Seattle, where homelessness is fast becoming an acceptable lifestyle…

Idiot CA Legislators Demand Corporations Give Fed Tax Savings Back To State [VIDEO]

Idiot CA Legislators Demand Corporations Give Fed Tax Savings Back To State [VIDEO]

California has a money and reality problem. Remember Oroville Dam? Still not fixed, yet sky high funding for the misguided bullet train continues and state taxes were…

Five Tweets That Did Not Age Well In 2017

Five Tweets That Did Not Age Well In 2017

Ah, Twitter. What would we do without knowing the instant and unfiltered reaction of every single person with itchy fingers and wi-fi at the ready?

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Ava Gardner