Of Course: Clinton Foundation Says It Won’t Return $250K in #HarveyWeinstein Donations

Of Course: Clinton Foundation Says It Won’t Return $250K in #HarveyWeinstein Donations

Hillary Clinton will not go away. She’s everywhere. She’s hocking her book, and she’s hocking her victimhood, and she’s doing so internationally. Not even yet another face…

#HarveyWeinstein: Symptom of a Corrupt and Incestuous Power Structure

#HarveyWeinstein: Symptom of a Corrupt and Incestuous Power Structure

Last evening, this was the pic and caption at the very tippy-top of the Drudge Report: And this was directly below it… These tweets from staff of…

Who Would You Want For A Boss – Mike Pence or Harvey Weinstein? [VIDEO]

Who Would You Want For A Boss – Mike Pence or Harvey Weinstein? [VIDEO]

This now seems like an eternity ago, but does anyone remember when Vice President Mike Pence was accused of “perpetuating rape culture” and being “sexist” and a…

Quid Pro Quo? Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Declined To Prosecute, Gets Contribution From Weinstein Lawyer [VIDEO]

Quid Pro Quo? Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Declined To Prosecute, Gets Contribution From Weinstein Lawyer [VIDEO]

Let’s ask a question. You’re a district attorney in New York City. Manhattan, even. And you get evidence laid out in front of you that a big…

Rapper Nelly Faux Seduces Preteen Girls on Stage. So Where is Feminist Outrage? [VIDEO]

Rapper Nelly Faux Seduces Preteen Girls on Stage. So Where is Feminist Outrage? [VIDEO]

On Saturday morning, police in Washington State arrested rapper Nelly — real name Cornell Haynes, Jr. — on charges that he raped a woman, without using a…

Hey you!! Drop that Rape Cheese!!

Say, WHAT? No, really … As feminists, we’re working to put more women in office and in corner offices. We fight for equal pay, tax-free feminine hygiene…

Just Stop: No, the AHCA Does Not Make Rape a Pre-Existing Condition [VIDEO]

Just Stop: No, the AHCA Does Not Make Rape a Pre-Existing Condition [VIDEO]

I’m pretty sure very few people have actually read the new American Health Care Act that was just passed in the House. But feminists and leftists are…

Is ‘Stealthing’ really a new sex trend? Is it ‘rape’? Should we care?

Ever on the look out for Men Behaving Badly™, we have this disturbing report from the Left-feminist hook-up crowd But a disturbing new trend described in a…

Terror Attack in Stockholm Sweden: What We Know So Far [VIDEOS]

Terror Attack in Stockholm Sweden: What We Know So Far [VIDEOS]

Sweden has a problem. Not only is rape on the rise, Stockholm has now come under attack by an as-of-yet-unknown assailant(s). That said, the attack has all…

#RockvilleRape: School Blames Victim, Accuses Parents Of Racism And Protects Illegals  [VIDEO]

#RockvilleRape: School Blames Victim, Accuses Parents Of Racism And Protects Illegals [VIDEO]

What happened in Rockville, Maryland is exactly why the Sanctuary City policy is so dangerous and wrong. To recap, two men, 18 and 17 years old, were enrolled…

ICE Arrests Illegal Alien and His Daughter Captures It On Video. [VIDEO]

ICE Arrests Illegal Alien and His Daughter Captures It On Video. [VIDEO]

While the President Trump wiretap story was sucking all the air out of the internet, this video began going viral. It’s a cell phone video taken by a…

#Merkel Offers Cash To Immigrants To Leave Germany [VIDEO]

#Merkel Offers Cash To Immigrants To Leave Germany [VIDEO]

Yes, you read that headline correctly dear reader. Embattled German Chancellor Angela Merkel is literally paying migrants who have been turned down for asylum in that country…

The Virgin Mary is NOT a Rape Victim

The Virgin Mary is NOT a Rape Victim

On the morning of December 16, 2016, The Washington Post uploaded an opinion piece entitled Our culture of purity celebrates the Virgin Mary. As a rape victim,…

Jury Finds Rolling Stone And Sabrina Erdely Acted WITH Malice Over Bogus UVA Rape Story [VIDEOS]

Jury Finds Rolling Stone And Sabrina Erdely Acted WITH Malice Over Bogus UVA Rape Story [VIDEOS]

In 2014 Rolling Stone published a story called “A Rape on Campus.” Authored by Sabrina Erdely, it detailed the brutal assault of Jackie, a freshman at the…

Double Standard: The View’s Joy Behar Calls Bill Clinton’s Sex Assault Accusers “Tramps”

Double Standard: The View’s Joy Behar Calls Bill Clinton’s Sex Assault Accusers “Tramps”

In case you missed it, following Sunday night’s debate, reporters from NBC and ABC asked the three women whom Donald Trump invited to the event—two of whom…

Stanford Rapist’s Father Makes Excuses For His Own Failure

The story is cut, dried, and brutal. Brock Allen Turner, now 20 years old, was convicted of felony sexual assault after being caught in the act by…

Hillary on Trump’s Rape Allegations Recap: No I Won’t Defend Bill’s “Honor”

Hillary on Trump’s Rape Allegations Recap: No I Won’t Defend Bill’s “Honor”

Sean Hannity is off my official Watch List. It’s unnecessary to lay out the reasons here, but like many of our readers, I remain aghast at his…

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Ava Gardner