Goodell Capitulates On Behalf of NFL, Gets Owned

Goodell Capitulates On Behalf of NFL, Gets Owned

In response to the George Floyd protests and a video featuring NFL players, NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell released his official statement last night.

The NFL’s New Anthem Rule – Stand Or Stay Inside [VIDEO]

The NFL’s New Anthem Rule – Stand Or Stay Inside [VIDEO]

The NFL knew it had to do something after the immense public relations National Anthem debacle of the 2017 season. The new policy came down this morning…

The North Korean Defector Has Bigger Balls than Roger Goodell. [VIDEO]

The North Korean Defector Has Bigger Balls than Roger Goodell. [VIDEO]

Forget any runs into the end zone you might see if you watch NFL football. The rush into the Freedom Zone made by the defecting North Korean…

What A Farce! GQ Declares Colin Kaepernick ‘Citizen Of The Year’ [VIDEO]

What A Farce! GQ Declares Colin Kaepernick ‘Citizen Of The Year’ [VIDEO]

Yes, you read that headline correctly. Seems that GQ is doubling down on social justice stupidity these days. This is GQ’s explanation for this “honor”. Much has…

NFL to Jones: Behave or we’ll try to take away your toys

NFL to Jones: Behave or we’ll try to take away your toys

For the last few seasons, the NFL has looked more like the Keystone Cops than a well-run sports organization. We’ve had Deflate Gate, inconsistent discipline for drug…

#TakeAKnee: Cowardly Roger Goodell Won’t Require Players to Stand for National Anthem

#TakeAKnee: Cowardly Roger Goodell Won’t Require Players to Stand for National Anthem

Victory Girl Jenny wrote a terrific post on the player kneeling issue and its detrimental affects on our nation here. If you haven’t yet read it, please…

The National Anthem, Roger Goodell & Jerry Jones

The National Anthem, Roger Goodell & Jerry Jones

The NFL and the National Anthem protests are once again in the news. After weeks of protests, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has issued a memo on the…

#NFL: Stand Don’t Kneel For UNITY! But Respect For Country Is Still Bad [VIDEO]

#NFL: Stand Don’t Kneel For UNITY! But Respect For Country Is Still Bad [VIDEO]

When the NFL season started, politics was front and center. Players on every team were taking a knee in support of oppression and it was being touted…

On Players’ Free Speech, #NFL Commish Roger Goodell Is a Star-Spangled Hypocrite

On Players’ Free Speech, #NFL Commish Roger Goodell Is a Star-Spangled Hypocrite

While people are literally clinging to life in Puerto Rico and other areas hit hard by natural disasters, last night, the only team owner who had the…

NFL Players Memo To Roger Goodell: Declare November As Unity Social Justice Month [VIDEO]

NFL Players Memo To Roger Goodell: Declare November As Unity Social Justice Month [VIDEO]

People around the United States are making their voices heard regarding how each views the kneeling protests by NFL football players during the games on Sunday, and…

Well, NFL, What Will You Do?

Well, NFL, What Will You Do?

Until about 10 years ago, I was a massive football fan. Football was something my friends and I revered growing up. As a student journalist for my…

NFL Ratings Are Sinking, But Will This Change Anything? [VIDEO]

NFL Ratings Are Sinking, But Will This Change Anything? [VIDEO]

The current trends are not looking good for the NFL. The league is used to commanding huge prices for its commercial time, because it was a guarantee…

No, Colin Kaepernick, Your Protest is Not Working

No, Colin Kaepernick, Your Protest is Not Working

Colin Kaepernick is a coward. From the comfort of a secured stadium and his cushy leather armchair, he’s taken the NFL, and its fan base, hostage. It’s…

Dear NFL, Remember What Sunday This Is (VIDEO)

Dear NFL, Remember What Sunday This Is (VIDEO)

Much has been written about Colin Kaepernick. And yes, he will be sitting down during Sunday’s game, most likely. And I mean the ENTIRE game, as he…

Is #Deflategate Finally Over, Or Will Tom Brady Try His Luck At SCOTUS?

Is #Deflategate Finally Over, Or Will Tom Brady Try His Luck At SCOTUS?

If Tom Brady was any kind of a man, or a role model, we wouldn’t still be discussing “Deflategate.” Remember that the allegations were all made within…

NFL Commissioner: “I Got It Wrong”

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell was in full-out damage control mode today as he gave a press conference in New York City, saying that he “got it wrong…

New NFL Commish? Calls Grow Louder for Condoleezza Rice to Replace Roger Goodell

Granted, the position is currently filled, but if the embattled Roger Goodell is somehow ousted from his lofty position as NFL Commish, a movement, which started more…

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Ava Gardner