State Department Admits $400M To Iran WAS A Ransom Payment [VIDEOS]

State Department Admits $400M To Iran WAS A Ransom Payment [VIDEOS]

You know that old saying…If it walks, talks, and acts like a duck, then it IS a duck? In this case, the duck is the $400 million…

Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Raked In Big Bucks During Russian ‘Reset’ [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton’s Foundation Raked In Big Bucks During Russian ‘Reset’ [VIDEO]

Hard headed “realism” combined with “Commercial diplomacy.” Those are the favorite phrases Hillary and crew use to describe her years as US Secretary of State, and it…

No Criminal Charges: FBI Director Comey Gives Hillary Clinton Get Out Of Jail Free Card [VIDEO]

No Criminal Charges: FBI Director Comey Gives Hillary Clinton Get Out Of Jail Free Card [VIDEO]

Teflon Hillary strikes again. Somehow, in spite of the preponderance of evidence; the FBI has determined that the case against Hillary Clinton isn’t such a big deal…

State Depart Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails For Two More Years [VIDEOS]

State Depart Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails For Two More Years [VIDEOS]

Why is the State Department protecting Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation? What are they hiding? Those are just a few of the questions being asked far…

Not A “Glitch:” State Dept Admits Deleting Iran Deal Press Briefing Footage Was Deliberate [VIDEOS]

Not A “Glitch:” State Dept Admits Deleting Iran Deal Press Briefing Footage Was Deliberate [VIDEOS]

The current administration brags continuously about how “transparent” they are.  Transparently secretive to the nth degree that is. In recent weeks and specifically the last couple of…

Yes Hillary: State IG Report Confirms Email/Server Issue DOES Make A Difference [VIDEO]

Yes Hillary: State IG Report Confirms Email/Server Issue DOES Make A Difference [VIDEO]

The State Department Inspector General’s report, which you can read here, regarding Hillary’s emails makes one thing very clear. What she did was willfully wrong and blatantly inexcusable….

New Benghazi Witnesses Speak Out

New Benghazi Witnesses Speak Out

Two new witnesses have come forward to tell what they know about the events in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012. Adam Housley of Fox News has…

New Hillary Clinton Emails Revealed, Huma Abedin Interviewed By FBI [VIDEOS]

New Hillary Clinton Emails Revealed, Huma Abedin Interviewed By FBI [VIDEOS]

Not long after Hillary’s campaign stops in West Virginia that combined backtracking, “I misspoke” about shutting down coal, and encounters with a laid off coal miner who…

Pope Francis Brings Home Syrian Refugees, Obama Wants More [VIDEO]

Pope Francis Brings Home Syrian Refugees, Obama Wants More [VIDEO]

Pope Francis just returned to the Vatican from his trip to Greece with twelve extra passengers in tow. They’re Syrian refugees selected from the Moria encampment on…

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Phone Transcripts: ‘Attack Had Nothing To Do With Film’

Hillary Clinton Benghazi Phone Transcripts: ‘Attack Had Nothing To Do With Film’

Hillary Clinton abruptly canceled a Good Morning America town hall meeting set for this morning, citing scheduling issues. Keep in mind that she was the only Democrat…

Travel tips for the not so pretty

Travel tips for the not so pretty

Spring is a great time to travel and the US State Department has travel tips in various forms of media and print. This article describes the aftermath…

Federal Judge Has Had Enough! Orders ALL Hillary Clinton Emails Released By February 29th

Federal Judge Has Had Enough! Orders ALL Hillary Clinton Emails Released By February 29th

Note to the State Department, the Clinton camp, and all others who’ve been so willing to slow-roll the release of Hillary Clinton’s emails: Its REALLY not a…

John Kerry Sent Hillary Now-Classified Info From “Non-Official” Email Address

Is this the old government bureaucrat version of “come on, Mom – everyone else gets to do it, why not ME???” Despite all those non-disclosure agreements and…

Hillary Email Bombshell: Some Emails So Top Secret, They Can’t Be Released

There is finally confirmation coming out from the State Department of what has been reported – that Hillary Clinton’s homebrew server contained highly classified information. In fact,…

Middle East Erupts after Saudis Execute Cleric, but Obama Wants More Gun Control

Middle East Erupts after Saudis Execute Cleric, but Obama Wants More Gun Control

Sectarian violence in the Middle East is about to boil over into anarchy after the Wahabi kingdom of Saudi Arabia executed 47 people in twelve different cities,…

Another Benghazi Email: Who Called Off The Reinforcements?

Judicial Watch has obtained more emails through their FOIA request to the State Department, and have turned up a particularly damning one. ! @JudicialWatch-obtained email: DoD had…

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Ava Gardner